The soccer date


Minseok P.O.V

I reached at the soccer ground right on time not too late and not too early. As soon as I got there my jaws dropped in awe. Luhan was playing football! And boy was he good! Obviously I've seen him play before I've just never really saw his skills. He's amazing. I bet he could even play at the world cup one day. He dribbled the ball then lifted it and kicked it straight to make a goal. Unconciously I clapped and he turned around. Great job Minseok! He slighlty blushed and smiled which made me blush. I slowly walked over to him.

Third P.O.V

Minseok slowly approached Luhan blushing. Luhan smiled brighlty which he shyly replied to. " So you were watching me?"

" Y-Yeah Y-You were already there and uh.. I just thought.. you know."

" Minseok say one thing at a time." Luhan said laughing.

" I just mean that you were already here so, I thought why not just watch since since you're already here. Its not cuz I'm a stalker. I mean I knew you were going to be here, but thats cuz you told me not because I'm a stalker you know." he rambled on due to his embarassment.

" Yeah I asked you to play with me here so you're not a stalker, but seeing how much you explained I think you might be." he said grinning and if Minseok could  go any red then he'd be a tomato. A tomato that was a complete fanboy of Luhan.

" Come on let's play." Luhan said holding Minseok's hand and taking him to the ground. Minseok blushed at the touch, but Luhan didn't notice and he let go of it once they reached the middle and Minseok felt a bit sad about that. Even though it was hot that day he missed the warmth he got from Luhan's hand. They played for over 4 hours and were exhausted. The score was 6:4 to Luhan. " You are.. a..mazing." he said panting

" Thanks but you're better. It felt great to play after a while." Minseok said smiling.

" mm soccer is good whenever and whereever."

" I was going to join the football team, but couldn't due to my studies."

" we could always play you know that is if you want to." Luhan asked hesitating.

" Ofcourse!" he said excited and covered his mouth realizing how excited he sounded. Babo!

" Then I'll call you when I have time." he said chuckling.

" mm k" he said not trusting himself to say the right thing.

" Also." Luhan said scratching his head. " Woul you want to go to a cafe with me?" Minseok just stared at him shocked. " You don't have to if you dont want to." Luhan said dissapointed.

" No! I'd love to its just that I was surprised."

" Really?!" he said excited and Minseok thought Luhan was like a kid that was happy all the time and not being able to hide his emotions. Luhan then grabbed Minseok's hand and started running. " Its a great palce you'll love it." Luhan said while running. Minsek didn't even know where they were. All he knew was that Luhan was holding his hand, he felt butterflies in his stomach and he didn't want to let go. What he didn't know was that Luhan had butterflies aswell and he was blushing completely aware of the fact that he was holding Minseok's hand and was happy that Minseok didn't let go.

" We're here." Luhan said after a while and Minseok looked at it and was surprised. Not because  he didn't like it infact it was beautiful. He just never though Luhan would go to such a secluded place. Luhan is a really talkative and bright person so he didn't know why he'sd go to such a quiet place. " Lets go in." he just nodded. Luahn ordered taro bubble tea and Minseok ordered coffee. They then sat down on a table near the window. Why does Luhan come to this cafe?

" I like to come to this cafe so, I can have plenty of time and place to think things through through." he said reading Minseok's mind.

" Its a great place for it and I'd love to have a cafe like this when I'm older." he said smiling and sipping his coffee. " Wow this coffee is the best."

" You want to open a cafe?" 

" Yeah actually I love coffee and I want to open a cafe one day where I'm the barista." he said emarasses talking about his dreams.

" I'd go there everyday them." Luhan said grinning. And Minseok created a new shade of red because of his blushing.

" T-Thanks."

" H-Hey maybe one day you could make me a coffee?" he asked slightly blushing

Minseok laughed and Luhan just kept blinking which Minseok absoloutely found adorable.

" Ofcourse I'd do that for my loyal and favourite customer." Minseok said with a wink afterwards.

This time it was Luhan's turn to blush and the deer kept looking around not being able to hide his blush.

AN: Sorry for not updating for over a month. i had amily issues. 

Anyway don't yuo think a rambling  blushing Minseok is justy so cute and a blinking Luhan! >.<

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Just updated!! This time the chap is long~


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Chapter 27: Absolutely wonderful! I hope, that you are able to update a new chapter soon.... Luhan and Minseok- the most adorable couple ever!!!!! Well done, dear author!
Chapter 27: even if i hate the idea of them hiding their relationship from public, it would still do them good..
Chapter 26: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a couple <3
i really loved this chapter
Harbimy #4
Chapter 26: Oh my adkjytvcdfjj ~•…•~ dem feelz
Chapter 26: !! Why is this so damn cute!!
Chapter 25: Finally they K-I-S-S Haha so cute
Chapter 25: finally~ it ended with a kiss. they're so cute! :D
Chapter 25: oh my god, so perfect
finally a kiss <3