
Miracles in December

one Luhan a-textin’

Luhan pulls out his phone and types, I wish you were here. I miss you so much.

His phone dings with a reply a few seconds later. I miss you too, Luhan. When are you coming home?

He grins. I don’t know...we’ve been really busy lately. It might not be for another month... He can just imagine her depressed sigh and pouting face. Adorable.

A month?! :’( But it’s Christmas! You don’t even get time off to see family?

I wish. But don’t worry, when I’m free, you’ll be the first to know. So don’t miss me too much.

Luhan snickers at her reply. Psh, I don’t miss you that much! Just a little because, I mean, you’re my human heater.

So without me, you can’t be warm? Sounds like longing to me.

You’re so full of yourself!

You know you love me.

No, you’re not Gossip Girl.

He laughs aloud and pockets his phone as he approaches the red door. He takes out his key, slips it into the lock, and opens the door as quietly as possible. He sees her sitting at the table, glaring at her phone, probably waiting for his response, btu she won’t be getting one. At least, not by phone.

“Surprise!” he shouts and laughs when she jumps two feet into the air and drops her phone. “I’m home!”

© Copyright 2014 by skyblaze208
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GreenAndBubbleTea #1
Chapter 13: Aw, you ended this on my birthday!