
Miracles in December

one Lay a-playin’

You cautiously inch the door open and tiptoe in. You don’t mean to sneak, but the auditorium is huge and dark and you’re curious but afraid to make a sound.


Suddenly, a spotlight glares into the stage, reflecting off of a shiny black grand piano. Sitting at its keys is your childhood friend Yixing. He raises his hands and begins to play.


You watch in slack-jawed awe as his fingers fly expertly across the keys. You forget that  you’re still standing in front of the door as you listen and tears spring to your eyes.


It’s been years since he’s let you hear him play piano and he would never tell you why. You even thought he’d quit, but now you realize he’d been practicing hard.


A few minutes later, he plays the last chord and removes his hands from the keys with a flourish before standing and bowing. When he straightens, there’s an adorable smile on his face.


“Why are you still standing by the door?” he calls to you but starts walking off the stage before you can reply. “Wait, let me get the lights.”


He leaves the spotlight and a few seconds later the entire room is lit. He walks to you with his hands in his pockets, like when he’s embarrassed. You take a good look at him as he approaches. He’s dressed up in slacks and a dark green dress shirt that’s tucked in, along with a little red bowtie. He looks exceptionally handsome. You blush and bite your lip at your thoughts, struggling to maintain a neutral expression. You don’t want to let your unrequited crush on him slip out.


“So...did you call me out just to play piano for me?” you ask, looking at him.


He’s still smiling at you. “Yup. I haven’t played for you in years because I wanted to surprise you one day.”


“Well, I’m surprised.” You smile. “You looked like a professional up there.”


He rolls his eyes, but his cheeks are slightly pink. “No, I’ve still got a long way to go. Let’s sit down, you must be tired of standing.” He holds his hand out to you and you realize he wants you to take it. Blushing harder and cursing his chivalry, you gently place your hand in his and he pulls you down in an arbitrary seat, settling down beside you. He doesn’t let go of your hand. Your heart continues beating its excitement.


“It’s been a while since we’ve talked, just the two of us,” he says nostalgically.


You nod. “We’ve been busy.”


“I’ve missed this.”


You can’t look at him for fear that your eyes will tell your secret. “So Yixing, do you have a girlfriend yet? You’re pretty popular, you know.”


He chuckles shyly, playing with your fingers. You gulp. “No, but I’m working on it.”


You’re jealous at his words. That means he likes someone. You want to pull your hand away but you’re afraid that will alert him to your feelings so you don’t move. You clench your free hand and glance around the room.


“Um, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. I--”


“Yixing,” you interrupt, pointing a slow finger above you, “is that...”


He tugs your hand and you can’t stop your body from jolting towards his. You stare into his sincere eyes as he says with a shy but determined expression, “I like you. I’ve liked you since we were kids. That’s what I want to tell you.”


And then he kisses you under the mistletoe.

© Copyright 2013 by skyblaze208

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GreenAndBubbleTea #1
Chapter 13: Aw, you ended this on my birthday!