Chip Bag

Red Bean Bread

It was Tuesday; the sun's rays once again shined on Chanyeol's pale face. But this morning, he was not sitting at his disorganized desk; Chanyeol was for once sleeping on his bed. He awoke and yawned loudly, then stretched his long arms and stiff back. As usual, he checked his phone. 

", there's only fifteen minutes." he sighed. 

Chanyeol dashed to the coat rack then to his briefcase, only to realize that he did not need these items anymore. He was no longer Jeguk Corporation's accountant. There was no longer an annoying boss scolding him for his supposed laziness and immaturity. He finally had freedom but then again he no longer had a job. 

But rather than standing there feeling frustrated about his loss, Chanyeol walked straight to the bathroom. After a week of not touching his toothpaste and toohbrush, Chanyeol finally grasped the two and cleaned his teeth. Afterwards, he hopped into the shower and thoroughly cleansed his body and shampooed his hair. 

As he walked out and looked into the mirror, he realized that he looked like the nineteen year old Park Chanyeol again. It was almost like his life was renewed and a new path was opened for him. 

"If being an accountant does not work out, then I could go find something else. Firefighter, chef, artist; the possibilities are endless!" he confidently shouted. 

After putting on a loose white t-shirt and some blue sweatpants, Chanyeol looked at the mirror one last time.

"Smile bright now, There's someone waiting for you today." he excitedly said to himself. 

The old Park Chanyeol had finally returned. 

"Hmm I wonder what Kyungsoo is doing right now. Probably shelving chips or maybe sweeping floors?" Chanyeol thought to himself. 

The moment Chanyeol opened the door, he saw Kyungsoo with his face flat on the counter, sleeping. 

"Who was I kidding, this lazy boy is always sleeping. No wonder he got my receipt wrong; he is always so tired." Chanyeol said to himself. 

Chanyeol would seem like a jerk if he woke Kyungsoo up right now in his deep sleep. So he decided to stroll down the aisles and organize any chips and cookies that seemed out of place. Half an hour already passed while Chanyeol was waiting for Kyungsoo to wake up, but for some reason it did not seem that long. 

As Chanyeol was rearranging the last couple of snacks, he felt someone hand him another bag of chips. He hurriedly put it back on the shelf. 

"Thanks." Chanyeol said as he turned around, only to realize that Kyungsoo stood right in front of him.

"Uhh hey Kyungsoo, good morning?" Chanyeol greeted while scratching his head. 

"Silly, why didn't you wake me up? I could've done this, its my job anyways." Kyungsoo said as he shelved the remaining shrimp-flavored chips.

"It seemed like you were heavy in sleep, so I didn't want to wake you up too early. And I only got here a couple of minutes ago." he lied. 

"Anyways, why do you always sleeping during work? Did someone party too hard last night?" Chanyeol joked. 

"Psh, I wish. But sadly, I've been up all night studying for my exams." he paused. "I have to do especially well if I want to start taking more advanced Psychology courses. But it would've been easier if I understood what I was learning though." Kyungsoo sighed. 

"I'm so glad I'm out of school now." Chanyeol joked.

"And besides I really don't know how to help you, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Just believe in your abilities and try your best. Hwaiting!" Chanyeol shouted with a fist. 

"I hope so. Thanks Chanyeol, you made me feel much more relaxed." Kyungsoo said. 

"And one more thing, don't stay up so late! Its bad for your health and it makes me worried seeing you sleeping in the convenience store all the time." Chanyeol nagged. 

"Fine, fine, I promise. But Chanyeol, you were worried about me?" Kyungsoo asked; his huge eyes looking straight into Chanyeol. 

"Like I would, I was worried about the convenience store. Someone could easily rob this whole place and you wouldn't even know." Chanyeol lied. But his cheeks were definitely not lying.

"Alright alright, I won't sleep anymore. You nag too much, my friend. And aren't you going to head to work, Chanyeol? Its getting kinda late." Kyungsoo asked. 

"Yeah, funny story, I just got fired yesterday. I probably won't be coming back there any time soon." Chanyeol said lightly. 

"Then stop being a lazy and go find something to do!" Kyungsoo yelled. 

"You know what, Kyungsoo? You nag a lot too. I don't know why you're getting so hyped up; its all gonna be alright. If I look around a little harder, I'll probably find someone hiring. And its only been a day, geez." Chanyeol casually replied. 

"If you want, you can work here for now...until you find another job of course." Kyungsoo suddenly suggested. 

"I don't know if working at a convenience store is really for me. And plus the pay doesn't seem that much." Chanyeol responded. 

"I've never seen a person so picky with jobs like you Chanyeol, especially since you were just FIRED." Kyungsoo irritatingly said. 

"Kyungsoo are mad at me?" Chanyeol innocently asked. 

"I'm not mad, its just that I was trying to help you out and you just dismissed it completely. I thought us two working together would be fun, but since you really don't want to, I won't force you." Kyungsoo frowned. 

"Why am I such an idiot? I made Kyungsoo angry and he was just trying to help me!" Chanyeol thought to himself. 

"Kyungsoo, you know I was just messing with you. Of course I'll take the offer." Chanyeol said quickly. 

"You don't have to work here if you don't want to." Kyungsoo sulked. But inside, Kyungsoo felt extremely glad that Chanyeol had changed his mind. 

"So when should I start?" Chanyeol asked. 

"You could start tomorrow if you want, its only you and me anyways." Kyungsoo answered. 

"Really? Why is there so few workers? And where is the boss?" Chanyeol questioned. 

"I guess people don't really know about us yet since we just opened a couple of days ago. And our boss doesn't come often. But when he does come, he just minds his own business." Kyungsoo replied. 

"Maybe working here isn't that bad after all. A chill boss and an easy job." Chanyeol said. "And another chance to be with you." Chanyeol mentally added. 

"I'll have your uniform ready tomorrow morning, so you better come early! Or else I will mark you down!" Kyungsoo threatened with a smile. 

"Okay okay I will, mother." Chanyeol laughed. 

"Maybe I won't sleep anymore, since there's someone I can be awake for." Kyungsoo thought to himself.

He then smacked Chanyeol in the head just for the heck of it. Chanyeol was going to smack back, but he decided to pinch Kyungsoo's puffy cheeks instead. 

And thus the day ended with two laughing boys having a wonderful time merely with each other's presence. 

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chanxyeolie #1
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!! Thanks! What a cute chapter! More please :)
Chapter 4: nice story author-nim ~
Chapter 4: It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! :)
Chapter 4: Chansoo fics are rare (I think) so I'm pretty excited for this! I hope their friendship develops slowly :)
Chapter 4: Waah~ This is very adorable!! I love the Chansoo Hug!!

Good job girl!!! ^^
Chapter 3: why are they so cute with each other ugh klasdfghj
Ohmymama. Finally a person who writes cute chansoo. FLUFFY CHANSOO FOR LIFE. Please continue writing!! : ) thankkyu!
Do u like any other couples?
Chapter 1: Please say "I would like you, take away, please":')
Chapter 1: To be continue or end? ;A;