
You Can Fly

"What do you want to do?"

We were lying side by side on our backs, staring up at the pitch black night sky on my tiny 5x2 balcony.

Taec managed to line the entire balcony with sheets and we lied side by side on our backs in the moonlight.

Today, the sky was dark, there were no stars. It was past midnight and the only light was from a little lamp in my room and the moon.

I turned to look at his face. His eyes that were usually deep and dark with mystery were clear and reflected the light coming from the full moon.

"Keep staring and you might burn a hole in my face."

Embarassed, I turned my head away quickly.

He stopped me from doing that. He captured my face in his hands and moved my head into his chest. He buried his face in my hair and closed his arms around me. Enveloped in his arms, I blushed like an idiot.

"Relax," he murmured into my hair.

I didn't even notice I was holding my breath.

I shakily exhaled and we stayed like that for a very long time.


"What do you mean?" I finally asked.


"What do you mean by 'what do you want to do?'"

"What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be?"

I sensed a deep conversation.

"I don't know. Probably go into business, get an MBA and take over my dad's business."

". Is that what you want to do?"

"I guess."

Taec loosened his grip on me and looked into my eyes: "No, Michelle. What do YOU want to do?"

I blinked a couple of times and shifted so I was lying on my back, staring up at the night sky again. 

"Well, I want to do a lot. Filming, acting, photography. I want to do it all."

"Then do it."

I chuckled and looked over at his face and was met by his sparkling eyes and serious expression. He was serious. I smiled.

"Okay, then."

"You're mine and only mine. Remember that."

"Mhmm," I agreed.

I spent the entire night trying not to stare at him like an idiot and he spent the entire night beside me on the balcony.

Those were the days where I could just freely promise him anything and he could promise me anything. I followed through with every one of those promises.

Because we knew what it was like to have love branded on you with hot iron. If I think of love, I think of Taec.

"Miss. Miss. We have arrived in Seoul."

I slowly opened my eyes to the flight attendant gently shaking my arm.

I was dreaming again.

I smiled and nodded in thanks before giving her my wine glass as I exited the plane. Baggage took no time at all. And before I knew it, before I was even ready, I was in the cab, heading towards my hotel. 

I leaned out the window, taking in the bustling city life and the night breeze. The streets were jammed with people and places with bright neon lights played catchy music. This is the place where he lives. 

"You can just drop me off here, sir," I handed the cab driver the money and stepped out of the cab.

I was dead tired from the travelling but I couldn't resist. I pulled my camera out of the bag, turned it on, adjusted the settings and started shooting.



The sound of the shutter was almost therapeutic for me, relaxing my heart and mind. I walked down the roads and alleyways. Taking in the scenery until the ring of my cell phone snapped me back to the real world.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone.

"Why didn't you call me if you were already back?" A soothing voice on the other end asked.

"Sorry, Yeol. I forgot. I was taking pictures," I said sheepishly.

"Harsh, always pictures before your boyfriend" he joked. "Anyways, text me where you're staying and I'll drive you to your shoot tomorrow. Sleep lots and don't be too ugly on camera."

"I'll try," I chuckled as we both hung up.

Chanyeol oppa was like home to me. A year after Taec left, he moved into the area. He went through everything with me and more.

If Taec was the burning passion of first love, the Chanyeol would be the lukewarm water in your tub after a day of hard work. Taec was blissful while Chanyeol was safe.

I didn't deserve him, but somehow I had him.

I slung my camera bag over my left shoulder as I walked to my hotel and checked in. 

For once, I didn't dream at all.

I pecked Yeol on the lips when he pulled up at our first filming location. I could see it inhis eyes that he wanted more.

We haven't seen each other in over a year. I, too, longed to touch him, to hold him. But I stepped out of the car with a teasing smirk and waved goodbye.

Before I shut the door, I leaned over to whisper seductively in his ear: "Don't forget to come pick me up."

I heard his frustrated sigh as I slammed the door shut and grinned widely.


The first scene took place in a small park where the lead male leaves the lead female.

The film crew was already there, setting up the equipment. I greeted the director before I headed off to wardrobe to change. The wardrobe was actually inside a van. The wardrobe unnie shooed everyone out of the van, slid up the tinted windows and ushered me in with my costume.

It was a simple pleated skirt and a button-down shirt with a school's logo on it. Basically, the main character's school uniform.

When I headed out of the wardrobe, the director approached me with an uneasy look.

"Look, Michelle. I know when you were casted, Lee Minho shii was playing the male lead. But there has been some changes in personnel-"

"I know," I cut him off, "Minho called me and explained his schedule conflicts. So, who's the new male lead?"

"Well, though he belongs to an idol group, but he has plenty of experience in the acting field."

"And his name is..?"

"Oh Taecyeon."

Just as he said the name, a black car pulled up in the park.

Holy .





Author's Note:

D-D-D-DOOUBLEEE UPDATEEEE just because Happy New Years!

Thanks for you all that subscribed to my story though I have no idea why in the world you would.

I'll update every day until school starts again. Then I'll probably update every week :)

Plus, I got my first upvote from jesica27, thanks :D

Happy 2014!!!!

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jesica27 #1
Chapter 7: No shes not comming back
Hahaha taec will make her his again
jesica27 #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha the better song

shiningdorks #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^