Miracles in December

twelve boys a-lovin’

“Hey, Kai! Kai, over here! Look over here! Smile! Hyung loves you!” Chanyeol smiles brightly as he focuses the camera on his favorite dongsaeng.

Kai glances at Chanyeol for a second before turning away with a grimace. “I wish my kids were here...they must be lonely without me.”

Chanyeol manages to quickly snap a picture but it’s blurry. He frowns sadly.

D.O notices the exchange and laughs. “Chanyeol and Kai are flirting again.”

Chen hears and frowns, launching himself at Chanyeol. “No, Kai’s mine! Or at least his body is!”

Baekhyun jumps on top of chen. “Chen, I’m yours!”

“Hey, get off me!”

Lay walks over and tries to separate them. “Hey, let’s all calm down--whoa!” He trips and is dragged down and now all four are struggling to get up. “Hey, not the neck! Nooo!”

Kris watches indifferently from the couch, taking a sip of water. “What are they doing,” he mutters to himself.

“Ooh, are we wrestling? Count me in!” Xiumin dogpiles himself on top.

“Nooooo, Xiumin, not you too!” the rest cry out.

“Luhan, come join us!” Xiumin calls happily as he pins Chen down easily.

Luhan eyes them warily. “No, I don’t think--”

“Don’t be such a girl, Luhan!” Baekhyun shouts before getting slapped in the face.

“I AM NOT A GIRL!” Luhan runs and dives onto the boys.

Suho walks by and stops at the sight of the boys on the ground. He glances at Kris talking to himself and D.O, who is now silently crying as he watches some cartoon people play tennis on a tablet. He frowns and mumbles to himself, “They must be hungry...maybe I should go buy some food...and books on personal relationships...”

Tao jumps into the room with a magazine and ignores everyone on the ground, running immediately to Kris. “Gege, Gege, buy this for me! Please? Pretty pretty please?”

Kris sighs, pulling out a pen, and begins doodling on the magazine.

“No, don’t draw over it! Buy it for me!” Tao whines.

Sehun walks out of the bathroom and stops short. then he smiles a little and cheers, “Yehet!” before falling flat onto Luhan.

When their respective other halves walk into the room ten minutes later, they stare with varying degrees of disbelief and disdain. Luhan, Sehun, Chen, Kai, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Lay are wriggling around on the ground, while Tao continues pestering Kris, Kris continues doodling, D.O continues crying, and Suho stands there thinking.

The girls look at each other and shake their heads, sighing but smiling in defeat. “Boys will be boys.”

Inspired by:


A/N: Yeah, so...I don't really know...I just...wrote...word vomit. Um.

LOL and this concludes our journey through the holiday season with EXO! I hope you had as much fun reading as I did writing! Stay safe and stay awesome! <3

BTW, I'll probably open up an EXO Drabbles and Oneshots c ollection soon (like my BAP one) but we'll see, because I won't be able to update very often.

Happy holidays!

skyblaze208, OUT!

© Copyright 2014 by skyblaze208

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GreenAndBubbleTea #1
Chapter 13: Aw, you ended this on my birthday!