Umma Left a Present


Son Jiho, a young single mother of twin boys has been struggling for the past two years. Between her kids and her dream to be a stylist, it's just too much for her. So she thought it was finally time for her kids to meet their father while she tried to pursue her dream. But wouldn't you be surprised if two boys that looked exactly like you mysteriously pop at your door?


Son Jiho 

-Age: 20

-Personality: Loves her kids; Optimistic

- Was in a relationship with Chanyeol, but had to part after five years because of Channie's trainee times. Missing him, she wass surprised to find he left the twins without knowing. 




Park Ilhoon 


Park Insoo

-Birthday: April 4, 2011

-Personalities: Happy Virus; can be serious in the right moment. Sometimes very  mature for their age.

-Likes western style food




Scotdy Asia Jander 

Age: 21

Birthday: December 24th

- She's half Hispanic and half Korean, she moved to South Korea when she was 13 meeting her best friend/sister Jiho. She even knew about Chanyeol being Jiho's BF and become friends with him also. Once the twins were born, Scotdy was there every second of the day helping Jiho. She also works at a clothing store. Scotdy Jander, nicknamed SJ or Kyungie, has a girlish tomboy style/personality but she gets along with anyone. She's always happy even if she's sad.




Bo Junior Jander

Age: 17

Birthday: August 3rd 

- She is half Hispanic and half Korean, the younger sister of Scotdy by 4 years. Bo grew up with Jiho just like a sister. Since she's the maknae she's also like a blood related sister to the twins. Hanging around Scotdy and Jiho all the time, she had met Chanyeol, and is the only guy she calls hyung. At the age of 17 she has a lot of talent in Kickboxing and is in training. Bo Jander, rarely nicknamed Junior (only by Channie) or Hyunie; short for Hyunyoung (her korean name) has a strong tomboy personality, she's most likely to be laid back and a little flirty when she likes someone.


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Jonghyuns-wife #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^