
Miracles in December

one Kai a-dancin’

You don’t expect to see him today but you think he’d at least call and wish you a merry Christmas. Are you dating or what?


Sighing, you drop your phone, ready to give up, when suddenly it vibrates. Eyes wide, you lunge for it, but it’s just a text from your friend. Hey, we’re celebrating at the studio today at six. Come?


You glance at the time. It’s only five, but you’ve been waiting all day for a call. You decide to go for it. See you there, you text back.


You shower and change, then grab your keys and phone and off you go. You arrive a little early, but you decide to go in anyway. You smile fondly as you remember countless days of dance practice.


You sit down in the middle of the practice room without turning on the lights. It’s peaceful.


And suddenly there’s music.


You jump up and look around. You assume your friends are here for the party but you can’t see anyone. “Guys? Where are you?”


Out of the corner of your eye, you spot movement. A shadow glides lithely across the wall. You turn but the lights are still off so you can’t see if someone is moving around in the darkness.


“Um, guys?” you try again.


“Can’t even recognize your boyfriend’s dancing anymore?” Kai’s voice floats right past your ear.


Gasping, you spin and find yourself staring into shining eyes, eyes that you’ve missed. “Kai! I can’t believe it! You’re here!”


He dances his way around you, closer and closer, until finally he’s just standing in front of you. “Hey. Miss me?”


Tears roll down your cheeks. “Of course, you idiot! I thought you’d forgotten about me now that you’re all famous.”


He rolls his eyes. “You have so much faith in me.” He steps closer and hold your face, wiping away the tears. “Stop crying,” he whispers. “You’re supposed to be happy.”


“I am,” you reply and throw yourself at him, kissing him with all your pent-up passion.


Suddenly, the lights turn on and your friends jump out. “Merry Christmas!”


You pull away, blushing, but Kai holds on tight and laughs. “Merry Christmas. Today, I’m your miracle.”

A/N: Sooo I know these are supposed to be drabbles (ie 100 words) but I have a hard time writing super short stories so these will be more like 400-500 word "drabbles." >.<


So here's Kai! I started these super late (lol Christmas is in like 3 days) so it won't be 1 a day, more like 3 or 4 a day. So more reading for you guys! Yay! I think.


Enjoy holiday EXO! <3


skyblaze208 OUT!

© Copyright 2013 by skyblaze208

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GreenAndBubbleTea #1
Chapter 13: Aw, you ended this on my birthday!