
You Can Fly

He lazily raised a hand in greeting. I could remember every detail of that scene on the driveway. The marble glistened in the morning sun, reflecting on his smooth face.

I swooned and he knew I did.

I knew that I was staring and I could've slapped myself for doing so, but I couldn't stop.

I was snapped out of my daze when Ms. Kim squealed like a little girl and ran off to give him a big hug, leaving him visibly disgruntled. 

"Omo! Taecyeon you're finally here! You must be tired, right?" She gushed and took his bags for him.

I stood there stupidly, watching the scene unfold before me.

He didn't even try to look pleased by Ms. Kim's hospitality. He lazily strutted over to the front door, cutting across Ms. Kim's perfectly manicured front lawn.

I thought he was just going to go inside but then he stopped in front of me, turned, took his sunglasses off and examined me from head to toe.

I shifted uncomfortably as he peiced me with his burning gaze. Then, he handed me his laptop case.

"Take it up to my room," he said arrogantly in perfect english. I detected a slightly Austrailian accent.

I blinked twice, my mind completely blank, and took the case in my hands. As my eyes travelled down to the computer case, I was met with a Luvaglio logo. My jaw dropped open and my mind clicked.

He must be rolling in money to be able to afford a computer that's literally the price of half of my house. I thought Ms. Kim was acting weird and now I knew why. I squinted at his shoes, pants, shirt and jacket and my mind boggled.

He smirked cheekily at me and walked right past me, into the house. Yep, still an . Tsk, what a waste. I stared at him with disbelief until Ms. Kim caught my attention and mouthed "be nice" in my direction. I sighed and followed them into the house.

"Taecyeon, this is Michelle, Hana's friend. She lives across the street and if you have any questions and concerns, you can ask her anything, right?" Ms. Kim finally introduced me. He must've thought I was a maid or something by the way he handed me his stuff.

"R-right," I could've kicked myself for stuttering.

He smiled and leaned close to my face. I looked down and blushed, unable to look at him. He suddenly reached up and pinched my cheek. I looked up, surprised at his actions and he grinned widely, showing a set of perfect white teeth.

"I guess we'll be seeing each other often, right, cutie?" he winked flirtaciously.

"C-c-cutie?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, cutie. I'll see you later," and with that, he headed upstairs with Ms. Kim and Mr. Shin trotting behind him with his luggage while I stood at the doorway, completely stunned.



My favourite day of the week, Monday. I grumbled as I slammed my palm on my alarm clock and rolled out of bed. Late again.

I hopped out of the door with my backpack slung over one shoulder and a peice of toast in my mouth in record time.

As I stumbled out of the doorway that was littered with shoes, my head landed in someone's chest. I grumbled in pain and rubbed my sore forehead as I glared at the offender. Taecyeon chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Morning, cutie," he smirked at me.

"Don't call me that, I have a name," I grumbled, "and what are you doing here?"

"Well, somebody's gotta show me the way to school."

I sighed and remembered Ms. Kim's request to "be nice" and put on a forced smile.

"Follow me then," I said before walking off in a fast pace.

I heard him chuckle as I raced off. To my dissapointment, he easily caught up to me with his long strides and slung an arm over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"Just being friendly," he looked down and smirked at me again.

"What's with your accent?" I asked curiously.

"My parents grew up in Austrailia," he informed.

"Ahh," I nodded in understanding.

"What? Like what you see?" He smirked, the left side of his lip curling up.

"Are you even normal?" I scoffed. He must think that he's so charming.

"No way," he smiled as he said this. His smile looked a little sad.

That day whizzed by so fast. Mostly because of Taec.

Looking back, I knew why he looked sad. We all had problems and we would all be messed up. He already was, and I was soon to be. That's what life does to you, I guess. At least in my world.

Those were the times. The memories that I would look back on and smile. The memories that I would look back on with a certain bittersweetness that only someone who loved so much, with all their heart, could do.

Because we went from strangers to acquaintances; from acquaintance to friends; and from friends to more. 

And I realize that's how it all goes. But to me, it was special. It was that process that left me so in love with him. It was a sweet candy that left a bitter aftertaste. Now all I can do is miss the sweet taste of his love. 




Author's Note:

Hello lovely people! Obviously, the second chapter is up. Thanks to all of you who subscribed to this story! I would love it so much if you could comment and tell me what I'm doing right or wrong! This update is a little shorter than my previous one :P

This is my first fic and I have no idea what I'm doing so It would be awesome if you guys could not be silent readers :)

I'm trying to update every day since I'm on break (so far it's working out).

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jesica27 #1
Chapter 7: No shes not comming back
Hahaha taec will make her his again
jesica27 #2
Chapter 6: Hahaha the better song

shiningdorks #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^