Taemin Oppa !

You Make Me Smile


the school bell rings as taemin walked towards you. you were packing your beg ready to head home. " you ready  your name goes here ? "  " yup, lets go ! "  as you were about to head out of class you turn your head back to see the others. minho gave you a look and just rolled his eyes. you quickly turned away and thought to yourself  "haish this guy who does he think he is ,  such a snob"

taemin looked at you as both of you walked home but you were to busy with your own thoughts then taemin break the silence. "you okay? " you just looked at taemin and gave him a smile. " its your appa isn't " you looked at taemin and gave him a little sigh " he hasnt been home for two weeks now, its not like him, he usually comes home every three days the longest time is a week " you paused.

"shes been asking for him non stop." you continued. " what did you told her?" " the same thing i've been telling her all the time,  work"  taemin looked at you and held your hands " its okay, he'll come home soon." you can feel your eyes are watery. you didnt want taemin to see it so you covered your eyes with your hair and you lean on taemin side and he held your hand all the way to your house.

taemin rings the door bell and you can hear foot steps running towards the door. when the door opens the loudest shriek was thrown out to both of you. taemin flung his arms open and a little girl jumped on taemin and hugged him tightly and he carried her. " taemin oppa !" she yelled. "hee, you missed me dont you?" taemin said. " YUP ! very much !" she said. " mia, you dont miss your sister? " you said with a sad pout. " nope, i miss taemin oppa more " mia your little sister said while giving teamin a hug. " finee, mia get down you're very heavy ! " you said poking her nose. taemin puts her down then she jumps up and down up and down.

" unnie unnie unnie unnie !" she said still jumping up and down " mia stop jumping, what is it?" you said while holding her down teamin just smiled looking at her cuteness. " appa's home ! " mia said excitedly. you were shocked. " what where is he?" you asked. " appa's inside with umma in the kitchen." you ran to the kitchen to see your appa, mia pulled taemin in and asked him to play with her. " APPA ! " you screamed. your appa who is sitting at the kitchen table with your umma is now up excitedly to see you.

you ran to him and gave him a big hug ! " arhhh, my baby girl, how are you sweetie" your dad asked. " im great appa ! you?" "im much better now that i've seen you" your appa said smiling and kissing you on your forehead. taemin who is now basically being dragged by mia has arrived in the kitchen. " yah ! taemin how are you" your dad asked teamin. " im fine sir, thank you" taemin said bowing to your father. 

"i made lunch, lets eat" your umma said. " taemin ah, stay for lunch will you" you asked him. "i'd love too !" taemin said while carrying mia to the dining table. 





hee, so basically mia is your little sister shes about 4 and shes really close to teamin. she prefers teamin more than you ( sorry )    and im sorry if this chapter is boring i just need to tell something about your family i mean you in the story :) so pleasee bare with me. and thank you for reading, please leave a comment i'd love to hear what you think about this story <3

oh yeah, your dad usually goes outstation for work so he's barely home ;)

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EternallyTVXQ #1
awesome story
haha,spending some time with SHINee.how fun!update soon.
AWWW! this is so sweet...<br />
Key is really a fast-thinker<br />
i like the -homework scene
you guys always makes me smile with your comments :) HAHAHA ! yes, jjongs taking you away :o i'll update soon :p thank you !
she's Jonghyun's lady now:)he's really sweet and caring.but Taemin also has a spot in her heart.i wonder what'll happen now.update soon.
TAEMIN! HELP! Jong's taking me away!
AAWWWWWW this is such a sweet chap. it makes my heart flutter. UPDATES
Litche #8
aaaaw omg so sweet aaw! I cant belive she hasnt figured it out yet. :o update soon! :D <3
ohh lala.seriously,what a lucky girl.having both Jonghyun and Taemin falling in love*sighs*
TAEMIN im on ur side. I love you Taemin. I was threatened to kiss him