Cold heart



Hakyeon thought he had a great life. A loving boyfriend, a flourishing career and understanding friends. 

But something didn't click.

Something didn't feel right.

He wasn't happy.

He thought he was selfish, an egotistical bastard who wanted the attention all to himself and all of the world to revolve around him. He didn't tolerate it in the slightest when Wonshik even did as much as just throw a glance towards other guy, even though he knew he would never cheat because he loved him too much, proven by how he cuddled him each night to sleep, how he comforted him when the nightmares came back, how he soothed his shaking body in his arms. He didn't know why he was just so angry at him.

His friends were happy. Content grins on their faces each time they would meet up and Hakyeon would feel his heart twist in a mix of hatred and crushing guilt. He was offended at their bliss, enraged at their satisfaction. He would feel the urge to rip off that smirk off their faces and pummel them, to strike jabs wherever he could to release all of his pent up resentment. They were happy, and he wasn't. 

It felt as though nothing had sense anymore, even Wonshik's kisses felt dry and tedious, even his touches were too weak, suffocating the lust and reviving the insanity. He was going crazy.

I love you, I love you so much, but I'm not happy, he scribbled messily on a paper,

It's not your fault.

Jaehwan found him hung from the ceiling, his legs swaying gracelessly. Cold. He was so cold.

Wonshik was left traumatized, broken.

Hakyeon was his light and he was gone. 

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ohstaphit #2
Chapter 8: Oh my god..... I didn't expect that like wow.... it was beautifully sad ♥♥♥
Chapter 15: I hope you know when I saw that post on tumblr I thought it would be amazing and awful if you posted something about that . . . And yep, I was right. T.T
This was both amazing, it filled my angsty pain needs, and awful as well as being so cute that I'm just torn.
Thank you for this. Just thank you. <3
Chapter 15: I have no idea what just happened, only thing I know is that they died and that this was beautifully written <33
SWShawnee #5
Chapter 14: Stop you from writing? ;; you're nuts, i'd like to start my morning every day by reading a navi drabble of yours 8')
Anyway, ugh, this is my favorite type of fic, I can't live without the angst ;; I also love how you wrote their physical movements and position here, very detailed and really paints a picture~

Wonshik panics for a moment, winds his arms around Hakyeon's waist and hauls him to his chest, and there's mangled sob against his bare skin before Wonshik holds him closer and his throat sears with impending tears. Wonshik coils his leg around Hakyeon's and Hakyeon presses closer, seeking for comfort, the warmth seeping from Wonshik's skin soaking him in reassurance.

this in particular ;;; uwhhhh so good!
-flaneur #6
Chapter 13: yes. definitely better.
Chapter 12: OMG too much cuteness *squeals* ^^
love this story ;)
Chapter 8: The fluffy ones were like yayy!! ^^ ("my ship is sailing", oh no you didn't XD) But then the last two angsty ones were like nooooo.... ㅠ.ㅠ