[Special Chapter] Who's The Greatest Spy? : Between Us

Oppa, I Hate You! [오빠,난 니가 싫어!] = Special Chapters Uncovered =



“Yaa!! Hyung~!!” Zelo was suddenly snapped out. Seems that he was completely disagreed with with his hyungs decision to spy him on last Saturday.


“What? We’re just worrying about you, that’s all! Is it wrong?” Himchan tried to defends the other B.A.P members action on that day.


Zelo had just wanted to speak out something but then Dae-mi was stopped him from doing so. “Choi Junhong! You’re also spying on me last Saturday, don’t you remember? Geez....I want to continue to tell them my story, so please get out of my way ne?” Zelo smirked. While Dae-mi was rolling her eyes, felt annoyed with Zelo’s behavior.


“Excuse me Dae-mi but....I think I should tell them what happened next between us, in order to clear up some misunderstandings here.” Jongup was finally voiced out his point while looking to Zelo with a sharp glare.


“Yeah...I think Jongup shall tell us his point of view then. Go ahead.” Suddenly Yongguk who was going out several minutes ago, interfering their conversation with a wise decision. He quickly sat back on his chair while looked to Jongup, waited for the next story.


Or could be an explanation too as well....


“Okay. I’ll continue right from where Dae-mi left the story before.” Jongup said while clearing his throat before he told them his story.


{Jongup X Dae-mi}

Dae-mi. I felt at ease whenever I was with her. She made me feel like I wanted to protect and take care of her. But, it just more as an oppa, not as lover though.


Besides, I think Zelo liked her... Shhh.. It’s our secret ne?


I was on my way to Burger K. And my hand was then finding a thing that I supposed to give back to its owner. A cell phone.


And there’s another thing that was my real intention to go to Burger K. I want to buy a hamburger...my favorite~


And I totally craved for it right now.


I’d met Mrs. Fayne before this at the fansign venue and also on one sunny day, when I was strolling in the park......




I pressed ‘Shuffle Play’ on my iPod. Ahh~ Today was a good day to stroll in the park...


While I was looking to the trees and also greeted the people who was jogging or even cycling, suddenly I was bumped to a woman.


“Ouch!” She moaned in pain.


“A-are you okay, madam? I’m so sorry...I don’t see you just now. It’s my fault. Mianhaeyo~” I quickly bowed and apologized to her.


“It’s okay.” But then, she suddenly ran away. It seemed that she was in a hurry. I just wanted to call her but I didn’t even know her name. So, I sighed and then I saw a cell phone was on the pavement.


It’s not my phone for sure. It’s hers.


So, that’s why I was excited when I got to know that she was finally calling me for her phone. Two things in one time! Perfect!


I quickly entered Burger K restaurant and ordered two sets of hamburger – just for me... Then, I saw Mrs. Fayne (the owner of the cell phone) was already been there; right at the left corner, sat leisurely while eating a hamburger with her son.


I hurriedly went there and greeted her.


“Mrs. Fayne. Oh...do you wait for me too long? I’m sorry; I thought you’re not here yet.” I gave out a smile and also pat her son’s head.


“Oh...Jongup-sshi, right? Ahh...no, I just coincidently being here just now...” She chuckled. And her looks was quite similar to someone when she posed in that way.


Like Dae-mi? I think so....


“Hyung!” I glanced towards Mrs. Fayne’s son, Danny. “Let’s eat together umm?” Suddenly he was speaking in English and I just smiled. I know what that means, for sure.


I looked to Mrs. Fayne, it seemed that she’s also inviting me to eat together with her. “Err..okay. But I’ll take my order first. Please excuse me for a second.”


To shorten my story in order to get to the interesting part, I may say that we were eating together happily as if we were a family. Then, I handed out the phone thus quickly stand up.


“Here is your cell phone, and I think I’d to get going first as I have things to do after this.” I smiled and at that time, I’d saw someone....was spying on me from outside of Burger K premise.


“Oh..okay. I also have to get going also then.” Mrs. Fayne was then stand up along with her son. Then, we both bowed to each other and I quickly went to the person who spied on me just now.


It seemed that the person was still finding me. I chuckled.


“Hey!” I shouted right to her ear. And she was really startled until she fell down on the street. “What cha doing?” I gave out my hands to her.


“O-oh... Me? N-nothing actually....” She’s finally could stand up as usual and even tried to deny it but I knew that....


....Dae-mi was spying on me.


“You’re spying...me?” I showed to myself with my thumb. “I guess you’d a lot of things that you want to ask me right, Dae-mi?” I laughed.


“Yup. A lot.” Suddenly she gave a stern gaze to me. “How do you know Mrs. Fayne?” I surprised.


“Mrs. Fayne? Oh well, you remember that day, when she came with her son to the Seoul fansign? The next day, I was bumped into her and now I’m giving her cell phone that she left before.” I smiled. But Dae-mi was still with her serious face.


“Jeongmal? You did seem that you know pretty much about me....more than others. What did you know about me? Tell me.” Know about her?


“You’re Yoon Dae-mi. Our PA and what else? I just know that about you.....nothing else~” I tried to say it as casual as I could. I wondered why she’s asking me all these....


Did she suspecting me on something? Geez....like I’ve something to keep as a secret though...


“Okay... But why you call me ‘Young Miss’ and even asked me have I even live in United States before? And why you’re like a psychic that could read my mind? I just-“ I quickly cut her sentences.


“Wow....can you stop for a minute Dae-mi ahh~ I don’t know why you’re asking this but fine, I’ll answer it.” I cleared my throat. “Young Miss. Because I liked to give you that kind of nickname. United States....hmmm I’m just asking? Waeyo? Did that disturbed you very much? Mianhaeyo... I just wondered about it, that’s all. And psychic...well, how I just wish that I could read your mind right now...”


She looked stunned. Then, I laughed.


“Geez...I’m not a psychic. I just love to read books about person personality, horoscope and ahh...you know about all those things? I just love to read them~” I continued to answer her questions.


Then, Dae-mi was quite could accept my answers so she just walked away without even talk anything to me at all.... I was worried about her so I just wanted to go for a walk with her but....


I saw Zelo. Was looking at me with a blazing glare behind a tree. Oh....




“So that’s my entire story. I think Dae-mi had to continue it next.” Jongup finally stopped his long story. All of B.A.P members and also Dae-mi was making a broad ‘O’ shape mouth.


“I don’t know that you can talk for a long time though....” Daehyun was finally spoke something. “I thought a quiet person wouldn’t talk much...” Then, he bursts into laugh.


But, the others were not laughing at all. It’s so awkward.


“I was actually wondering...why you wanted to spy Jongup?” Himchan asked Dae-mi with a curious face.


“Err...nothing. I just wondered about many things all of a sudden....” Dae-mi quickly finds a reason to hide her actual intentions. And seemed that B.A.P could accept it. They nodded their heads for many times.


“So, as Jongup said just now. It’s Dae-mi’s time!” Youngjae excitedly asked for their PA to continue the story.


“Did I have to?” Dae-mi was looking to all the faces in front of her. And all were nodded their head. “Okay.... I’ll continue from where Jongup oppa’s left....”


{Dae-mi X Zelo}

Zelo. I didn’t know what’s wrong with him. He was getting much weird than before. He likes me? He?? Me??


Geez....what’s that supposed to mean....


As Jongup oppa had already answered my questions, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about it though. I need a walk to digest all the things that I just had to know for now.


So, that’s why I turned back and kept walked....while my mind rearranged all the possibilities and also the truth behind these mysteries.


Suddenly, my right hand been pulled by someone harshly. I yelled and jumped a little bit.




“Yaa Yoon Dae-mi!! What are you doing just now, huh?” It’s Junhong. And he was mad at me right now.


“What am I doing?” I held my chest for a few second while asked him. Was he being nuts or what?


“Yes! YOU! You have a date with Jongup hyung won’t you?” I’d tried to said something to defend myself but he kept continued asking me like a police. “What do you guys doing in the restaurants? Maybe doing some romantic scenes like in a drama or you two are even kissing??!”


I looked at him in disbelief. Felt annoyed with him already.


“And what set did both of you eat? Is it Couple Set and you guys are sharing?? Don’t lie to me because I’d seen everything! Everything!!” He yelled to me like a madman and I was just standing there, made out a poker face.


“Are you done now, kiddo?” I asked him. I already had a point to trap him back. “You...are spying on me, do you?”




He looked surprised, like he’s never assumed that I would discover everything in a short time. I smirked. As he kept muted himself, I proceeded to answer his questions.


“First of all, it’s not as what you think. It’s...a bit complicated to tell but....why should I tell you right? You’re not somebody important for me in order to know my private things.”


“I’m your client remember? And I have a right to know it!” Zelo was still mad.


I don’t know why he acted strangely like that. Or......


“Hey. I don’t want to think this way actually but...do you...possibly jealous? I mean, yeah, we’re foes but the way you’re acting right now...is make me suspecting that-“ Suddenly he cut out my sentences.


“Excuse me you witchy!! I’m not jealous at all! Never ever I’ll fall in love with someone like you!!!!” He suddenly snapped out and did make me infuriated as well.


“Oh really?? So don’t ever mess in my business and go away! I don’t want to answer your questions, you crazy kiddo!!” Then, I quickly went away, left him alone on the street.




“So that’s my entire story based on my point of view in last Saturday.” Dae-mi ended her story. Right after that, all B.A.P members (except Zelo) were looking to Dae-mi and Zelo back and forth with an are-you-sure-that-they’re-don’t-know-what’s-this looks.


Everybody had already known it Zelo....


“What?! Why hyungs are looking at me like that? I’m NOT a okay?” Zelo quickly defend himself from his hyungs weird looks upon him.


“I know who will be the person to continue the next story.” Himchan was suddenly breaking the tension air that was lingering around them. “Giant maknae, your turn’s up!”


“Me??” Zelo showed himself with his shock expression. “Waeyo???”


“Because...you didn’t even tell yet how you’re discovering our ultimate spying technique yet pabo!” Youngjae was bluntly hit Zelo’s head with his bare hand. As results, Zelo grimaced in pain.


“Aishh...jeongmalyo? Okay....arasso. I’ll tell you all about it. But promise me, this gonna be the last story based on that last Saturday!” Zelo then asked his hyungs and also Dae-mi to make out a pinky promise with him.


“Okay!!” All voices were agreeing in unison. 


{Zelo X B.A.P}

Yongguk hyung, Himchan hyung, Youngjae hyung, Daehyun hyung and also Jongup hyung – they’re like my second family. I know that they’re quite worried about me as I could see it from their faces but I was just fine.


Don’t worry about me, hyungs....


Geez....how dare she say me as a crazy kiddo? I was not crazy though.... I just - well there wasn’t even a good explanation for my reaction towards her.




Huh? I quickly glanced to my back. Oh. I guess it’s just one of branches of tree that fell down onto the pavements.


Then, I was walking straightly to go back to my dorm. I was now playing one of a ballad song to express my feelings right now. As I just wanted to put the earphone into my ear, I heard something....




I turned back. “Who’s there?” I asked but there weren’t any replies at all.


It’s weird.


Oh....it seemed that there’s someone wanted to play a prank.....okay, let’s play!


I just walked leisurely while pretended to listen on songs in my iPod. About two minutes later, I could sense there were many steps were following me.


I see....


Then, when I was arrived to a sharp corner, I quickly ran away.


As I guessed, they followed me....hehehe


I quickly stopped myself and waited for ‘them’. Seconds later, ‘they’ were finally came.


It’s my hyungs....




“That’s it~ Hyungs are really bad in spying! Even I could easily sense it...” Zelo laughed as loud as he wanted.


“Yaa! You’re also the same! Dae-mi had discovered you – don’t forget!” Yongguk reminded back the maknae about he’s being caught by Dae-mi.




“Hey! Everything had been settled up, I guess?” Suddenly Manager Kang was came into the café with his usual happy face. “Let’s go back to our dorm for now!”


Right timing....



All B.A.P members and also Dae-mi were sitting on the loveseat while watching television. But, clearly they’re not watching it at all – but the television was the one who’s looking onto them.


They’re still thinking about what happened in today’s evening....


“Hey! I’ve thinking about all these actually.” Yongguk then suddenly voiced out his words, made he’s became the center of attractions for now.


“What are you thinking about? Mind to share with us?” Himchan asked Yongguk with his curious face.


“Sure.” Then, Yongguk muted himself for a second. “Our story is as if it was written by someone right? There’s too many coincidence at the same time...”


“Yeah....I’m agree with you, hyung! I’m also think the same way too~” Zelo then stated his agreement with Yongguk.


“But....who could possibly know about all these things? It’s just among us, right?” Then, Jongup asked everyone. But, there were just a dead silence before...


“You know...” Then, Daehyun continued his sentences. “...I can sense there’s someone else between us here....”


Then, suddenly all of them in the living room were sitting closely to each other as soon as Daehyun said so...


“Yaa Daehyun....you scared me! Who is it could be, huh??” Youngjae asked Daehyun with his angry plus annoyed tone.


“Oh! I see the person now......” Himchan sentences were making Dae-mi almost yelled as loud as she could.


“Hey Himchan! Are you joking? Or you see it for real??”  Yongguk asked Himchan for the truth.


“Look! There it is.......” All eyes were now set on the flat-lighted screen in front of them. It’s their television – yes; but not now.


There’s someone.


Was watching them.


And now, was felt scared as how much as they did....


The person was actually.......


You. The reader of this story.


You’re the actual greatest spy here~! Congrats!! ^^


#Feel free to comment for this chapter~ :)

P/s : The song that I put on the upper part of the chapter is Heyne - Love 007~ ^_^


Author's Note...

Ahh~~ It's already ended~~~ ^^ *sob sob*

Thank you for keep supporting this story till it's end, there's nothing I could say for now other than a tonnes of thank you~~~ *bows*

Thank you for everything - read, subscribe, comment, upvotes and also LOVE it as well~ :D

And also I want to apologise to you - my readers - if there's too many of gramatical mistakes or even confusion in my story~ I'm so sorry~~ m(_ _)m

Last but not least, I hope (really hope!) that I can meet all my beloved readers here on my other upcoming fics~ [In plan...hehehe XD]

If you want to add me as your friend, just add me :) I'll like to be your friend *winks*

Bye~~ See you later, readers! *throws hearts* \(^o^)/

©Petite_Star2014 - 24Jan2014 - 23:02:30

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ilovesteakandzelo #1
Why is Joungup always the one with mystery?
Yoe_chan #2
Chapter 10: That's why Jongup always seems so mysterious to me....
It just a coincidence -____-"
I don't know who is the best spy, but Jongup....
I know he is not spying someone...
He made Daemi spying him and Zelo spying Jongup spy (Daemi) and another BAP member spying on Zelo who spying Daemi who spying Jongup.....
Oh God it makes me dizzy XD.....
Yoe_chan #3
Chapter 8: So what about Zelo?? Author-nim TT^TT
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 7: What task??!!
Update soon author-nim..
Jebal ^^
Chapter 7: omgg noooo!! now u reached it authornim, i have teary eyes now ㅠㅠ
Chapter 6: wow i didnt think karma would bite already so soon hahahahahaha
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 6: I'm sorry....
I know i'm late to comment....
Daehyun is really has that ability....
And what promise did he make with Dae Mi's Father??
Chapter 2: daehyuns story is so cool *-*