Part 8 (Final)

The Small Dancing Studio

I was shaking as the car drove through the streets, not wanting to go to the party anymore. Anya was in the seat beside me, the boys in the front as we drove through the street. I swallowed hard when the car screeched to a halt; not gently, when Sehun spotted the house to his left and willed the feelings away. I drank in the sight of a large, white house with a sweeping staircase to the front door. However, red cups and toilet roll already littered the garden and there was a bikini bra around the head of the pink flamingo in the middle.

“Come on,” Sehun commanded and before I knew it, I was at the top of the stair with wobbly legs and shallow breathing. The door opened revealing a tall male who looked like a character from anime and had wicked eyebrows. He nodded at Sehun and Jongin, obviously being close to them before looking over Anya and me. It felt odd as his eyes raked over my body, causing me to shiver against the gaze.

“This way,” his voice was deep and it surprised me when he opened the door and ushered us through.

“Thanks Kris,” I heard Sehun muttered before Anya dragged me to the main party area. I sent her a quizzical but I soon realised what was happening when I was handed a shot glass.

“Cheers,” Anya shouted over the music that blasted from the speakers. I nodded once, shook my head slightly before chucking back. The alcohol burnt in my throat, causing me to cough and scrunch up my face as I waited for the feeling to go.

“Arrrgghh, another?” Anya asked as she began to pour. I rolled my eyes and tipped back the clear poison, swallowing the pain for another time.

“No more,” I choked out as I set the glass down and rubbing my temples. Whilst Anya took another one, I glanced around the room. Sehun was already on his way over and Jongin was talking to a small and innocent looking boy. I smiled at the scene before turning around and finding one that wiped that smile off my face. Sehun and Anya were joined at the mouth; looked like Sehun was being forced by a tipsy Anya who was like a leech to his side.

“Uh .. ok,” I muttered before walking off to the other side of the house and hoping I was going to find someone to talk to.

Half an hour later and I hadn’t spoken to anyone. I had just been passed drinks as I tried to dance. As soon as I got to the dance floor, it seemed as though everyone was suddenly grinding on partners and I was alone. To make matters worse, Jongin was standing close by talking to a girl who was probably his ideal type. She had a perfect body, danced gracefully and was probably really smart. I could feel my mood get darker and darker as I continued to watch them and down drinks.

“Hi pretty lady,” Turning to the side, I noticed another tall man looming over me. I felt my eyes go wide as I took in his form and little detail on his face ~ even if it may have been a little hazy.

“Uh ... hi,” I coughed awkwardly before scooting over and letting the giant have a seat next to me.

“Why is a girl like you sitting here alone?” He asked as he leaned a little too close for comfort. I giggled nervously and blushed a little; the alcohol swimming in my system not helping.

“I’m Jen, you?” I asked and held my hand out. It was taken in between two rather large, warm ones and shaken a little too vigerously. I could tell he had been drinking but he seemed happy and sober enough to talk to.

“Chanyeol,” He smirked. Suddenly over the other side of the room there was a loud bang which turned heads. I smiled when I saw Lay, waving at him and trying to ignore the scene of Jongin grinding on some girl’s backside. I quickly turned back to Chanyeol and smiled; hoping to distract myself.

“I wonder what that was?” Chanyeol commented as he glanced around the crowd. I just hummed before turning and grabbing a now empty cup.

“Hey,” Chanyeol looked at me as I spoke, “wanna dance?”

The music blasting through the room pounded through my head as the floor shook. Bodies slid over bodies as and drunk teenagers grinded on anything they could find, the time being one in the morning. Chanyeol was one of those teenagers, not afraid to rub his extremely long and lanky form over mine as I dipped up and down to the beat of the music. I turned around to face him, about to shout that I was going to get a drink when suddenly, lips were on mine. I froze, scared as his lips worked against my unmoving ones. He continued to push though for what seemed like hours before hands planted themselves on my shoulders and I was dragged away from the giant. A small whimper left my lips and my hand came up to touch them as I was dragged through the house onto the porch.

“Wha~” “What was that?” Jongin asked with anger in his eyes. I looked at him, puzzled as the alcohol made my memory fuzzy. I giggled slightly and leaned forward so my head was on Jongin’s shoulder. I felt him tense up slightly.

“What’s so funny?!”

“Ha ... you,” I snorted. “Don’t think I didn’t see you with that girl.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said in a calm tone as he rubbed my back. I felt his lips make contact with my forehead. “Look Jen, I don’t know about your feelings but I like you, like really like you so, we should go out,” I froze in that moment, suddenly becoming very sober. I looked him straight in the eye, wondering if he was joking but finding no hints of that anywhere.

“Uh ... Jongin, I ... I like you too,” I stuttered. For the second time that night, warm lips were covering my own. This time though fireworks seemed to explode inside me, the fluttery feeling overwhelming. Pulling away, I bit my lip as I looked at the boy in front of me. Suddenly, he was mine.


And that's it ~ the end!

I hope you enjoyed this little adventure and will check out my other stories.

Sophie :)

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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 8: Omg!!!' Why couldn't this be longer?!?!
Mlou13 #2
Chapter 8: Pretty kawaii if yu ask me and any other sane person
Chapter 8: Awwww, it ended! Its so funny how Kris and Chanyeol made a brief cameo! I felt Jongin's sweet lips hahaha. Both of our stories for each other was sweet in their own ways!
Chapter 7: I love the back story of Jen and Anya! The interaction between Jen and Jongin are very cute but at the same time makes my palms all sweaty hehe. Great writing, I am looking forward to the adventures of Jen!
Chapter 6: Awwwwww,Jen said NO! I am really enjoying the development of these characters!
Suho showed up too, he is always so generous!
I had elctrifying feeling coming down my spine whenever Jen and Lay are anywhere near Jongin!
Chapter 5: Oh wow this is taking a weird turn and I am loving every minute of it!
Lay's secret is kinda cute and his boyfriend even better! I can't wait till the next chapter to find out what kind of plan Lay and Jen have in mind! I just love your cliffhangers. The moment this chapter ended I was like.... "NO!"
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 5: You're story is really cute! Enjoyed reading it! Especially now that we learned about Lay's boyfriend xD ^^
Yay, it's lay, this is perfect. Lay has been rather high on my list lately, so it makes all the sense in the world. Perfect rivalry, I can't wait for more.
Chapter 3: Awww does Lay like her? So cute ><
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting. Alec,I wonder if he is gonna be a rival, I cant help but to think that although you might have a different intention with him. Anya is too busy with Sehun,lucky girl! Jongin on the other hand, he is a capricorn indeed, dont know whats really on his mind. Wow, I have a feeling this short story might go longer than expected. Cus I remember you were saying short like 3 chapters but the way its going I think its gonna go on longer....