
Miss you

Minah's POV

I had just finished lunch with my best friend, Jimin and he insisted to meet the guy hat has been giving me a lot of trouble at work. I tried to pursuade him not to come but he insisted and once he puts his mind on something its hard to change his mind. Once we made it to the room where I look after Yoongi I asked him again if he really wanted to meet him.

" Minah I want to see what type of guy he is, by the way you make him sound he's some type of evil person or something and I highly doubt that."

" No I don't it just he acts childish and he's older than me, he always teases me and well after what he did . .  . AISH I just don't want you to meet him!"

" Relax nothing bad will happend." I know that whenever Jimin says that nothing bad will happen something does so this didn't seem like a good idea.

Once I opened the door and stepped inside I saw Yoongi's face it dropped the moment he saw Jimin so already this is going no where. I tried to keep a smile but I think just being with Jimin I always have a smile on my face whether is it a happy or nervous one. I walked up to Yoongi and he didn't say a thing well to be honest we were fighting all week again about something stupid as always, he thought that I could never have a best friend that is a guy without going out with him. Of course I argued with him about it but he never believed me and so we haven't spoken all week until now.

" Yoongi this is Jimin, he's my best friend that I was talking about." he didn't look to impressed as he eyes Jimin up and down.

" I've heard stories about you, you don't seem as bad as she put you out to be."

" What did she say?" Jimin came in close startling Yoongi a bit.


Jimin's POV

I came in close to Yoongi whispering in his ear.

"Follow my lead."

" Well~ when she sleeps she sleep talks about you I think I even think she called out to you a few times."

" I did not! Jimin don't lie! Its not funny." I knew this would be fun not for her but I saw a spark in Yoongi's eye that had the same idea that I had

" Oh did she,  is that why she always can't look at me in the eye because she is reminded of her dreams? Did she ever tell you what they were about?" I was surprised at how wel he played along if this goes on we would have successfully mind-ed her which was the plan.

" I think she might have mentioned one about how you held her in your arms in the snow whispering something sweet in her ear."

" I didn't, Yoongi don't believe him."

" Jimin did it sound something like this do you know. Minah there's something I have been wanting to tell you." I was amazed either his acting right now was perfect or he was being serious, " Minah for a while now I have been utterly and completely in love with you. From the first time I lay eyes on you I knew you were special. It's cruel you know nothing of my condition yet someone like me was able to fall for you. Even so would you still go out with me?"

It was like he actually confessed to her. I looked at him closely and I could see a faint shade of pink across his cheeks that I know Minah wouldn't have noticed because she was already to embarassed even more now after this confession.

" Yeah I think your right it did sound something simular to this. I wonder if there was something that might have triggered her mind to dream this."

" OK STOP! Jimin stop already even if I did have a dream like that you don't need to tell him, even if we have already kissed! So what? I didn't want to tell him because of that and it would be weird if he did find out which he already does now that to you. Aish Jimin I swear sometimes I wonder why we get along, you act just like him." After that she stormed out of the room but I knew sh ewould be back after her head became clear most of the time it took half an hour.

" So she left, I thought she would." Yoongi seemed a bit sad I think.

It was quiet for a while maybe it was because we just met and well I wasn't sure what to do right now since I might be the reason that they haven't spoken all week.

" Hay thanks for following along earlier you were great. I was a bit worried that you might not understand." Maybe this could start a conversation between us.

" No worries. Hay don't you think its fun doing that to her. I didn't think it would be that fun when I followed your lead. She was so flustered but did she really say all that to you?"

" No I made it all up but I had no idea she had those thoughts. Either way she admitted it herself whether she knows it or not we shouldn't tell her don't you think?"

" Yeah, our secret. Say your a nice guy nothing like what she told me about. She made it sound like your a demon or something."

" What did she say." He seemed interested and well I get this feeling that i can get along with him well.

" That even thought you are a bit taller than her you take her things and put them in high places where she can't reach or find while she's out. You make her worry alot I think she even cried a few times because of you but not when your around though.  But did you really kiss her?"

" I did why don't say that was her first kiss?" I nodded my head and telling from his expression on his face it did drop a bit maybe he felt likehe did the worst thing in the world, seeing him react like that it made me wonder if what he did early was just in the moment or sincere.

" About earlier it sounded like you were confessing to her, do you like Minah?" His face flushed a dozen different shades as he lowered his head a bit nodding his head.

" Its fine you don't need to be worried I could tell you by the way you were saying it but I'm sorry she wasn't able to hear most of it and even if she did she wouldn't believe it. By the way what is your condition that you can't be with her?"

" I'm dying Jimin. I've known for a long time now and well I'm surprised I'm alive even now. Minah doesn't know, I think she's the only one here that doesn't and I don't want her to know either. If she finds out that I was suppose to die the year we first met she might cry, to tell the truth she's the reason why I have fought for so long and hard as I have just so I could be with her. I don't know how much longer I have considering the doctors told me that I would die at 20, I'm 22 already its a miracle I survived this long. However the longer I fight to stay alive the harder it gets for me to live. I need to keep my heart in check so I don't get anxiety attacks and die, I already had one in front of her thats when I knew for certain I loved her." He was on the borderline of emotional breakdown any moment now he would cry I think and if he did I actually might for him.

" Every time she comes into the room my heart skips a beat just from seeing her. Its difficult I want to be able to do things with her but whenever we get close my heart beats fast against my chest that it starts to hurt. The kiss that I gave her if she would have stayed inside on the bed that we were on I'm certain something would have happened and would end horribly, instead she pushed me away and ran out the door. Even if the pain that I felt from her rejecting me hurt I know that if she didn't do what she did I would most likely wouldn't even be alive. It hurts to think that no matter how much I love her we can never be together and even if we do end up together it won't last because in the end she will be the one left by herself, she might be alright if your with her though but still I can't help but think that."

" Hyung I know you can't tell her but if you love her so much she deserves to know. Its the right thing."

" I know but I can't, I dream about telling her everything from how I feel to my condition but when I see her smiling face I can't bring myself to do it. Instead each day or when I think about her I write it in the book that I keep hidden in this draw, because I have been here for so long I asked someone to make this draw just for me theres a secret compartment underneath. If you click the button underneath the top compartment will pop open and thats where I leave the book, its already the 3rd book in 2 years the other two are at the top of the cupboard over there, she can't reach so she has never read any of them. I write them to relieve my feelings even if she never gets a chance to read them I can at least imagine that what I write about is what I am actually telling her."

" You really like her don't you hyung?" He nodded his head, " Don't worry I won't tell he a thing but promise me when the time comes you have to be the one that tells her.

He thanked me, the room went quiet for a while after that but it wasn't an awkward silence and when the time wa sready we spoke again. It seemed we were a lot alike only he couldn't do the things I do reguarly. I could never be able to understand the pain and suffering he's going though but I can always be there for him as his new friend. We agreed to eachother that whenever there was something going on or if he just wanted to talk to someone other than Minah he could just call me. We exchanged numbers after that and not long later Minah came walking back in, her face was still a bit flushed but not as bad as before. She looked at the both of funny and I think a bit annoyed considering we just met and we were already quite close. I didn't see how she could think of Yoongi like that he was nothing like the demon she maked him to be instead after everything I heard and saw he was like a confused kid in love or something like that. I want to tell her everything but its only fair that he does.

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minaqmar #1
Chapter 7: I am crying. Oh gosh, author nim.
Chapter 7: it was a good story though im not very gud with trageies they make me think alot it start to confuse me
Chapter 7: it was soo sad im near tears right now
Chapter 7: This is really a sad story , seriously I'm crying ㅠㅠ the long wait worths so don't worry ^^

Thanks so much for author-nim coz update this story ... I love it though it's really sad