sweetest reward

You Make Me Smile

you arrived at the cinemas a couple of hours later. you have picked your outfit precisely.  you were very excited about the date with jonghyun and hoping that you didnt embarrass yourself again in front of him.

" My mission starts now! " you walk around the cinema searching for jonghyun. You looked up and down left and right under and below and so on but you couldn't find him.

“ Wow, he's really good " it takes you 15 minutes just to find him and finally you give up. You turn your head from left to right just maybe before you call him you can spot him but still no luck. 

" Arhh, Kim Jonghyun you're good. Fine I give up. " You said to yourself then you took out your phone to call him. But before you can hit the call button someone hugged you from behind.

" Hehe, I knew it. I knew you couldn't find me. " A familiar voice whisper in your ear while his hands are still clinging on your neck. You turn around to see jonghyun in shades and a beanie on. You were still in shock by the sudden hug you thought it’ll be some stranger.

“I’ve been watching you from there.” Jonghyun pointed to a place across the room near a table where he had been watching you.

“ You were so cute running around trying to find me. “ Jonghyun pouted.  You blush listening to his words.

“ Well then, I guess I lost huh? “ You ask sounding sad

“ Well, seems like it.” Jonghyun tease you. You thought of something, since you had lost you have to think of a reward to give him.

“ Fine then, how about I’ll pay for the ticket” you jumped when the idea came to your head.

“Erm, let’s not, since I asked you out, it’s my treat. “ Jonghyun said bowing down a little.

“ Oh okay, then what do you want since you win “ you pointed your tongue out.

Jonghyun laughed. “ Let’s just save it for later “ he winked at you and put his hands around your arm and dragged you to the ticket booth.


When the movie ends you and Jonghyun made your way to the exit. On your way you and Jonghyun talked about the movie. It was a romantic comedy movie. Jonghyun recap the funny part of the movie it made you laugh.

“You hungry? “ Jonghyun asked

“ How could I be when you stuff me with all that popcorn. I swear there were a lot “ you told him while pouting. Just imagining the amount of popcorns you have ate made you want to throw up. Jonghyun laughed.

“ Hehe, I'm sorry your name goes here “ Jonghyun checks the time on his watch and look at his surroundings.

“Come with me, I wanna take you somewhere. “ you nodded and followed Jonghyun.

Both of you walked out of the cinema and to the quiet streets. It was so quiet since its night. you look around and you feel shivers all over your body as the cold night wind blew. Jonghyun on the other hand look happy he even skips as he walks beside you. Somehow you feel scared of something might just popup out of nowhere. Then you heard a noise nearby you look at where the noise has been coming and suddenly something came out of the bushes. You jumped and grabbed Jonghyun arm and buried your face in his arm. Didn’t bother what Jonghyun might think you just stayed there.

Jonghyun who was shocked at first but then he was pleased that you held his hand.

“ Hey, it’s just cat. Look “ he pointed to the cat which is making its way in front of them. You lift up your head from his arm and looked at the cat with relief and let go of jonghyun’s arm.

“ oh, err.. a cat. Ehem “ you said coughing as you scratch the back of your head.

“ Jonghyun, where are we going? I'm getting really freaked out here as you can see. “ you said finally having the courage to ask him and hoping it doesn’t sound demanding.

Jonghyun smirk.

“ I wish you hold me a little longer if you were scared. “ you turn red, you turn your head to the other side hoping Jonghyun didn’t see your flushed face.

“ Don’t worry, were almost there. I come here a lot. It’s where I can calm myself and forget about all those work that’s been stressing me out.” He said while putting his hand in his pocket hoodie. “ And yes I do come here at night. Less people, and less people means less fan girls and that means no disguise. “As he took out his shades and put them in his pocket jeans and look at you. He gave you the sweetest smile and you smile back. But you couldn’t help but not to stare at his beautiful eyes since you couldn’t see those all night. He did open it in the cinema but again it was too dark to even see him.

Even without noticing, you’re there. You arrived at the park. He’s right. It’s really calming at night with the soft breeze and the smell of the tress. It refreshes you. You couldn’t help but closed your eyes as you walk behind him  twirling around your hand opens wide as it trace the flowers at the tip of your fingers.

You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. but something is not right. The person you’re with is not appearing in your thoughts but it’s his friend, your friend, its Taemin.

‘Thump’ you accidently bumped into Jonghyun who is now facing you trying to keep you still and not fall to the ground.

“ I'm sorry “ Jonghyun apologize. You gave out a little giggle and rub your head. You thought it’s funny that you’ve been lost in your own mind.

“ It’s okay. “ as you look up to him. The street light above is shining down the both of you as you see his face clearly. But it’s not just the light, the stars and the moon in the sky are shining brightly in this cold night. They look beautiful just like his eyes. He move closer step by step. Your heart beats faster by every step he makes.

“ Can I have my reward now “ he said his eyes still at yours

“ Reward? “ You said almost in whisper sounding blunt.

He leaned down towards you. Your heartbeat beats even faster than ever. you can feel his nose brush into yours. His lips are place in front of yours ready to touch it and it did, he planted a kiss on your lip. You didn’t know what to do by the sudden action. you just close your eyes and grip both of your hand. His hand making a way to touch your hot red cheek and the other trying to let go of the grip of your hand and you did let go, and he intertwined his hands in yours. You feel relaxed and calm when he intertwine with your hand, you let go of the other grip and make its way to the back of his neck. As both of you kisses passionately.  His finger touches your neck as he let the kiss end for the both of you to get some air.

You look at him in gaze and still blushing about it. He put his hand around your waist and looking down to you.

“ Thanks for the sweetest reward ever “ he said while winking at you.

This made you even blushed. You took a deep breath and put your hands around his neck.

You giggle “ hehe, I'm glad you like it “

And both of you stayed in that position for awhile under the street lights in the park with the stars and the moon shining bright as ever. But his eyes were shining brighter than the moon and the stars. His eyes were ‘bling bling’ only on yours.

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EternallyTVXQ #1
awesome story
haha,spending some time with SHINee.how fun!update soon.
AWWW! this is so sweet...<br />
Key is really a fast-thinker<br />
i like the -homework scene
you guys always makes me smile with your comments :) HAHAHA ! yes, jjongs taking you away :o i'll update soon :p thank you !
she's Jonghyun's lady now:)he's really sweet and caring.but Taemin also has a spot in her heart.i wonder what'll happen now.update soon.
TAEMIN! HELP! Jong's taking me away!
AAWWWWWW this is such a sweet chap. it makes my heart flutter. UPDATES
Litche #8
aaaaw omg so sweet aaw! I cant belive she hasnt figured it out yet. :o update soon! :D <3
ohh lala.seriously,what a lucky girl.having both Jonghyun and Taemin falling in love*sighs*
TAEMIN im on ur side. I love you Taemin. I was threatened to kiss him