
You Can Fly

I spun and struggled out of Taec's loosened grip around and ran towards Chanyeol oppa.

He clutched me to his chest. His scent warmed me, filled me and calmed me. He always knew what to do.


Chanyeol was silent on the way home but I knew that he knew. He knows how I feel about Taec, yet he still loved me. 

I looked out the window, not daring to look at Chanyeol. He must be so frustrated. He must have a million questions. I was glad he didn't ask them.

Chanyeol was my shock absorber. He was always there to absorb whatever ed up thing I was going through and whatever I had to say. He always knew when to say something and when to not say anything. 

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't take him for granted. He was always there for me. He swallowed all his emotions and only had concern for mine. He was the most selfless while I was the most selfish. He didn't deserve a ed up like me and I didn't deserve a good man like him.


He took my hand in both of his as we went up to his apartment in the elevator. He gripped me so tight as if he was afraid I would take off if he let go. 

"Oppa, you're hurting me," I said.

His head shot up and I saw the pained expression that was etched into his face. He let out an awkward laugh and loosened his grip.

"Sorry," he muttered and I nodded.


I headed straight to his bedroom after he shut his apartment door with a soft click. I stripped my clothes off and left only my tank top and underwear on.

I sat tiredly on his bed, awaiting his confrontation.

Chanyeol closed the door behind him as he came in.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly.

I nodded, waiting for him to ask the slur of questions that I knew he had on his mind.

I my surprise, he just came over, brushed the hair out of my face, made me lie down and tucked me into his blankets.

"Sleep," was all he said.

"Wait!" I called just before he closed the door and he stopped, "Don't you have anything to ask me?"

He turned around with a tender but sad smile on his face.

"Just rest for now," he said, "my questions can wait."


Then, I was left alone in the room.

That was Chanyeol oppa, he always had unlimited patience and understanding for me. That was the difference between him and Taec.

I had unlimited tolerance for Taec, and Chanyeol oppa had unlimited tolerance for me. Taec was like a rollercoster, he was a thrill but it ended so quickly. Chanyeol was something more like a ferris wheel.

Despite what Taec just did to me, I still wanted him. I was a hopeless cause. I was a sick .



"You can't be with that Taecyeon kid."

I glared at my parents across the dinner table for the words my mother spat out of .

How a simple family dinner escalated into a discussion about my boyfriend was beyond me. I set down my spoon and crossed my arms across my chest.

"What do you know? You know nothing about Taec," I said.

"We know nothing about him? He's nothing but trouble! That's what I know!" My dad started to raise his voice as he slammed his spoon down on the table.

I flinched. My dad never yelled at me. It was good to see my parents finally join forces for once. They were always fighting each other. How funny that the only time they agreed with each other was now.

I laughed at the irony; it was a a cold, high, insane sound.

"You know nothing about him," I said as I slapped my palm down on the table with so much venom that my mother flinched back.

"Michelle, you changed. He changed you!" My mother sobbed.

I looked at her with cold eyes and snarled; a furious, animal-like sound.

"Don't talk to us like that! Go up to your room. You are grounded. Try to get out of the house and you just see," my dad said furiously.

I scoffed, pushed my chair back violently, stomped up to my room and slammed the door shut.

Downstairs, I could hear my parents screaming at each other again. Blaming each other for my behaviour, blaming each other for everything that goes wrong.

It's been a while since they've bothered to keep it down. But now, they were taking it to a whole new level. 

They fired our last maid and butler last month and they were now free to have a screaming match in the dining room or wherever in the house they felt like. At least when the maid unnie and butler ahjusshi were here, they bothered to look like they were fine for them. I was less alone when they were here.

But now I had Taec. I smiled at the thought of him. First they fire the staff and now they tell me I can't see the love of my life? They're trying to control who's in my life and who's not.


Inside my room, I started to pack my bag with necessities. I can't stay anymore or I'd go insane.

I packed my phone away. I needed to leave before they come up to take my electronics away from me. Their screaming matches could last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.

Again, they might be too tired after their fight to even come up, one of them may leave the house and spend the night elsewhere, or they might not want to see my face.

However, I couldn't deny the risk of them coming up. I pulled a spare set of sheets out of my cupboard and stuffed it under another set of sheets. 

There. It looked like someone was under the sheets now.

I pulled my packed backpack over my shoulder, pulled my black cap and jacket on and walked over to the balcony with my bedsheets. I closed the balcony door and took one last rook at my room.

I've seen this done before in movies but I had no idea if it could work in real life. However, it was worth a try.

I tied one end of the bed sheet to the edge of my balcony. I tugged on it to make sure it was tied firmly. Those sailing camp knots I learned in the Caribbean were finally put to use. I smiled with satisfaction at my sturdy knot and threw the other end over the ledge of my balcony.

After sitting on the ledge for 10 seconds, I slid off the balcony, holding the sheet and my breath.

Thankfully, I landed safely. I tugged on the bedsheet, hard, until it ripped off the edge of my balcony.

There, no evidence, I smiled in satisfaction. I bunched up the bed sheet and tucked it under my arm as I observed the front lawn, driveway and fence.

One wrong move here and the security cameras will capture me. 

Thankfully, due to Taec's endeavers to my balcony, I've seen him avoid the security cameras. There were a couple of blind spots here and there. 

I did a happy dance as I successfully leaped over the high fence without setting off the alarm.


Immediately, I called Taec.

"Pack your stuff and come out. We're running away" I whispered into the phone before he could even say hello.

I could hear the grin in his voice. "Be right out," he said.

I smiled when he came out, dressed in a similar fashion with his backpack on, and took my hand.

He took my cap off, kissed me and I forgot everything, even my messed up family.

That's what he did to me. That's how he healed me.


And just like that, we ran away together.

Foolishly, thinking that we could leave just like that.





Author's Note:

I didn't update yesterday, sorry about that!

It's not like many people read this story but I did say that I would update every day until break ends and I broke that TAT

However, break is ending really soon. So I'm changing my update to at least once every week!

Thanks for reading, guys! If you like the story, give it a upvote so other people might see it and read it as well!

P.S. I actually went to sailing camp... just not in the Carribean lol

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jesica27 #1
Chapter 7: No shes not comming back
Hahaha taec will make her his again
jesica27 #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha the better song

shiningdorks #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^