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She's Alive [ EXO Fanfic ]







I let out a breath of relief when I heard the bell, sitting next to that Lee Kenji kid is really uncomfortable. He doesn't even give you the time of day, but I have to admit he was kind of good-looking.

Noticing that half the students had already left I gathered my things and stared at Kenji who wasn't really moving. I raised an eyebrow, doesn't he have classes? "Uh e-excuse me Kenji? Don't you have c-classes?". He turned to look at me with an uninterested expression.

"Aren't you the new student? You wouldn't want to be late on your first day would you?". He stared off into space leaving me speechless. Not wanting to be even more embarassed, I quickly escaped to try to find my next class.




The day was almost over, it was 5th block meaning it was lunch time, finally I've been waiting for this all day. I aimlessly walked around the hallways trying to locate the cafeteria. I glanced in each door hoping I would stumble opon it. Maybe only a couple of minutes later I realized that I was lost. I walked with my head hanged low, now a habit, when suddenly I bumped into a smaller person. My eyes widened in horror as I bowed repeatedly, not wanting to get beat up.

"Mianhamnida". I repeated again.

There was silence and I wondered if the person was still there or not. "Noona!!! Oh Noona, I knew you weren't dead I just knew it!". The person hugged my torso tight, I froze not knowing what to do. Something felt weird in my stomach as it went up to my brain. A feeling of familiarity.. The person stepped back, I got a good look at the boy and he so adorable!!

"Noona... do you not remember me?". The boy pouted making my heart hurt as he grabbed my hand. From the contact my mind went blank as I saw an image before me. My parents came inside the room I was playing in with a small baby in their arms.

"Is that him Umma?". I ran up to her tugging at her shirt trying to get a peek at him. Appa chuckled and picked me up, I stared at the baby with astonishment. He was so tiny and cute!

"Yes Chaerin this is your brother, his name is Chanho, you must protect and take care of him araso?". I nodded at Umma's words. I reach out to lightly touch the baby's cheek, he let out a faint squeal as he smiled up at me. I beamed so bright I might've burst into nothing. It was his turn to reach out his miniture arms for me.

I returned back to reality, blinking a while. "Chanho! What happened? You're all grown up now.. how old are you? And didn't you come to Earth me, Umma, and Appa?". I brought the small boy back into my embrace as all the memories came back. I didn't know why but I felt kind of emotional and betrayed . How can Umma and Appa just leave Chanho all alone back on Exoplanet? I'm starting to think my parents aren't who I thought they were.

"I'm thirteen Noona, I grew up well right? And as for Umma and Appa ... they didn't want me to come along. I was at magic school when they told me how you died torturted by some unknown monster. They went to Earth without me saying it would be better for me to stay there. That's when you were four and I was one". Chanho gave all sorts of emotions from being happy, excited, proud, scared, then to anger. I hugged him tighter feeling sorry I couldn't protect him enough.

"Noona is sorry she didn't keep her promise of protecting you... you didn't live by youself right? Please say no". I pulled back and he gave the widest smile you would have ever seen!

"Don't worry Noona I grew up with the tweleve best hyungnims ever!". Tweleve boys? Why did that sound familiar didn't Duho say something about tweleve boys that were on their way from Exoplanet? My eyes almost popped out my head.

"Chanho you mean..."

"Neh Noona! Your tweleve soulmates". He whispered the last part as if he was afraid someone would hear him. With the hand he was holding he dragged me down the hallway and into the Cafeteria. Ohh so this is where it is... I must take not of that. When we bursted in all attention was on us and like every other time I hanged my head low to avoid eye contact. Chanho continued to pull me along as he abruptly stop making me almost trip. "Yah! Cha Chanho be careful!".

He pouted making his eyes bigger than they already were if that is possible. "Sorry Noona..". I stared down at him with his adorable little mushy face and couldn't help it anymore. I ruffled his hair and smiled at him which made him smile back.

"Ahemm..". I took my attention off of Chanho and looked a the three boys that were staring back at me. I felt my face burn up as I found them extremely attractive. But there was only three of them? Are the others really that much older? The same boy cleared his throat again, I didn't realized I was staring until I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"Uhm Mianhamnida". I bowed until I heard giggles coming from the girls that were seated around. I kept my head down not to show my hurtful facial expression. Chanho reached for me and guided me to sit down.

"So you're Cha Chaerin? EXOPlanet's true protector ... and our soulmate?". I glanced up and saw one the boys dangerously close to my face. I gulped and blushed deeply, he had tan skin with a puppy like face but that made him cute and equally y. He smirks with his eyebrows raised. "I'm Kim Jongin but exotic name is Kai, that's Oh Sehun, and Huang Zitao but his exotic name is just Tao. It's nice to finally meet you... I knew you weren't dead".  He patted my head and introduced me to everyone.

"Do I have an exotic name?". I looked up to him with a hopeful glaze.

Why does she have to look so innocent?

"You only get your exotic name when your powers are fully developed, have you?". Sehun oppa asked me leanig forewards. I remembered when Chanho touched my hands, I could see his past but it was by physical contact. Then ever since I was smaller I could sense a bad aura or if something is going to happen.

"I can see someone's past by physical contact and I sense bad auras". They only nodded not giving me any response. I frown, I didn't want any secrets kept from me anymore. I don't understand why everyone was doing that to me lately and I didn't like it. If I wasn't in this public place I would've blown my cap.

After the awkward silence Chanho spoke up, "Well I'm going to get my lunch, Noona wanna come with me". His pupils almost disappeared. I smiled at him, he makes me forget all my worries in a flat second. I got up and he sneakily sliped his hand in mine, he held it tight like he was afraid I'll evaporate if he doesn't have a good grip. We easily got in line waiting to get what looked like poisonous poison. My nose itched from the awful smell that was lingering on the trays and food.

"Chanho~ah don't you smell that?".

"Smell what Noona? I don't smell anything, are you ok?". He treated me a worried look and went to pay for both our food. Then a another scent came out nowhere but this time it was intoxicating stuffy sweet smell, one that you feel like you'd choke on. I was so distracted that I bumped into someone, apparently that person isn't the nicest of people, she pushed causing me to drop all my food on my over my outfit and hit the floor hard.

"Yah Cha Chaerin! You better watch you're going before you get a punch to the face. Be glad I just pushed you........ugly newbie". The girl turned around with a look of disgust. The cafeteria stayed silent .. it was irritably quiet. Hot tears begin to fall once I felt the sharp pain in my ankle. I remained on the ground trying to wipe away the endless amount of tears.

I heard footsteps running towards me as I slowly started to pass out from the pain, with the remaining voices of Chanho and those three screaming my name. I mean there was no need for it, it was only my ankle.. right?











OHHHH CLIFFHANGERRRR lol this is my first one ever!... At least I think so...

So OMG what do you think of Chanho?? Isn't he like the cutest thing ever!? >.< I wish I had a little brother like that.. all my little brother does is play Xbox and bullies me -.- Don't you think that's a little backwards?

Well whatever I'm stuck with him forever aren't I? But to brighten my mood I'll show you more of Chanhoooo~

Sowwie the pictures r too big... XD I don't know how to fix that problem, and another sowwie it's sloppy >.< my little brother keeps interrupting my writing time when my mom definitely told him not to -.-

Off topic again... I hope you guys like my story and I'm so happy I got 10 subscribers!!!!!!! I did a little happy dance!!

Then I started fangirling... and I go extreme with yelling and everything LOL

Then my mommy yelled at me ..... >.<

But it's okays now... I almost cried though, you guys DO CARE!!!!!! <333333

Please tell me how it this chapter went...

what did u think that mysterious girl meant by "....... ugly newbie".









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JOO =) <3

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Sorry there isn't an A/N at the end of 'Shadow' I was so tired from school and .... yeah... haha it was a long day


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farahhudasyamimi #1
Really good.... Update soon.. Thank you
ailuver24 #2
Chapter 10: please put more chaps soon it is getting very good and i like it a lot.
Chapter 6: wow! Really good chapter!!!
exodaily #4
i really love this story, one of the best ones I've rad

you totally deserve more upvotes
Chapter 6: I really like her badass attitude..
Chapter 2: Thanks for long chapter & hope you can make like this every time you update - Yuki
Chapter 1: Woah ~ Handsome Duho :p - Yuki
Cool description & story! - Yuki
Chapter 3: Please update soon agin! I'm really curious on what's gonna happen next!! ^_^
Chapter 2: Please update soon!