Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE) Chapter 5

Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE)

Artificial Love: Chapter five

(**Note from Me: I’m pretty sure that everyone know’s that the main character:Kimiko is ‘You’ sooo yeahh… I just thought that I should clear.

Kimiko’s POV

As I ran faster, I tapped on the sides to get the mysterious man’s attention, I saw no one looking through the window. ‘Maybe I didn’t make it through?’ I thought, I tapped it once more and even a little bit harder, few seconds later, a handsome figure pop out inside the window. I smiled and cupped my hands to my mouth.

“Thank you!” I screamed, giving him two thumbs up. He kindly nodded and bowed his head. The bus came across the end of the street that lead to the highways to the next corner. I slowed down my pace and started to jog.

 I waved my last goodbye to the mysterious man one last time before the bus turned away disappearing in the corner behind the red walls. At the end I finally got a wave back from the mysterious man as he disappeared into the corner. I twisted myself back where I was headed.

“He seemed sad, wonder why…”I thought, “But then again… I could have sworn he smiled at me! Well….kinda… a very tiny one at least” I smiled. “Well, he did look, pretty damn hot. Teehee!” I smiled. I ran across the streets to make it into a hotel building, opening the luxurious golden doors. When the doors opened, strong winds of air condition ran through my hair blowing them all the way back my shoulders.

 “Whoa” I gasped. Entering the hollow hotel building, walls were rich tan with vintage designs of diamond shapes and sky scrapes along the large ceiling glass windows up above. I stared down at the nicely polished stone grained floor with sprinkles of diamond like stones.  It was nicely waxed and shined, since I could see my own reflection from bottom to top.

 “Cool…” I smiled but my smile quickly disappeared with a frown. Seeing at it is, I noticed that everyone in the hotel was wearing some kind of rich clothing, and professional designer clothes. Comparing my clothes to theirs I felt pretty embarrassed, I walked passed people with my head down coming towards what looked like a café spot. “I wonder if he meant here…” I mumbled, walking slowly into the café room I searched for Aoi carefully.

"Hey!" I jumped slightly at the loud voice calling out, it echoed across the café, I looked around about in confusion. "Snatcher! over here!" I heard the calling again, it was definitely Aoi... "Kimiko!" I twisted around and looked up with wide eyes, looking straight forward. I spotted Aoi sitting on the fine leather chair and wearing a nice black suit again. "Yeah, you, come over here!" He shouted, waving one of arms. I nodded and walked over towards his table and sat down giving a small glare.

“What’s the glare for?”

“I’m not a snatcher…nor a thief…” I corrected him from before. “Apologize…” I commanded.

“Not again, really? you’re so---”

“Not gonna say sorry? Okay, fine with me, I’ll just leave then” I started to get up as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down to me seat.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry…” he said in a begging way. “That’s better” I smiled. Silence came into the atmosphere between us until the waitress had come with our coffee as we both thanked her.

“Sooo, what’s the rules?” I broke the silence sipping my coffee, “Well, there’s lots…” he replied.  “Rule number one, you need to change your clothes…”

“What’s wrong with these?” I pointed my clothes then coming closer and feeling the soft cloth.

“Nothing…it’s a bit tomboyish…well in a girls outfit in a way…” he answered,

 “That wasn’t ver-”

“Rule two, you’ll have to follow my rules and my rules only. No exceptions.” He tapped his finger on the table three times in demand; I pouted a sigh, and looked at him with ‘Are you serious?!’ expression.

“HEY HEY…That’s’ bull! Where the hell are my rights then?!” I roared. He simply smiled and lifted one finger as he slowly drank his tea, then setting down his cup.

“That’s where rule number 3 comes in, we’ll both have to write our own restrictions for each other…” he pulled out a few sheets of plain paper and gracefully sat them down on the table. “Write you’re restrictions down and I’ll write mine…” he explained, handing me a rich black pen. “Got 15 minutes, write down anything.”

[Fast Forward: After 15 minutes]

When I was finished making my own rules, I sat my pen down carefully onto down on the table for him. "There!" I said proudly, handing my papers on the table. He sat his paper as well and gently pushing it forward for me to read.

“Oh and be sure to read everything on mine please…” I reminded. I grabbed my paper and smirked, “Why? There shouldn’t be much from you, since you--” his eyes popped out, seeing my paper bleed in black pen all over with a total of exactly 200 restrictions rules on them.

“WhAt tHe HeLL?” Aoi quickly grabbed the other sheet of paper looking through back and front of each paper with his jaws open. I stared at his expression and giggled, it was amusing and funny to watch him shocked. He looked at me as if this situation wasn’t funny, I completely stopped my giggling, “What? It’s my restrictions… you said to write everything down sooo…” I curved my bottom lips innocently.


I widen my eyes as he ripped the paper from his hands, “WHAT THE HELL?! YOU KNOW HOW HARD I HAD TO COME UP WITH THOUGHS RULES?!” I half screamed. “Kimiko, I’m not going to apologize for doing that to your paper.” He said, and tangled his fingers and leaned his chin on to them on the table. “Pick at least five out of the 200” he smiled. I snatched his paper and ripped it in half also, making him open his jaw. “You too, how about it?” I smirked I positioned myself the same way as he did.

“Damn… I really hate you…Fine.” He answered. “Rule one, no asking personal background stories, two, do as I tell you to when I tell you to do so. Three, don’t see another guy unless I say so, four, Don’t underestimate me, five don’t act reckless. Got that?” he asked as I gave a small glare. 

“My number one is, no kissing, two, no touching me in certain places or I’ll report ual harassment, three, stop calling me snatcher and thief etc, Four, don’t force me into doing something against my will, and five…”I took a few moments in thought,

Don’t.Fall.In.Love.With.Me.” I huffed out, and turned away avoiding his gaze. Then I heard a burst of laughter out of his mouth. “Oh my god, really? Who would ever fall for you?! that’s like the most funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my life!” he lightly slapped his palm on his head. I looked around before kicking his legs underneath the table making him grunt in pain, he leaned in forward what seemed like he was rubbing his leg from the kick. “ah, oww” he shot a glare at me where my eyes wondered around like nothing had happened. “Damn you…” I heard him mumbled; he leaned back and ‘ahem’ to me "Well, that's one thing we have in common with our list, that was my last one" he spoke.

“Anyways I’m going to need your id and your info” he said, “Why do you need thoughs?” I asked, “incase if anything happens I can take you to jail and what not.” He answered. I leaned my hands on my palm thinking this guy was ridiculous. “Oh my goodness, are you really as--”


His phone went, he made a small chuckle and pressed random buttons on his phone and placed it back into his pocket, “Since you won’t give it to me, I’ll use this then” he smiled. I snapped and placed my hands on the table and glared, my full lips frowning. “You know, I really, really, really, hate you to death…”

“I hate you too” he added, looking down at this tea. “Let’s get things down, for your payment I’ll give you $200 for each on rolling dates I have to attend to alright?” he lifted two fingers at me, I slightly tilted my head thinking it was a bit low, I gently lifted his ring and pinky finger making it into four. “Let’s make it 400.” I pleaded. He smirked evilly and put back two fingers down, back into 200. Once again I grabbed his fingers adding more fingers only this time I had one lifted his ring finger making it 300.

“300! That’s my final offer!” I begged, Aoi shook his head in disapprovement “You know what, never mind I’ll just make your pay to 100 then…” he grabbed his pen as he was about to write down the payment on our contract

“WAIT!” I quickly gripped onto his hand before the pen had touched the paper. “Fine, fine! I’ll take it, I’ll take 200… that’s fine” I pleaded. He slowly lifted his head and gazed his eyes on me, then slowly lit up a smile. “That’s better, good girl…” he phrased. “But…” I started.

“Let’s make things clear, if you do anything that I despise you’ll have to add up more of the money for me” I demanded.  “Like what things?” he asked in confusion, I lifted my hands up into a ‘listing’ position as I started to list things from top of my head.

“Name calling=$5” “Touching my hair=$10” “Touching me anywhere inappropriate = $100 and finally…” I placed my right hand into a ‘rock’ position and slammed it down on my left palms “And kissing me on the lips is $2,000” I proudly answered. He simply slid a small smile across his lips. “Sounds okay to me…” he scribbled his signature on the paper and handed me the pen as I did the same. “Looks like we have a deal”

[Fast Forward]

As we went out of the hotel we started walking out way on a random road, taking unknown sidewalks with luxurious stores, at least for me that is. “Uh, where exactly are we?” I asked turning my body around, scanning every inch of the city buildings from left to right.

“Were in fashion square, where else?” I answered, “For what?” I asked as I walked faster to catch up to him, but it was frustrating, Aoi kept on walking faster as I came closer.

“For you dumb…errr I mean… look at what you’re wearing, everybody is looking at you oddly” he replied in embarrassment, “really?” I looked around and what I saw was unpleasant, I looked back down and started walking fast behind Aoi, people were giving really awkward looks at me!!! ‘aww… this ’ I thought.

Aoi’s POV

   I almost gave it away by calling her a , I mean $5 doesn’t seem much but I’d my money to stay with me then just giving them away by calling stupid names. I gave a small smirk as she bend her head down in embarrassment. I glanced back seeing her close behind me like a little duckling, each time I walked faster, she’d follow closer hiding behind. We both went off the side walked and walked over to the other side of the road and took a right.

“Uh, Aoi, I know this kinda falls into the category of‘getting into your personal business’ but, why use me as your fake girlfriend when you can just look for some other girl that you can just fall in love with?” she asked in curiosity.

“Well first off, to get other girls stop following me…” I answered, I heard a small laugh coming out of , “You? wow, I laugh at that.” She said in enjoyment, “Having a guy like you as a boyfriend must be a pain” I rolled my eyes pretending I didn’t hear anything.

“Second, I just need you to keep my mother occupied until I find someone I to fall in love with.”  I added, “I just need time to find someone, but she’s always nagging about me getting married soo…” I ended; we came across a store name ‘7th Feather’ that had clothes and a salon on the other section. “Let’s go inside” I held the door open for her as she slowly made her way in with such amazement.

“Whoa…” she started, looking left and right at the colorful clothing displayed and walked over to them feeling the soft fabric. “The material feels nice…” she commented. I walked beside her as I watched her thumb rub gently across the cloth material. “Does it feel that good?” I asked. She stopped rubbing the fabric and walked off to the other side of the clothing section with a smile, “Yes it does…” next to her an outfit caught my eyes, I made my way towards the outfit and examining it carefully,

‘It’s not too girly, and not too boyish I guess…but it was perfect’I thought, “Kimi, come here!” I called her, she came next to me with an unknown expression.

“Don’t call me that…” she complained, “Why not? It’s faster than adding the ‘ko’ at the end” I shoved the outfit I had picked out and twisted her around facing the changing rooms, “Go and change into these” I called out an assistant as she came with a bright smile. “Once she’s done can you doll her up?” I asked as the assistant gladly nodded her head and taking Kimiko who twisted her head looking at me with a ‘what the heck are you doing?’ expression, I waved to her as she disappeared into the room.

[Fast Forward]

I waited what seemed like for hours, was it really that hard to put on an outfit and makeup? I messed around my phone playing solitude as I place the cards on the last column to end my game

 “Sir, you’re lady waits” I heard the assistant say, I got up from my chair and twisted my body around lifting my face up towards the stairs, finally seeing her. I remained standing there, watching her with still widened eyes of surprise.


Kimiko’s POV

This only caused me to blush somewhat, my hand raised only to brush the strands of hair behind my ear. Aoi just remained standing there next to the last stair case with his eyes widen, ‘did I look weird?’ I swept my bangs sideways from my eye site. The wonders of being completely engulfed with makeup made my face felt heavy, I carefully made my way down the stairs, not to mention I was wearing really high, high heels, it was hard walking in something I wasn’t familiarized in wearing. I wobbled down the stairs, there were no handle bars what so ever, I stretched my arms out balancing myself, or at least tried?

A hand stretched out in front of me, I glanced at the side, seeing it was Aoi’s hand.”Need help?” he asked me in what sounded like a boring tone, 


Before I could grab his hand I stumbled across the side steps of the stairs sideways and fell in slow motion,


Before I knew it, I saw myself gliding into air. I closed my eyes tight to prepare myself for the fall. Gently and secure, I felt two arms catching me as I fell, automatically one of my hands laced around what felt like a neck and the other tightly griping onto a crisped soft top, and held close to a warm chest. Right away I knew it was Aoi who had caught my fall and held me bridal style. We both stared at each others eyes what seemed like the longest time. Realization hit my face, and my mouth dropped open as I stare at me with wide eyes.

The awkward silence which lasted a full two minutes was barely enough for me to count to ten and giving me an immediate explosion of embarrassment.

“Ano…” I mumbled, quickly looking away from that look on his face. I felt heat burning up my cheeks, I raised my head back up finding Aoi’s face 2 times closer to mine. “uhh, ano, what…are you…doing?” each time I leaned my head backwards his face came closer and closer, as my neck couldn’t stretch back no more, I felt heat from his face in front of mine,

 ‘Oh, no…he’s not going to…kiss me…is he?’

I tightened my eyes as his lips almost touched mine, but I thought wrong…

He slightly lifted his head back and smacked his forehead onto my own hard, “Ah!” I squirmed in pain with my hands held up to where he had hit me, I shot up a glare and slapped him on his shoulders, “What the hell was that for you douche bag?!” I said angrily.

“Watch out there Klutz, and what kind of woman doesn’t know who to walk in heels?” he realized me down by dropping me straight on my . “Ah!” I squirmed again, getting up from the floor massaging my from the pain. “AI-YA! That hurt! At least be more gentle man like! You don’t even deserve to be considered one anyways!” I shot back. We both heard a ring tone from his pocket; he took a deep sigh and had taken out his phone seeing the caller id, rolling his eyes before picking up his phone he greeted in an annoyance tone.


“Yes, i--”

“Yes, in matter in fact I have found someone and on my way…”

“I’ll be on my way”    he clicked his phone and walked towards the exit as I followed close behind him, “Where we going?” I questioned as he held a taxi to pull over and held the door open for me as I got in and I thanked him.

“We’re going to visit my parents, your job starts there and from then on” he answered back, “ehh? Till I get there?!” I panicked. “What am I suppose to do?! They’re you’re parents! They might ask--”

“I know, let me handle that part and you just keep quiet.”  Aoi interrupted.

[Fast Forward]

The taxi stopped in front of a huge luxurious house, my eyes literally felt like popping out. “This is your house? Soo big.” I gasped. “Whatever…” he rolled his eyes, he entered the gate pin number as it opened. Before ringing the door bell he came in front of me with a serious expression that painted his face,

“Just like we practiced in the car… screw this up and you’re payment is gone for good.” He warned I took a deep breath and nodded. “Got it” the tip of his finger pressed the bell as we heard it from the inside, the door knob twisted and opened wide. A beautiful lady had opened the door with a bright smile as she saw Aoi.

“Yuu! You’re here!” she smiled and gave a friendly hug, then a man that looked a bit older than Aoi had come out. “YUU! M, my, my younger brother is home!” he added, giving his the knuckle head.

(Message from Me: Just before you guys go on, I just want to say that I don’t know Aoi’s sisters or brothers name, since he never talks about them as much. So I’ll just be using “onee-chan” and “Onii-chan” or “sister” and “brother” for their calling names okay!)

“Ai-ya! Bro stop it!” Aoi wiggled out of his arm, “Onii-chan and Onee-chan, I would like you to me--”

“Oh my god! You must be Aoi’s new girl he found eh?” His sister interrupted in a cheery tone, grasping both my hands into hers, shaking it gently.

“Yes, I am. Very nice to meet you” I replied back shyly and bowed my head in greet.

“Oh my gosh Aoi~ she’s so pretty! You picked a fine girl!” his sister complimented.

“Sure hope I did…” Aoi said joking to his sister and she playfully slapped him for teasing me, Aoi and I had stared at each other with fake smiles, obviously knowing we were lying.

“Oh my goodness! I could already tell we’re going to be great friends!”       

“Now, now, let her go, your freaking her out” Aoi’s brother said. “C’mon in!” he smiled at me. We all went inside as I walked in a gasp seeing rich furniture’s, paintings, and all you can imagine in a wealthy house.

‘Whoa…’ I thought, now I was really scared being in a house full of sparkling dazzles of richness. “Hey mother and father are in the living room! C’mon in!” his sister opened the large door for us entering the living room. There I found a man and a woman who I was assuming was Aoi’s parents. I gulp just before greeting them and relaxing myself.

“Father, Mother, I’d like you to meet Horiuchi Kimiko” Aoi had introduced, I bowed respectfully, his father seemed to be glad and nodded, as for his mother, she seemed determined and judgmental. “So I see, you are Kimiko… how lovely.” His mother said half bluntly. “You guys must be hungry, let go into the dining room shall we?” His father offered happily.

[Fast Forward]

20 minutes later...

It was an awkward silent, complete silence at least half way till everybody was almost done eating. All you could hear were the silverwares clinging onto the plate as the family cut their meat. I felt very weird in the atmosphere as I kept cutting my meat into small pieces, as I took a bite I glanced at Aoi who was normally eating his food not caring. “So, Kimiko, tell me, what do your parents do for living?” his mother asked after sipping her red wine.

“Uh, well, they--”

“Her mother runs a big financial business along with top rated hotels and travels a lot making her business well run.” Aoi lied as I glanced at him giving a small ‘what?!’ expression, His mother sat down her glass and folded her hands together “Is that so? Well what about her father?” Aoi had closed his lips unsure of himself at first,

“Her father doesn’t exist in this world anymore.” He said in a sad tone. All his family members widen their eyes in surprise, “Oh Kimiko, I’m very sorry…” her sister apologized and as did everyone else.

“Then tell us about where you live and what you do” his mother asked with determined eyes. ‘Don’t screw this up’ I thought.

“Uh, I live in a small home with my mother in a quiet neighborhood; we like to keep ourselves away from big cities”

“Why is that?” she asked rather in a stern voice.

 “Ehh...It gives us space, and we seemed to work better I guess...”

‘Damn her… why the hell does she have to be so serious?!’ I thought

The subject changed swiftly when Aoi’s brother ‘ahemed’

“Tell us what do you like kimiko?” he asked.

“Well, I like a lot of stuff actually, I like fashion and art, I enjoy dancing and singing” I lied, Aoi’s sister popped her body up and clapped her hands together happily, “You do?! I do to! Let’s go and karaoke in the entertainment room!”

“Why that sounds like a great idea!” her father agreed, she walked over to my seat and dragged me into another room, she the machine and started with a song,

 “Oh hey I know this song…” I quietly said, “You do?! Well what are you waiting for sing!” Aoi’s sister handed me a mic.

‘But I can’t sing…’I thought. This was so unexpected. I had to lie about singing and now I had to prove that I can sing?! Damn it Aoi to hell…

“Uh actually, I’m not in the mood for singing now” I excused myself.

“Sing” I heard Aoi’s mother demand, “Sing,…don’t tell me you can’t sing can you?”

“Ano… I’ll try…”

Aoi’s P.O.V

I was still sitting in the dining room with my brother and my father as Kimiko, my sister and my dear mother went into the other room. I took my glass and took a small sip then resetting it down. “Kimiko isn’t that bad” my brother commented out of the blue, I gave a small chuckle, “You think so? I laughed at that…”

“Hmm why?”

 “Cause, Why in the hell would you like a girl like her? she’s always nagging about something up surd, she doesn’t really know how to act, dress or walk like a girl, and damn! she can be such a pai-”  From there on, it was completely silent. Eyes darted at me with a raised brow, I had completely caught myself, thank god too.

“HAHAHAHA! That is, what I was trying to say is… she’s unique! That all!” I lied.

“okay… geezes you scared me there.” My brother said and my father nodded in agreement.

“Ano, I’m going to check up on the ladies in the other room, excuse me.” I got up from my seat and walked down the hallway making my way towards the room. I heard a piano melody out of the half opened door, and then I heard someone’s voice softly singing along the melody. As I came close to the door, I found Kimiko moving her lips, holding a microphone in her hands.

 (Song: Hikoukigumo by Aya Matsuura)

She was singing in such grace and passion. She slightly swayed her hips following the beat, her dark brown eyes sparkled as the light reflected on her gaze. She put her left hand on top of her chest where her heart was and smiled. Surprisingly, her voice intrigued me. I never heard such smooth voice. I went inside quietly closing the door behind me and sat next to my mother as both her and my sister noticed my presence then looking back inspecting Kimiko’s singing. “She’s not bad”

“Eh? Really? I’m glad th--”

“But I don’t like her one single bit.” My mother interrupted. “Ai… okaa-san don’t be that way, you’ll like her as soon as you get to know her better.” I smiled. She simply ‘hmpth’ away and gazed back at Kimiko as so did I.

I never noticed how innocent she looked up on the stage dancing along with the beat. It didn’t even seem like the person I was seeing wasn’t even her at all… but someone inside her whom she never expressed this kind of feeling… maybe her real self? She maintained her voice with beauty leaving me surprisingly astonished.

Kimiko’s POV

I swayed my hips following the beats within the music. I hope I didn’t sound too bad, I really tried impressing Aoi’s mother. This weird feeling came inside me, I suddenly felt like someone was taking over me, it was a happy feeling, I felt like expressing my heart out and so, forgetting I was in reality I started sing again with such harmony and sang my heart out. At the same time, I felt somewhat beautiful, it felt good.  My eyes glanced at Aoi’s sister who was sitting on an arm chair with a smile across her lips enjoying my singing. I shot back a smile and my eyes traveled to where I found her mother and…Aoi?

He stared me down with his dark eyes; our eyes never broke from each others. I stuttered in the middle of the song and stopped surprised to see Aoi, wondering when did he come in? luckly, the song ended right after I saved myself from my own stutter. As the song ended his sister jumped up and half screamed that I did a great job.

“Hey Kimiko, have you ever thought of becoming a singer? I think you should become one!” she suggested as I lifted my hands brushing my long strands of hair behind my ear.

“Uh, no, my singing wasn’t that good” I admitted. She vigorously shook her head in disagreement. “You really are good! Truly amazing!”

“Ano, thank you…” I said in a shy tone. Aoi had got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, “Well looks like we got to go, thanks for the meal.” He said, we heard the door open as his brother and his father came into the room.

“Aw, leaving so soon?” his brother whined.

“What are you talking about? We’ve been here for 2 hours. That’s long enough. Plus, I’d like to stay away from you.” Aoi backfired.

“Oh, don’t say that! You know you love me lil bro!” his brother knuckled his head once again as Aoi tried to wiggle out his way. After Aoi battling out of his brothers arms we headed out with a taxi waiting for us just outside the gate. We bowed goodbye and headed inside the car, I rolled my window down as Aoi’s sister had knocked on to the window.

“Kimiko-chan, it was a pleasure to meet you! I had lots of fun today!”

“Same goes for me, and Aoi make sure you take care of her well.” His brother commanded. His father and mother came out alongside the gate, waving their goodbyes. “You guys should get going now” his sister waved goodbye and tapped the car signaling to leave. The vehicle started to move away from the large house getting smaller and smaller as we drove away.

“How come you didn’t tell me you can sing.” Aoi had said out of the blue. I gave a small chuckle and rested my cheeks on my knuckles and stared at the back of the seat in front of me

“What are you talking about? That wasn’t singing. I only sang because of your damn mother…” I replied.

“Why did something happened?” he questioned.

“No… she just…scares me. I think she despises me or something. Anyways, that wasn’t singing. That was just a scheme to save mine and your from being found out.” I answered and glace out the window seeing the bright scenery. It was quietly for only a few moments until Aoi breathed out strong air from his mouth and relaxed

“I’m sorry…  ”

I turned back my head looking at him in question. “About what?”

“My mother, she asked too much question that are personal to you… must have been really annoyed with her.” He breathed, “Oh and sorry for lying about you background story… ” he added.

“It wasn’t that bad…so, it’s okay.” I assured him, looking back at my window next to me. There was another silence between us in the atmosphere,

“Ano…have you actually thought of becoming a singer by any chance?” he asked.

“No, besides, it was my first time singing to someone, of course I . So there isn’t any point of being one. Why do you ask?”

“Nothing, just wondering” he fiddled with his fingers.

 “To be honest, you sang very well, even for your first… it sounded nice.” He complimented. I felt heat color my cheeks, I looked away hiding my face from letting him know. “Arigato…Aoi” I smiled and leaned my head onto the edge and closed my eyes.

“Welcome…” he replied.

“Hey, Aoi…”


“Can I lay on your lap? I’m tired…and this position is very uncomfortable.”

“Whatever…” he answered. I laid my head on his lap and bend my legs, before I knew it, I fell asleep in a daze…

Aoi’s POV

“Whatever.” I replied back. She laid her head on top of my lap, bending her legs as she cradled herself,

“Aoi… arigato…” she breathed and quickly fell asleep. I brushed away her strands of face away from her face, and stared down at her… “No problem…” I didn’t realize I was so into examining her face… “You’re definitely something…” I soon fell asleep right after, thinking, how the hell did we ended up like this?

To be continued.

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There finally made an update after a year!


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themissD #1
well this is my 1st Fanfic that I'll be reading ever (suggested by a friend)I hope I can get through it without LOL'n to much!!! But now, after reading this page I'm reminded of "Coffee Prince" (K-Drama) hopefully it won't follow that plot line to much >^.^<
yunvi_blingkey #2
Chapter 17: This was very unexpected... XD I mean, the updating. I thought you had ditched it, Im so happy you didnt!! I love this story, I'm so glad you are back.
Hope you wont take that long for next chapter, thanks!!
hunoru #3
Chapter 17: YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
This chapter was so good!!!!
It was so long, I'm glad you updated.
cover_girl #4
ohhhhhhhhhhh Pleaseeeeeeee update it again. i really love this story. I wonder who will Kimi choose: Aoi or Hiroto. Ofc I love Aoi but I think I hate him in this story ( so rude of me ). Amd even I dun know much about Hiroto, I'm gonna love him for now. So please, update this again
hunoru #5
Please update soon!!
I really like this story.
Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!
Angellovesgazette #6
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!! I love this story, I've been waiting~ xD

Hopefully Aoi is okay, ; - ;

Update soon please~!!!!!
Chapter 16: I'm still waiting for the next chapter T___T really hope that you can update, i really love this story! so please don't give up on the story, we are waiting!
yunvi_blingkey #8
Chapter 16: OMG!! I TOTALLY LOVE YOUR STORY! *w* please continue :D you can't leave me like this >-< <3 lol
I really hope you don't give up on the story, it's really good :'3
Gazelove #9
YAY!! Amazing update!!!! Now I'm dying for the next chapter... XD