
Only in the End...

listen to it please it will match this chapter hopefully( wooo B1A4 new song beautiful target just came out please support ^^) :

BTW : Vampires sleep a little bit during the day (a little cuz they don't really sleep) and go to school at 8pm ok? remember that....




The Next Day...


"Huh? hmmmmmmmmm...What time is it...OMO it's 7pm already?!? I OVER SLEPT!!! Only one hour!!" You said jumping out of bed.

Jinyoung knocked on your door," ~~~~~ are you ready for school?" When he open the door he saw you trip on your way to the bathroom. He giggle to himself because of your cuteness.

In less then 30 minutes you ran out of the bathroom. You ran downstairs to get some beakfast. When you were downstairs you saw everyone except t for Jinyoung, eating beakfast. "Why are you guys here?" You asked them. 

"Remember... yesterday?" Sandeul told you.

"Righttttttt..........." you said. Just as you turned around.

Jinyoung just came in the kitchen. You both avoided each other.

Are you guys okay? Baro asked

Hmm?? Oh yeah...we're fine :D



"Oh My GAWD...Im sooooo tired...." said Sandeul

"Me too...I'm exhausted...and Block B made my blood pressure rise =.=" Baro said.

"Aren't you a little...umm...young ...your blood pressure can't rise oppa..." you said while giggling. 

CNU said "I need to go get some eye rest"

Gongchan asked, " ~~~~, can I sleep here tonight I'm tired?"

Sandeul " Hey us too ^^"

"Sure....Sleep in the guest room" You told them.

Baro "Thanks darling...I'm going to sleep now..."

Sanduel " Baro wait up...I wanna sleep with you too!!"

Gongchan " Then I guess I'm stuck with Shinwoo and Jinyoung hyung...*sigh* wait...where's Jinyoung hyung..." 

"I'll go find him, you go get some rest first...we have school tomorrow" you said.

Okay Goodnight ~~~~~-ah. Gongchan said while walking up the stairs behind Shinwoo.

You were looking around the place for Jinyoung.You finally found him in the library. (you have a library in your house)

"Hey....can't sleep or you just don't want to sleep?" you asked Jinyoung.

"I was just thinking..." Jinyoung said.

"hmmm...ok...since we're here I'm going to get a book." You said

You were looking for a book and when you found it, it was on the top shelf. You tried to reach for it but it was way too high for you. Suddently an arm reached up behind you and grabbed the book, leaving you stuned at what happend since you can feel him so close. When you turned around his face was so close to yours. He didn't seem to notice that.

"Here, if you wanted to get it, you should have asked me." You just nod and just stared at him. Soon he did the same. What seemed like forever...He was leaning closer to you and you just stood there like a statue. His beautiful target was your lips he couldn't control himself anymore. When he was a centermeter away, he stopped and kiss you on the cheek instead. Even though it was your cheek, your heart nearly stop beating.

"Umm..well...I'm kinda tired...thanks for helping me find Sooji need to go rest too...good night." You told Jinyoung.

"Ok...Goodnight, remember we start school tomorrow." Jinyoung said.

"Araso." Bye~

After that, you went to sleep with a smile plastered on your face.


After breakfast, you and B1A4 went to school together, Shinwoo dropped you all off then he drove to the Vampire night club called "Let's Fly", that they owned.

When you and B1A4 reached the front gate. All the male students rushed to your side while all the females rushed to B1A4's side.


You and B1A4 were like the King and Queenka of the school, you being the daughter of the world's greatest vampire and because of your looks and kindness toward everyone, everyone admired you.

B1A4, because of their cute and fresh look, and how nice they treat others. When you and B1A4 finally got out of the crowd, you went to your class. B1A4 walked with you to you new class then they all left except Gongchan...since he's in the same class as you.

As soon as you sat down, the rest of the students piled in, and you noticed Eunmi, she ran over to you and gave you a big hug, then she hugged Gongchan as well...making him blush a little. You smiled at his cuteness.

Eunmi!!! I missed you!!! You said.

I did too!! omg we have all our classes together, how about you Gongchan oppa? Eunmi asked him.

Yeah, all but...the last period... I have a piano class. Gongchan said

Awwie...I have that for third. You said while pouting. Oh least i have Eunmi.

EVERYONE TAKE YOU SEATS. The teacher came in and everyone hushed.

Since we all met before, you should know me well. Anyways, we have two new transfer students.

The two new students came in, and you gasped,.

It's them~... you whispered to Eunmi and Gongchan.

Eunmi nodded while Gongchan was confused.

"Who are they?" Gongchan said a little confused.

I'll introduce you to them later. You said smiling.

One of them nudged the other. It's ~~~~~ - ah, I'm sure he'll be very happy seeing her later.

They both started waving at you with the brightest smile.

You waved back smiling too.

"Ok. you two go sit back there okay." The teacher said.They walked passed you and sat in the desk behind.

Missed us ~~~~~- ah?

"I do." you said smiling.



junseob94 : HAHAHA...well...i'm sure...well...maybe you guys can tell who they are right?? right?? maybe???no??? who do you think they are?? hehehe >.< I might be updating on soon if i'm not busy with school work :D  hmmm...So...well..Kara won today on Music Bank...what do you guys think?? urgg~ i mean..i don't them..but they just had their comeback...i don't want them to win yet until maybe next week....i really wanted U-Kiss to win...but....none the less...Congrats to Kara. :D

So_Mi97 :  Agioo..How you guys like the story so far???? Sorry if its boring or anything..heheh...WE MIGHT NOT UPDATE AS MUCH because of school...sorry but please dont unsubsricbe...




Oh my beautiful target, you zoom zoom heart like a rocket

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Teganjayne #2
Update soon please!!!!! ^_^
"but though you act strong, you are actually sensitive. You are pretty much nice to everybody, but once they get on your bad side by hurting your friends, they'll have to answer to you."<br />
Omg thats meee rite there.
i like it! update soon!
Please update soon!!<br />
I can't wait till Infinite and Boyfriend to appear
Update soon please!!!!!i really like it....hope you'll update the next chapter soon!!!!
@SHINHYUNKI thanks for your awesome support :D we will try!! we will be away in Texas soon..but we'll write while we're there :D
update soon please!!!!i really like it....can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!
I like it :)