
You Can Fly

I'll admit that I panicked. 

Okay. I flipped out.


Still, I wore the mask of calm that I'm so used to.

"This is not what I signed up for," I mused.

The director gave the crew a panicked stare as beads of sweat started to form on his shiny bald forehead.

"I do apologize. Please tell me what you need. I'm so sorry for this change," The director nerously blabbed on.

He was terrified that I would quit. But there was no way I would do that now.

I held up a hand to silence him: "Don't worry, I'm not quitting. Just get ready for the shoot."

The director bowed numerous times in thanks and ran off with the crew to get the scene ready.

I walked straight to the black car.

It was like the first day I saw him again.

He was even more gorgeous if that was even possible. 

He looked down at his feet as he stepped down from his car. He was dressed very casually and very handsomely at the same time. 

Unknowingly, a big grin stretched across my face. I quickened my steps as he lifted his head up and smiled an a thousand watt smile at me. My stomach did flips.

As we stood in front of each other, we didn't say anything. There was no need to.

I took in his face, his toned arms, his twinkling eyes, his arched nose, his lips that were stretched wide with a smile and I grinned even wider, looking like an idiot.

"Hey cutie," he said with a flirtacious wink. I felt my knees go weak.

"Hey," I said breathlessly. He slammed the car door shut and stared at me.

Suddenly, he closed in. His left hand entwined with mine and his right hand my cheek.

He stared into my eyes: "It's been a while since I contacted you. Sorry. I had my reasons."

Yeah. Seven years.

"Did you know I took this job?" I asked.

"That's why I'm here," he confirmed my wildest dreams.

I broke out of the embrace, unwillingly: "Go change, we're starting soon."

He smirked and pinched my cheek before walking off: "So professional, I see."

I stared at his retreating back, still in disbelief that he was actually here in front of my eyes.

As he walked away, he turned back and walked towards me.

"Hey, are you still mine?" he asked casually. I paused, fazed by his direct question.

"I don't know," I answered honestly. He nodded and turned swifty away.



"What do you mean, oppa?" Tears streamed down my face.

"Don't make me say it again." His eyes were clouded, deep and emotionless.

"No oppa! I don't know what you're saying!" I felt the panic rise to my throat at the cold look in his eyes. I couldn't believe it! I wouldn't believe it! There's no way that we would let each other go.

"This is it for us." He said it. He finally said it straight up. My heart died. A searing physical pain peiced through my chest and my knees trembled. I gripped his arm for support.

"No! We love each other! You can't do this!" I cried, my jaw trembling. I tightened my grip on his arm.

He said nothing. He took my hands and brushed them off his arm, turned and walked away.

As he turned around, I collapsed to the ground, my knees weak and my chest almost splitting open in pain. I tried to hold myself together with my arms and gapsed for air.

I shakily looked up and he was already so far away. I let out a chocked sob and-


"CUT!" the director yelled as he ran over to me excitedly, "Wonderful performance, Michelle! So this is what it's like to work with a world-class actress! You did well too, Taecyeon! It was the best performance I've ever seen from you!"

I've starred in many American films and even Chinese films. However, I've never made a move to break into the acting scene in my home country, Korea. How ironic it is that my debut in Korea was with none other than Taec, my first love.

I wiped the tears from my face and picked myself off the ground. The harsh words coming out of his mouth really brought out all the negative emotions of my character.

"That was the fastest I've ever passed such an important scene but that was pure perfection!" the director blabbed on, "that's all the work we have for today!"

"Thank you, sir. I'll see you tomorrow," I bowed to the director, still wrapped up in my emotions, and gave Chanyeol a call to come pick me up.


"Wow, that was fast," Chanyeol mused over the line, surprised, "luckily, I'm not far away from where you are. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Thanks, oppa," I smiled as I hung up.


"Who the was that?"

I whirled around to face Taec, who was an inch from my face, his eyes burning. I took a step back, still unable to make negative emotions from the scene we just did go away. He grabbed my arm, preventing me from doing so. 

"Chanyeol oppa. He's coming to pick me up," I answered, looking defiantly at him.

He growled dangerously and pulled me to his car. He pushed me inside, shut the door, walked around to the drivers side, got in, and locked the doors. 

"What are you doing?" I said angrily.

"Didn't I tell you not to hang out with another guy without my permission?" he asked dangerously.

"This 'other guy' is my boyfriend!" I spat.

He froze and his knuckles tightened around the steering wheel until they were white. He turned around to face me and leaned close to my face.

I trembled and looked the other way.

"Didn't I tell you that you were mine and only mine?" he said venomously while gripping my face and turning it around to face him. 

"Stop," I pleaded with tears glistening in my eyes. With eyes blinded with rage, he glared at me menacingly. He didn't stop.

"Maybe you need a refresher on who these lips belong to," he smirked.

"Stop!" I was on the verge of tears. He didn't stop.

He leaned in closer and closer until his lips were brushing against mine. Then like a predator springing up on it's prey, his lips captured mine roughly.

My hands came up and pushed against his chest. It was useless. He just roughly grabbed my wrists and pinned them down.

The first tear rolled down my cheek as I pursed my lips together, refusing to kiss him back. Frustrated, he growled and bit my lower lip. I gasped at the pain and the used that chance to ram his tongue into my mouth. 

Tears were now streaming down my cheeks and I let him have his way with my lips.

I felt utterly worthless. Who was this new Taec?

Where was the gentle Taec that would sit mith me on the balcony all night and my hair?

Where was the romantic Taec that would throw pebbles on my window, asking permission to climb up on my balcony?

Where was the sweet Taec that would spend an hour lining my balcony with blankets and sheets just because I said I wanted to stargaze?

Where was the caring Taec that would lace his fingers through mine and whisper sweet nothings in my ear?

Where was the innocent Taec that would lightly peck my lips and grin widely at his success?


Taec finally pulled back. His eyes widened in wonder and surprise at the tears streaming down my face. He quickly let go.

My silent tears turned into uncontollable sobs.

"Let me out now," my voiced cracked.

Taec cursed and banged both hands on the sides of his steering wheel.

"LET ME OUT NOW!" I screamed in a voice that I didn't know I was capable of.

Taec pressed the unlock button on his side of the car and I quickly scrambled out and ran off without looking back.

"Michelle!" I heard him opn the car door and yell. Please don't come after me, I begged silently as I stumbled away from him.

My wrist was grabbed and I was whirled around to face Taec. No, don't make me hate you.

"I'm sorry! Michelle I'm so sorry!" He tried to hug me but I struggled and thrashed against his grip.

"Get away from me!" I screamed.


"Get away from her," a low, menacing voice came from behind me.





Author's Note:

Wow, this is getting dramatic.

I'm making this plot up as I go by the way, so I don't even know what's gonna happen yet.

Poor Taec, he was just really jealous. But he really hurt Michelle :(

I sense some serious drama.

Happy first day of 2014!

Thanks to all my viewers, subscribers, upvoter (singular lol) and commentor (singualar loool).

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jesica27 #1
Chapter 7: No shes not comming back
Hahaha taec will make her his again
jesica27 #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha the better song

shiningdorks #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^