
You Can Fly

WARNING: suggestive content.


"So, where to?"

"Away. Away from all this."

"Your wish is my command."

He flashed his signature smirk and I was gone, lost in his eyes. How he managed to make me swoon every time was beyond me. I wasn't the type to swoon. I wasn't the type to fall fast and hard. 

We walked together to the bus stop. It's took 3 hours but it felt like 3 minutes with him. He held my hand tightly as we waited for the bus, the bus that would carry us to freedom, the bus that would carry us to a place where we could be together. 

I looked back one last time and smiled before we boarded the bus. I was ready to start my new life with Taec.

The rhythmic sounds of the bus engine lulled me to sleep as I nested myself on his broad shoulder. I've never felt so safe.



I woke up with my head resting on Taec's shoulder his head resting on top of mine. I slowly lifted my head off and he groaned, shifting to lean on my shoulder.

I smiled. If heaven was like this, then I wouldn't mind dying right now.

I his cheek, mesmerized by his flawless face. I traced the tips of my fingers over every feature. 

His forehead, his temple, his nose, his browbone, his cheek, his chin, his lips. Everything was perfect and everything was mine.

He slowly opened his eyes and I feinged innocence, looking out the window at our surroundings. We were nearing the city and the buildings were getting taller and the people were walking with more purpose. We were almost in Toronto after our night-long bus ride.

"Hey," he yawned sleepily.

"Hey," I giggled and he brushed the hair out of my face.

The older lady sitting across from us sighed and smiled.

I blushed like mad.

We were mad. Madly in love. And we thought we could get away with it, we really did.

He wanted to check into a hotel that night and I wanted to check into a motel. He complained about sketchiness and I complained about our lack of money. 

We checked into a small motel together that night. He joked that I had him whipped.

He had $600 worth of crisp bills on him and I had $200 and a bunch of coins. He claimed that he didn't keep coins and usually threw them away. I frowned. I told him that we would have to now since this was all the money we had. He shrugged.

We got ready for bed and snuggled close to each other. We didn't have this type of concession back home. We were truly blissful. I could feel the contrasting quality between the cheap motel duvet and the Italian imported ones back home. But I've never felt so comfortable.

Lying in bed, Taec pressed his lips on the top of my head.

"So, are you still up for this?" he asked worriedly.

"Why? Are you not?" His question left a heavy feeling in my gut.

"No way, I was just scared that you would get cold feet. I mean, why would a girl like you run away with a guy like me?"

"I would go anywhere with you."

He smiled, not anything like his usual smirks. It was warm, sweet and filled with pure content. My heart trembled uncontrollably and a wide grin split across my face.

I'm not sure what exactly happened or what got into me. We were staring into each other's eyes when he leaned in to kiss me, just a innocent peck. But the next thing I knew, I was on top of him and we were kissing passionately on the bed.

Needless to say, we were up all night.



I woke up, a sleeping mass beside me. At first, I thought I was still dreaming and Taec was beside me.

I was wrong. I was in Chanyeol oppa's bed with him beside me, holding onto my waist tightly with his head buried in the crook of my neck. I touched his face in the dark and realized that it was wet and so was the collar of my tank top.

He was crying.

"Oppa..." I said.

"Michelle, don't leave me," he whispered, a broken and choked plea.

It was the first time I've seen Chanyeol oppa like this. It was the first time he broke down in front of me like this. It was the first time he asked me for anything. But I couldn't even respond. Taec had shook my heart again and Chanyeol oppa knew it.

Instead, I held him tighter and his . I lifted his chin up and kissed his soft lips. Then I gave him the only type of sweet loving I was able to give him. All night long.



I woke up in Chanyeol oppa's embrace with him my hair. I shifted onto my back and he smiled at me.

"Hey," he greeted, his voice still thick and husky from sleep.

"Mmmm," I responded sleepily as I pulled his lips down on mine.

He growled and unwillingly pulled away. "You're killing me, dear. I have a schedule and I should be leaving soon."

I traced a finger on his collarbone.

"I have filming anyways."

"I'll drive you."

It wasn't that I didn't love him. I loved Chanyeol oppa.

But Taec could fire me up so much that I would forget my name.

There was a comfortable silence in the car as he dropped me off to work.

As I opened the car door at the new filming location, Chanyeol oppa called me back.

"Michelle. Does this mean that you've forgotten about him?"

I said nothing. Instead, I gave him a peck on the lips.

"I'll come back by myself, I still have stuff in the hotel that I have to move over."

He probably saw it in my eyes and deduced it from the multiple times I avoided his question because he smiled a little sad smile.

"Will you really come back tonight?" he asked quietly just a second before I closed the door, his voice just above a whisper.

I pretended that I didn't hear and waved at him through the glass. It ws easier for both of us this way.





Author's Note:

Will she go back? Will she leave him? IDK IDK

The bus scene was inspired by my endeavours to Toronto.. I'm a grown woman I do what I want :D

Suggestive content galore! Hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for waiting, guys. I'm gonna focus on my exams but I'll be back at the end of January!

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jesica27 #1
Chapter 7: No shes not comming back
Hahaha taec will make her his again
jesica27 #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha the better song

shiningdorks #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^