date ?

You Make Me Smile


after school, jonghyun walks you home, you insisted but then he keeps on talking that it'll be very dangerous for a girl like you to walk alone even though he knows your neighbourhood is a safe place but then he starts talking about him and bling bling and whatsoever it'd made you annoy for a while so you gave up and let him walk you home. this time you keep on wishing that nothing embarrassing happen to you and thank god nothing happen.

all the way home jonghyun talks about him and the other members. he told you that taemin sometimes can be very serious eventhough his all innocent and childish and how key talks alot and how a diva he can be and his a really good cook. you were very impressed by these and he talks about how onew is a good leader and his obsesion with chicken and minho being very athletic that he envy him and sometimes minho can be very cold to the other members.

you pay attention to every word he says and you thought the other shinee members were a snob.

i take back what i've said about them before, they seem really nice and interesting ;) you thought to yourself

when you reach home you guys say your goodbyes and you watch him walks back to his house. you turn around to face your front door your head tilt down as your hand moves to the doorknob and your heart beats so fast as you were hoping to find your appa still at home ... you open the door slowly and make a step inside your house and you heard a little voice of laughter coming from the living room you peeked your head in the living room and saw your sister was there playing with your appa. you feel so relieved and told them you're home and head up to your room.

the first thing you did when you reached your room is check your phone, you wonder if taemin had called you or even text you. you throw your beg across the room and quickly grab your phone and opens it.

" two missed calls and a text message, this better be you lee taemin. "

as you checked your missed calls it was him. you click open your text message ...

" i forgot you're in school, i called you but you didnt pick up of course you didnt. why didnt you bring your phone to school, haissh, you wanna die? hehe. well call me back whe you reach home, bye. im sorry :( "

                            -lee taemin

" haish this boy "  you open your contact number and searched for lee taemin you dial his number and wait for him to pick it up

"hello ? taemim ah ! "

" YAH ! your name goes here ! im sorry i didnt tell you earlier.  i cant make it to school, it was sudden and - "

" you've forgotten about me. "  you cut in before he could finish his sentence .

" WHAT NO ! "  taemin shouted, you almost got a heart attack. you were about to shout back but he continues 

" thats impossible, how can i forgot you, i would never forget you, of course i - i - i  , i was just super busy with - "

taemin stuttered with his words trying to explain everything. you just laugh hearing him stuttered. 

" yah ! chill, take a deep breath ! i was just joking around, if you really have forgotten about me i'll kill you "

taemin laughed. you sat down on your bed while staring outside your window waiting for taemin to response. just listening to taemin laugh made you smile. you thought of how good taemin is as your friend and how lucky you are to have someone like him as your best friend.

"i'll be home soon, i'll see you straight away  when the shoot is over. "

hearing him saying this just made your day. you really wanted to see him but you know that by the time he finishes the shoot it'll be late at night and he must be tired.

" its okay, you dont have to come and see me, just go home. i know you'll be tired. get some rest. get it? "

" im not tired ! no, no. but i really want to see you. pleasee ! " he begged.

you really wanted to see him to but you dont want him to pass out in the middle of your conversation.

" im saying this once only ! dont come, if you come tonite i am not going to open the door for you. i'll see you tomorrow okay? i mean it, dont come ! '

" fine fine, i wont come. hmm, chinggu, im sorry i made you wait this morning."

" oh, its okay. jonghyun came and walks with me its weird. he just suddenly came " 

" what? jonghyun came to your house, seriously thats weird he never talks to me about you, but why? " taemin sound confused.

" i dont know, well he told me that whenever you're not around he'll come and take your place. " 

" haha, what? took over my place, hyung so weird. well, i'll talk to him when i get back. at least  you have someone to accompany you "

you remembered back the embarasing moment you had with jonghyun.

"hmm yeah, accompany. well, i have to tell you something but dont laugh!  "

" oh okay ! what is it ! tell me ! tell me ! "

" okaay, i sort of , like , fell in front of jonghyun . " you mumble your words hoping that he didnt hear you. 

suddenly there was a pause. you knew it, you knew that he was gonna laugh his head off you knew that he was gonna make fun of you, you knew it from the start.

" haish, i knew i shouldnt tell you. why am i so stupid -.- "

then taemin laugh.

 i knew it, eff this, i knew he'll laugh. i feel so stupid ( italic fonts indicates what you're thinking ;) )

" okay im gonna hung up now " you said sounding annoyed

" wait wait ! im sorry, i didnt mean to laugh but, but, but, fine i'll stop. "

taemin paused for a few seconds to get some air into him but you can still hear him choking holding himself not to laugh. suddenly you hear people are calling for him to come back to the shoot.

" hmm, i have to go. i have to finish this " he said sounding sad

" its okay, go finish the shoot alright. if you need anything you can call me, but please dont. hihi ! FIGHTING LEE TAEMIN ! " 

" thank you chinggguya ! hihi. bye ! "

 as you were about to hung up taemin suddenly stops you

" chinggu ! wait " 

" what is it taemin "  you replied

" saranghae ! " you smiled listening to those words that taemin just said, somehow it feels a little weird listening from a guy best friend even though he looks like a girl you still like listening to the words especially from taemin.

" hihi , saranghae chinggu ! take care :) " (a/n : LOL, i dont know you can put smileys while having a conversation, idk i just feel like it, sorry ;) )



after taking a shower you decided to finish up on your homework and then maybe go online for awhile since your best friend is not here. usually you waste your time by talking and doing some unreasonable stuff with him. then your phone rings of a new message you received at the side table of your bed.

" hey watcha doing ^^ " 

                           - kim jonghyun

" what? why is he suddenly texting me. is he bored or something " 

" nothing really, thinking of finishing my homework :p "

                          - your name goes here

within minutes he replied back

" so you have nothing to do then ? well skip the homework its not that important >.< hmm, i was wondering if you wanna go out with me tonight. a date maybe? "

                            - kim jonghyun

you almost chock on the word 'date'.  you didnt think he'll be into you but you gotta admit this boy is pretty hot maybe you should go out on a date with him. but you're having second thought,

would taemin allow me to date his hyung, hmm. whatever screw him ! lol, i still love you taemin, hihi.

you hesitate on replying the message but somehow you manage to reply the message

" yeah , sure, i'd love to go on a date with you :) "

                                      - your name goes here

" cool then , i'll meet you at the cinema at 8. lets see if you can spot me in my disguise ;) "

                                                       - kim jonghyun

then you remembered of course he needs his disguise his shinee bling bling kim jonghyun for god sake. and you laugh at yourself.  babo me

" dont be surprise if i can spot you with just one look XD " 

                                                  - your name goes here

" we'll see then ;) "

                                                                       - kim jonghyun



OMG HEY PEOPLE ! sorry for the late update. i've been celebrating eid so its been weeks rite, sorry ! i wanna update the next chapter but my cousins are sleeping over i dont like people bugging me while i do my masterpiece. LOL ! sorry sorry !but i'll  try! thanks for subscribing ! 8 is more than i ever expected, thank you for the love ;)




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EternallyTVXQ #1
awesome story
haha,spending some time with fun!update soon.
AWWW! this is so sweet...<br />
Key is really a fast-thinker<br />
i like the -homework scene
you guys always makes me smile with your comments :) HAHAHA ! yes, jjongs taking you away :o i'll update soon :p thank you !
she's Jonghyun's lady now:)he's really sweet and caring.but Taemin also has a spot in her heart.i wonder what'll happen now.update soon.
TAEMIN! HELP! Jong's taking me away!
AAWWWWWW this is such a sweet chap. it makes my heart flutter. UPDATES
Litche #8
aaaaw omg so sweet aaw! I cant belive she hasnt figured it out yet. :o update soon! :D <3
ohh lala.seriously,what a lucky girl.having both Jonghyun and Taemin falling in love*sighs*
TAEMIN im on ur side. I love you Taemin. I was threatened to kiss him