Sinking ship



A/N This is ridiculous, but it was fun to write. :D


Sanghyuk watches inconspicuously through the ajar door as Hakyeon and Wonshik throw angry words at each other and he flinches when Hakyeon's palm makes contact with Wonshik's cheek and a loud, resounding sound is heard. Wonshik's skin's colour quickly alters to bright red. They are arguing about something but it is not intelligible, the real root of the problem still unknown. It seems fairly serious this time and Sanghyuk cannot help but worry. 

He moves away and crawls into Hongbin's open arms, perched on his lap. "Hongbin hyung," he looks up at him, eyes tearful and whimpering, "I think my ship is sinking," he drawls sorrowfully and Hongbin pats the top of his head affectionately, "I say you stay calm, Hyukkie, because this is not the first time they are fighting," he assures, but Sanghyuk is still unconvinced, "it sounded pretty bad this time."

Jaehwan emerges from the kitchen with a dripping spoon he at (it seems to be chocolate) and mumbles, uninterested, "Probably Wonshik fell asleep as Hakyeon was giving him a private show of his striptease abilities," Taekwoon appears behind him, nodding in agreement at what Jaehwan's just said and stirring into a bowl that seems to be containing cream. 

"Yay, hyung, are you making a cake?!" Sanghyuk, for a moment, forgets about his woe and sits up excitedly, running towards the sweet treat and stuffing his mouth with the delicious cream. He stains his lips and even his cheek and Hongbin cackles as he gets up too and gently grazes a handkerchief against the dirty spots. Sanghyuk beams.

They all stiffen when Hakyeon and Wonshik exit their room noisily, Wonshik trailing behind Hakyeon, expression uncertain and hesitant hands fumbling to get to Hakyeon's waist but never actually doing it (out of fear, maybe. Hakyeon is scary when mad.) 

"Hakyeon, I know I did wrong, but, please," Wonshik pleads and the boys all hold their breath, tense and uncomfortable. Why did they bring this right in front of their faces?

"I know I shouldn't have drunk your banana milk but it was the only one left and I couldn't resist," Wonshik says it all in one breath and the four accidental witnesses heave a sigh of relief almost simultaneously, coupled with some faces of disbelief at the extreme idiocy. 

"He slapped him for a banana milk?!" Hongbin whispers incredulously at Sanghyuk, breath warming his ear. "He's insane," he concluded and returned his vision at the ridiculous scene unfolding before them.

"It wasn't that you drank it, Kim Ravi," Hakyeon says with emphasis, to fully deliver the message that he is indeed very angry. "It was that you lied to me saying you didn't," 

"You would have been upset-"

"Well, and now I'm very cool with it, right?" Hakyeon raises his voice and Taekwoon winces, the volume is getting way too high for his liking. 

It's all silence for a while, time dragging painfully slow for all of them, but somehow they can't bring themselves to do anything, go away or even say something, all rooted to their spots and waiting for something, anything, to happen. 

Wonshik cowers and looks like a kicked puppy as he realizes that he was indeed wrong telling Hakyeon lies. Hakyeon holds his nose up high, a somewhat conceited expression on his face, but still strained and apparently very serious. Sanghyuk watches the scene with bated breath, biting on his finger with Hongbin beside him, reprimanding, oh my gosh, Hyukkie, don't do that, that's dirty, you just touched this and that, and Sanghyuk wants to shove a sock in his mouth but he refrains himself because he likes him too much to do so.

Jaehwan exhanges glances with Taekwoon, still from the dripping spoon and makes some very, extremely, unbelievably shameless things with his tongue and Taekwoon looks away in (apparent) vague disgust. Jaehwan knows he's actually (the rosy blush gives it away) because, come on, he's a god. His god.

Sanghyuk squeals as Wonshik lunges for Hakyeon and presses a quick kiss to his lips. Hakyeon's jaw tightens, and Sanghyuk's not sure if he will go chase and kill Wonshik or.. 

Hakyeon does the opposite. He tackles Wonshik to the ground and the younger man laughs gleefully. Hakyeon hopes he's heavy enough to choke him (he knows he isn't). He breaks into a genuine, delighted smile, "You are so stupid, Wonshik-ah," (he doesn't mean it, he's so thankful for Wonshik putting up with all of his nonsense) he says before he clashes their lips, and the kiss gets passionate and soon turns rated 19 when they are rudely interrupted by Jaehwan who yells at them to "go get a room". They get up in a sloppy manner, lips still locked tight and stumbling to their room, Wonshik pushing the door closed with force.

"Gross," Taekwoon comments as he hooks pinkies with Jaehwan, "want to bake that cake?" he asks and Jaehwan nods, eyes sparkling and smile enthusiastic. 

Hongbin has jubilant Sanghyuk in his arms, chin propped up on his head and Sanghyuk giggles cutely before he says, rejoicing, "Hyung, my ship is still sailing." 




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ohstaphit #2
Chapter 8: Oh my god..... I didn't expect that like wow.... it was beautifully sad ♥♥♥
Chapter 15: I hope you know when I saw that post on tumblr I thought it would be amazing and awful if you posted something about that . . . And yep, I was right. T.T
This was both amazing, it filled my angsty pain needs, and awful as well as being so cute that I'm just torn.
Thank you for this. Just thank you. <3
Chapter 15: I have no idea what just happened, only thing I know is that they died and that this was beautifully written <33
SWShawnee #5
Chapter 14: Stop you from writing? ;; you're nuts, i'd like to start my morning every day by reading a navi drabble of yours 8')
Anyway, ugh, this is my favorite type of fic, I can't live without the angst ;; I also love how you wrote their physical movements and position here, very detailed and really paints a picture~

Wonshik panics for a moment, winds his arms around Hakyeon's waist and hauls him to his chest, and there's mangled sob against his bare skin before Wonshik holds him closer and his throat sears with impending tears. Wonshik coils his leg around Hakyeon's and Hakyeon presses closer, seeking for comfort, the warmth seeping from Wonshik's skin soaking him in reassurance.

this in particular ;;; uwhhhh so good!
-flaneur #6
Chapter 13: yes. definitely better.
Chapter 12: OMG too much cuteness *squeals* ^^
love this story ;)
Chapter 8: The fluffy ones were like yayy!! ^^ ("my ship is sailing", oh no you didn't XD) But then the last two angsty ones were like nooooo.... ㅠ.ㅠ