
That person.


"So you are saying, I just have to show up on a high school reunion and act, as your beloved boyfriend, correct?"

"Mhm." EunJoo walked up from her seat and made herself some tea.

"And, would you like me to do anything? Are there any boundaries of some sort?" He asked straightforwardly.

"None, I only need your presense and that would be enough. Act as you please, and I will follow."

"So, you're just there to show your friends and classmates of what you've got right now? An idol as you're boyfriend and the fame that would put you right at the top of what they can't compare?" He asked again without a fear.

She paused. "Yes, but no. Not for fame, not for them to be compared, but just to show how much I can do."

"Oh, show-off. I see. I will surely do my best. Wait and see, EunJoo-shi."

"Just EunJoo, Myungsoo. EunJoo."

"How old are you exactly?" He questioned with her use of informallity.

"I'm 4 years younger. Would you like me to call you, oppa?" She huffed some air and drank her flowery scented tea.

"Do as you wish, EunJoo."

"We will need to prepare. You can make up the storyline, and I'll double check if it make sense to what they know about me. I will pick your outfit for that day, everything will be paid, so you don't have to worry a bit."

"How about I get to know you a bit more first." He smirked.

"What would you want to know, Myungsoo?"

"Anything more than your age and uality, I'm guessing. Tell me about your favorite things, and the real purpose of doing all this."

"You'll see. This is my phone number, text me if you want to know anything. For intance, my favorite color. That's all, thank you Myungsoo. See you."

That was all that day, and all Myungsoo knew was her age. It didn't really ruffle his curiousity, but maybe just a little. Why? Why did she want to do this, became his question. And so he decided to do this whole offer to find out.

"We only have three days left, and I think it's best if we go over it now." Myungsoo told her the first thing.

"Of course, that would be necessary. Isn't that why we are meeting right now?"

"Sorry, but have anyone ever told you of your stinky mouth. It reaks of bad attitude." He said another straigforward statement.

"You never want to hide what you think, do you? Besides, attitude comes from action, not from words." She replied with another smirk.

"Oh my, I think we would be a very perfect looking couple, don't you think darling?" Sarcastic ran through his voice.

"Keep your thoughts in, mr idol-nim."

"So, our past would be most reaonably, I met you becuase you came to my concert fan signs and events of anything. Understand? I fell for you instantly, and then found out you would date me too. And there we have it."

"It does sound reasonable enough." She nodded in approval. "So you fell for me. Love at first sight."

"I guess." 

"Here is your clothes. Wear it that day."

"It looks so normal, I thought you would prepare something fancy, you know."

"I want them to think you feel comfortable with me, so I made them stylish and comfortable enough to look like any other boys out there with their dates."

"I see..." He rubbed the back of his neck, with confusion of the thought of how she had his size.

"Don't come too late that day." was all she said.


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