What Happen On A Rainy Day...

Only in the End...

Your Pov. 

You were watching the T.V when the door bell rang. "Who there?" You asked while coming closer to the door to open it. Once you opened the door 5 good looking guys were infront of you.They were your BEST FRIENDS. They call themselves B1A4 because there are 4 people that have blood type A (CNU, Sanduel, Gongchan, and Jinyoung) and 1 blood type B (Baro). Your mom came down with your dad.

"Huh, why is the door opened?? Umma asked.

"Oh hello boys...you guys came over to hang out?" Appa asked.

"Yes, We heard ~~~~~ say that ommonim and abbonim are leaving for the night...we don't want to leave ~~~~ alone" Jinyoung said while you was blushing. You always blush when he calls umma and appa that even though we knew each other for pretty long...no super long.

Well anyways we're going to go now, the party will start soon, ~~~~~ take care of SooJi for us until we come back okay?"  Umma said.

"Ok umma," you replyed.

"We'll be leaving...oh and close the door for us" umma said while leaving with appa.

"Ok, see you later" you said while being pulled by CNU to the living room.

"So were is SooJi?" Jinyoung oppa asked.

"She's sleeping upstairs" you replied. *comepletly forgetting about closing the door*

"Lets watch a horror movie!" Sandeul said.

"No, lets watch a comedy movie!" Gongchan said.

They spent 20 minutes arguing until getting hit on the head by CNU.

"Be quiet Sooji is sleeping upstairs remmeber?" CNU said.

They settled things by playing rock, papers, scissors.

Gongchan won.

"hahah!! I always get what I want because I'm adorable, loser! ^v^"

Sanduel's face after the game ------>  -_-

"Loser get popcorn.^^" Baro said from the couch while sitting beside Jinyoung oppa.

"When did I ever agree to that??!!??" Sandeul said.

"Just go" CNU said, obviously getting annoyed.

"Will you help me,~~~~??" Sandeul said with aegyo.

"Sure, oppa" you said.

"No! Dont give in like that! Let him do all the work and its just making popcorn, its not that hard to put a bag in the microwave and press 'popcorn'!" Baro said.

"Why so mean, meanie, and I'm your Hyung too! show some respect!" Sandeul said.

"Agioo, I'm just helping him, nothing wrong with that." You said.

"Yeah! See...aigoo my ~~~~~ baby is always so nice" Sandeul said while pinching your cheeks. 

"Nonna becareful of Sandeul...he's a ert"

"When was I a ert?!? You LIAR! Dont listen to him ~~~~!He's the ert!" Sandeul argued back.

"No I am NOT!" Baro said now being right beside him.

"Yes you are" Remember when you hmmfffuyyueblooknbhgahhhh! let go sheesh you hands taste like !" Sandeul complained. 

"My hands do not taste like , and how would you know what taste like?!" Baro protested.

Aigoo...sighing you left to the kitchen to fix up some popcorn.

After about 10 minutes of the "playful" arguement, Sandeul went to the kitchen to make popcorn with you.

"Do you think I'm a ert,~~~~ - ah?" Sandeul asked.

"Huh, why would you even ask that?" you asked back.

"Just answer me."

"No but I think you're weird." I answer smiling at him

"Oh......." Sandeul said looking down.

You notice the sad look and quicky said "In a good way."

His face brightened and his eyes turned into a cresent moon shape which made you smile as well.

*Agioo why is he so cute and childish? But thats what makes him so nice to be around with.*

1 hour later.

After the movie I went to check up on SooJi. When you came into the room, your eyes were on the urge to pop out.

"Guys! COME HERE!! NOW!!" you screamed.


Sorry for the short chapter it is like 2:04 am right now and i am super tired and i have to babysit tomorrow but i'll do my best to keep on updating so please dont unsubscribe... ~So_Mi97



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Teganjayne #2
Update soon please!!!!! ^_^
"but though you act strong, you are actually sensitive. You are pretty much nice to everybody, but once they get on your bad side by hurting your friends, they'll have to answer to you."<br />
Omg thats meee rite there.
i like it! update soon!
Please update soon!!<br />
I can't wait till Infinite and Boyfriend to appear
Update soon please!!!!!i really like it....hope you'll update the next chapter soon!!!!
@SHINHYUNKI thanks for your awesome support :D we will try!! we will be away in Texas soon..but we'll write while we're there :D
update soon please!!!!i really like it....can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!
I like it :)