
You Can Fly

We walked to school together every day. 

He would always make a new excuse of why we had to go together. And after a while, I stopped asking why in fear that he wouldn't be able to come up with a new excuse. 

At some point, it became a routine for him to show up on my front porch with a small wild flower in his hand and tuck it in my hair before we set off. I would always look forward to which flower he would pick this time.

At school, the girls would coo at him and his accent but he would declare that he "only had eyes" for me while I would deny it vigorously. He was really not normal.

My denyal intruiged him and he found my antics endlessly amusing.


The night before my big math test, I heard small knocking sounds on my window. I curiously slid out of my desk, away from my math study notes, walked over to the window and shoved it open. The cool night air rushed in.


I learned to love the way my name rolled off his tounge in his light accent. I stepped out into my small balcony and leaned over the edge.

I tried to look annoyed as I scolded him: "Taecyeon shii. Pebbles? Really? Do you know how much you would pay if you damaged my glass? I'd charge for my psycological damage."

He grinned cheekily. He wasn't buying my act: "It's Taec to you. Why? It's more romantic this way. You love it."

I finally broke a smile: "Come on in then, Taec."

He hoisted himself up to the lower roof before climbing all the way up to my balcony. He invited himself in my room, sat at my desk and spun my chair around playfully.

"Hey, what about some bonding time?" He asked with a smirk.

"Hey, I'm trying to study. Besides, how did you get inside?" I protested. There was a large front gate in front of my house and cameras that detected any movement ouside of our gate and in our front lawn.

"Why don't you study me?" He ignored my question.

I nearly snorted. "Am I getting marked on it? Are you your own subject?"

"I could be."

I rolled my eyes and tried to hoist him out of my chair. He scoffed at my efforts and pulled me down on his lap and tucked his chin in the crook of my neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a panicked tone as I tensed up.

"Relax," he murmured into my neck, "we're supposed to get close."

I tried to get off but he just tightened his grip on my waist and chuckled.

"What are we, dating?" I asked in a shrill tone.

"Why? do you want to? I'm up for it."

With that, I've had enough. I struggled against his vice-like grip until he got the message and let go. With my face glowing beet red, I stormed out of the room with my head down.

"How cute!" I could hear his teasing from the hallway. But when I came back in my room, he was gone.

He was always like this. Teasing me and toying with me. It was part of who he was. I have no idea how much of it was real to him, but it was 100% real for me.

Needless to say, I failed my math test the next day.


That was the first time he made my heart beat right out of my chest. Little did I know, he would do it many, many times more.

Every time he came in, he would push my boundaries a little farther. He would make a bigger dent in my heart and settle himself there. He was cruel and beautiful in that way.

It's really funny how my thoughts still wander off to him every day. It's been what? Seven years? Seven years since I last saw him and seven years of missing him like crazy.

I still haven't accepted that that time was gone and so was Taec. In my dreams, I loved him and he loved me. He was mine and I was his. That's how I fill that dent, that void he left in my heart.

Our relationship started with a fight. Maybe I should've taken it as a hint that we would have it rough. But back then, I was just happy.

It was a sunny day in May when my best friend Spencer was over at my house. 

Spencer and I grew up together. He hinted many times that he liked me. I hinted back by talking about my non-existent crushes on guys. But still, Spencer persisted.

I don't know why I didn't grow to like Spencer as he grew to like me. Spencer grew up to be a handsome boy with a chisled face and strong jawline. His sandy blonde hair was styled just as I recommended and he knew everything about me.

He was there to get me a bowl of ice cream and watch a movie with me after my parents fought. He held me when I cried. He even did the projects and assignments that I struggled with.

I thought, before Taec ever entered my life, that I would grow to love Spencer. But with Spencer, I didn't feel the spark I did with Taec.

Spencer and I were watching a movie together on the couch. Looking back, I may have led him on a bit because when Spencer decided that it would be a good time to put his arm around me, I let him. 

I let him. It felt natrual with Spencer. Looking back, I shouldn't have let him because that's when Taec walked in.

Without knocking or taking his shoes off, he walked in to the living room where Spencer had his arm around my shoulders.

I was engrossed in the movie when Taec stood in front of me, blocking my view.

"Hey," he said in a weird tone, his eyes burning into my soul.

"What's up?" I tried to look around him but that just pissed him off further.

He took the remote, shut off the TV and plopped himself down on the side couch.

There was a awkward silence as I debated on whether to introduce the two guys or not. I debated for about ten seconds and sighed.

"Spencer, this is Taec. Taec, this is Spencer."

"Nice to meet you," Spencer smiled. He was such a nice guy.

"Yeah," Taec said emotionlessly as he studied Spencer like a lab animal.

"Was there anything you needed?" I asked Taec.

"Yeah, I need to talk to you," Taec paused as his eyes flicked over to Spencer, "alone."

I sighed as Spencer got up to leave. He was really too nice for his own good. 

"Hey Spence, let's do this some other time okay? Promise you won't finish the movie without me," I said.

Spencer's cheeks flushed and Taec grimaced. Spencer beamed and nodded as he walked out the front door. We never finished the movie together.

I turned to Taec: "What did you need to talk about?"

", Michelle. You know that guy likes you, right? You'd be lying if you said you didn't. It's so painfully obvious that it's pathetic."

"Don't talk about him like that. You don't know if he likes me or not."

Taec scoffed. "Of course I ing do. He looks at you the exact same way that I do."

My pulse raced. "What do you mean?" I managed.

He walked over and leaned in. "You know exactly what I mean," he said as he closed the small space in between our lips.

Just before our lips touched, he my right cheek and asked for permission.

I nodded and he closed in.

"Did you already know that I liked you or are you that clueless?" He asked as he pulled away.

"I wanted to hear you say it."

"Don't ever hang out with another guy without my permission."

And that was how we started loving each other.

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jesica27 #1
Chapter 7: No shes not comming back
Hahaha taec will make her his again
jesica27 #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha the better song

shiningdorks #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^