I'm not ready yet

Miss you

Its the middle of October now and I can already start to feel the side effects, my heart rate is slowing down gradually shown from my latest test results that Nurse Kim did on me. none of us unerstood why I am able to live for a few extra years but even if I was able to, my time was getting closer so it was only a matter of time before I would have to leave. However I had  feeling that the reasaon why I am able to live longer has something to do with Minah entering my life and having something to do with me instead of just being there. Later in the day I gave Jimin a call telling him what was going on since I still am unable to tell Minah anything and we decided to set a date 2 months from now so I could gather enough courage and tell her everything from my condition to the confession. At first I thought it was a stupid idea that he brought up but thinking about it this might be my only chance to do this, that was the only reason why in the end I agreed to it. The set date would be the 10 December but the only problem would be to convince her that I was telling the truth.

" Jimin how am I suppose to make her believe that what I tell her is the truth? As it is whenever we talk I am usually teasing her or saying something ridculous, so it doesn't matter anyway she won't believe me!" I sat at the corner of my bed sulking thinking about the possibilities.

" Hyung don't worry so much, leave it to me I'll find  a way to convince her that your telling the truth, she may not believe me entirely but if you put enough feeling and emotion into what your saying she should understand where you're coming from." 

 " I guess." sighing I fell back on the bed staring at the ceiling and when I closed my eyes I saw her face but when i opened my eyes it was like nothing changed I still saw her infront of me, was i still dreaming? I sat up quickly but as I did I realised it was reality since both of our head collided.

" YAH! What was that for?" She yelled out rubbing her head.

" Why were you there?" I retaliated looking around to see if Jimin was still here and surprise he wasn't.

" I was checking if you were asleep or not, I couldn't tell just from looking afar besides I heard  you got your results back how were they?"

" If you were checking on me why didn't you push me off the bed like you usually would or did you magically change now that I've become close with your best friend to?" She pouted and turned her head making me smile in victory but also in amusement.

" And . .  I did get my results back, they were - good. I'm getting better so in a few months time I will no longer need to be here any longer." I lied through my teeth keeping a straight face showing her I was happy, but when I told her her face dropped.

" Oh, I see. So I guess that means I won't see you much after then?"

" Yeah, but why do you look sad? Didn't you want me to leave so I wouldn't bother you anymore or is it that you want me to stay here with you?" She blushed at the comment and hit me hard against the shoulder then sighed sitting down next to me on the bed.

" Its . . . not that I don't want you to leave just that . .  I'm leaving in 2 days for a while and I might not be back before you leave.I wanted to tell you sooner that I plan to leave for a holiday . . . . but then a relative of mine passed away a few days ago and the funeral is tomorrow. So  I'll have to stay with my Aunt for a while until she gets better but I . . " 

" Its ok everything will be fine Minah besides I have Jimin and Nurse Kai here to keep me company, its not like I can't live without you here by my side or anything, " I was lying I do need her by me otherwise I don't know if I will last that much longer, " So go, you'll never know maybe when you return I might still be here."

" You better be Yoongi otherwise you'l regret it." 

" Regret. . . I certainly will." I mumbled under my breath luckily for me she didn't catch it.

" don't worry though I'll come see you before I leave to have one last look at you, can't have you forgeting what I look like now. " She joked and I laughed painfully because this is certainly what is going to happen..


~ The  Day Minah leaves

I couldn't get the thought of confessing to Minah of my head so and I had no idea of what to say when the day came even if it was still over a month to go i couldn't help but worry I wanted it to be perfect since it would be the only time I could tell her, so I went to se Nurse Kim hopefully he has had some experience in these sort of things. He wasn't hard to find in fact as just as I got up and walked to the door he was just outside about to walk in. Perfect timing.

" Oh Yoongi I was just going to check how you were this morning." He seemed cheerful maybe something good happened last night.

" Nurse Kim, I-I have a question I want to ask. Have you ever thought about telling someone something really important but then you could never say it when the time is right?" He looked at me with a puzzled look, I have a feeling he knew what I was talking about was still uncertain.

" Would this have anything to do with Minah?" I blushed at the comment, " I thought so." 

" What do I do? I know I don't  have much time left before I have to leave but I want to tell her everything before that happens. No matter how much I think about it I just can't find the right words to say and its fustrating. I want it to be meaningful and leave an impression so she can remember me but how exactly do I do that?" 

" Well have you thought about what to say?"

" Yeah but I don't think its good enough, it sounds to simple." I walked back to the bed and sat down burrowing my face in my hands.

" Yoongi usually situations like this are better to be kept simple so its easy to understand. If you think about it and say to much it becomes complicated and hard to understand. Do you know what I'm saying?" He told me straight forward calmly placing his hand on my back makinng me look up at him and nod.

" Then how about you try telling me what you want to say to Minah and when your finished I will decided if its to much, okay?" 

Nurse Kim sat down where I was while I stood up and walked towards the window to get some fresh air to cool my head before I started, lately just thinking about her makes my heart race. When I thought I was calm enough to start talking I turned around to face Nurse Kim, I stood a few steps infront of him and looked at him nervously before I started.

" Its ok take your time just think I'm Minah, I won't say anything so just go when your ready."  I nodded my had and after a few minutes I cleared my head to begin.

" Umm I have something to tell you, " I pictured Minah where Nurse Kim was sitting on the day that I confessed, " I like you, actually its more like I love you. You have been round me for so long now that without seeing you around I feel lonely, sometimes when we talk I try to hide how I feel by saying things I didn't mean making you mad or annoyed at me but when I really want to say is the opposite of that. I could be having the worst day and when I see your face it suddenly becomes better. You know me better than anyone I know and when I see your happy it makes me happy the same way that if you come in here looking sad or depressed it makes me worry thinking about what happened to make you feel this way. I want to be around to protect even if I can't do much. You haven't tried my cooking skills and to be honest I'm glad you haven't I can't cook all that great and if you did you would more than likely get sick but the food you bring into me I know the days when it is your cooking  because those days it tastes better and I would rather prefer your cooking over anything in a convience store.You always conplain saying you hate your job here but in fact you don't otherwise how else would you be able to pull a geniun happy expression like you do when your not. I know better than you do when your not yourself afterall considering how long I have been around you I start to notice these things. I know that since the first time I saw you there was going to be something between the two of us I just didn't know t teh time if it was going to be good or bad but I'm glad that it is good. Over the years of us knowing eachother I had never once gave any hints that I liked you tat was because I was so nervous and ashamed. For someone like me that is sick  to fall in in love with you who had the rest of their life to live its not fair to either of us and thats why I didn't say anything because if I did one of us would be hurt and I would rather me get hurt for you not knowing then letting you know and have to put up with it. It might sound weird but I can still picture the day that we met years ago like it ad only just happened yesterday, and for the last few years when I don't see you I play back this memory and it reminds me of how much i care for you. I don't know how you feel about me exactly but I want to spend the rest of my life with you even if I am only to live for a few more months, I would rather spend that time being with you." When I finished I sighed deeply hoping that this wasn't to complicated but as I was about to walk out the door my heart sank at who was standing outside expressionless.


Minah's POV

My flight is going to leave in a few hours so I came back to the hopsital to tell Yoongi  that I was leaving, I don't know why but I feel like its an obligation for me to tell him everything that I do and it doesn't feel strange at all. I took my time walking up the stairs to his room but when I arrive the I could hear some voices  so I opened the door quietly enough so I could see inside through a crack and all I could see was Nurse Kim sitting on the bed and I assumed the person standing was Yoongi. I didn't konw what was going on so I was about to leave and come back in a few minutes until I heard him saying he needed to tell Nurse Kim something.

" I like you actually its more like I love you. "

I stood outside the door frozen did Yoongi really just saw that he loved Nurse Kim? Was Yoongi really GAY? How can that be I don't believe it, it has to be some kind of mistake or I'm hearing something wrongly. I stayed outside listening to the rest of the conversation until he finished. My heart was aching the longer it went on how he was saying how much he cared for him especially since teh first day when they met. It was obvious that if he was gay he would fall for Nurse Kim afterall he's a sweet guy  who is caring and is very dependable even I have gone to him in times when I'm troubled particularly when Jimin and I are fighting so I can't blame Yoongi for falling for him. However I can't help but feel a bit jealous of him, I don't know if its because I have been around him for a long time now and have spent nearly everyday that I arrived here with him that I'm feeling this way but it makes me feel unhappy that my heart feel tight. Also what did he mena by his condition didn't he tell me just teh other day that he was fine? I was still thinking about how I was feeling that I didn't noticed the door had been opened and he was standing surprised on the other side. I only came back to realty when I heard his voice.

" Minah? When? How long?" 

" Yoongi your gay?" I couldn't think straight and this was teh only thing right now that was troubling me.


Thanks to the few subbies I got and to those that read this and I hope you continue to support the story.

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minaqmar #1
Chapter 7: I am crying. Oh gosh, author nim.
Chapter 7: it was a good story though im not very gud with trageies they make me think alot it start to confuse me
Chapter 7: it was soo sad im near tears right now
Chapter 7: This is really a sad story , seriously I'm crying ㅠㅠ the long wait worths so don't worry ^^

Thanks so much for author-nim coz update this story ... I love it though it's really sad