Part 4

The Small Dancing Studio


Here is the next part to this adventure.

Thank you to my 6 little subbies - don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell me what you think!

Sophie :)


“That’s so cute,” Anya sang as she read how Lay saved his name as we sat in the cafe around the corner from the dance studio. It was almost time for dance and I was nervous. I cringed internally, not wanting to look at the screen. Yes, Lay was ... mysterious, good-looking and liked dance but was he the one for me? No, that would be Jongin. Jongin was good-looking, he liked to dance and he was mysterious, yet he was so much more. He was cute yet manly, geeky yet jock like and he was just perfect for me; something in me just told me it was right and meant to be.

“Mmmm, do you think it means something?” I asked. Anya shot me a puzzled look to which I shrugged, not wanting her to ask much further into it.

“Like, that he may like you?” She asked. I nodded, suddenly feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. Turning away I told myself to straighten up, don’t make it easy for her to read me.

“Yeah,” I swallowed thickly. She paused for a moment, pondering on what the heart could mean before huffing out loud and dramatically flipping her hair; I knew what that would mean. “What do you want?”

“Well, a hot chocolate would be a good exchange for information wouldn’t it?” She batted her eyelids whilst smirking. In response, all I could do was groan and give in if I wanted to know what she thought. Immediately I rose from my seat and headed to the counter, gruffly ordering the drink and paying before making a noise as I sat down. Anya looked up, an innocent smile on her face. I just rolled my eyes, having known her long for long enough to know she was a deceitful little devil.

“Wipe that look off your face,” I laughed as the drink appeared from around the corner. The breath suddenly caught in my throat as Anya carried on chortling; the waiter being someone I recognised.

“Hot chocolate?” Anya stopped as well with wide eyes as we both turned to Lay and nodding.

“Oh ... Hi Lay ...” I cursed at how awkward I sounded. He smiled shyly as he placed the drink on the table, Anya sending him a shy wave. “Hi, uh didn’t expect you to be here,” he looked at us through loose bangs, looking like a puppy.

“We could say the same for you,” Anya said as she sipped the drink. Lay let out a short, awkward laugh before nodding slightly.

“I work here,” he said, casually standing there. I noticed the manager of the cafe shooting him a glare which Lay ignored as he plastered a smile on his face.

“Before dance?” I asked without thinking. He just nodded before finally acknowledging his boss’ glares and stares.

“Well, I gotta go, I’ll see you on the studio,” he sent us a cute grin before slinking off and disappearing behind the back of the counter. Anya just looked at me, staring strangely before demanding that we went to dance.


I sighed as I reached for my toes. Jongin was acting friendly today, smiling and being chirpy. I was happy at first, that soon disappearing when I realised the three blonde girls were back and there was no Lay. He hadn’t arrived yet and I was, again, dancing alone at the back of the room whilst Jongin had his hands all over the girls at the front.

Annoyance bubbled in the pit of my stomach as Jongin explained we were doing pirouettes. As soon as he had watched the class try it, his hands and arms made their way around the waist of the girls at the front, helping them balance whilst I just floundered at the back; not able to turn fully with my leg tucked high.

Suddenly the door opened. My head snapped in the direction and relief flooded through me when I noticed Lay scurry in late. A smile immediately made its way to my face as he bowed in apology before hurrying to my side and starting to pirouette. I stopped in surprise as I watched him turn in a perfect circle before landing gracefully. I stared, open mouth when he looked up and smiled.

“Sorry I was late,” he apologised. “My boss caught us talking and made me stay behind for an extra half an hour,” he said as he stretched slightly. I nodded, still in slight awe; only jumping from it when Jongin’s voice resounded around the room.

“Ok, enough, move on,” Jongin shouted. I turned to the front and started with the exercise. It was uncomfortable as I pointed my toes; Jongin’s gaze piercing as I glanced up to look in the mirrors that ran along the side of the room. He was staring at Lay and me with eyes that reflected a mixture of annoyance and protectiveness.

“You ok?” Lay asked; causing me to lose balance. My leg slammed to the floor as I tipped forward and landed flat on my face. Lay stopped what he was doing immediately, lunging foward to try and catch me; only to fail as I crashed to the floor.

“Ah, Jen!” He screeched. I heard the shout before pain shot through my shoulder. I didn’t feel anything but pain as I scrunched my eyes closed and lay there whimpering. I felt a cold hand come in contact with my side before it was harshly pushed away and a warm one replaced it.

“Sehun, come here,” after what felt like hours, Sehun came in and sat on the floor next to me. Lay was there as well, encouraging me whilst I waited in pain whilst the warm hand rubbed comforting circles in my back. I felt stupid as I lay there, not able to do anything whilst the rest of the class were told to go home and that they would be seen next week.

“Hi Jen,” Sehun started, only to be interrupted.

You know her?” I heard Jongin whisper. Sehun just rolled his eyes, explaining how we all met in the park to which Jongin nodded dumbly. It was then I realised it was Jongin who was rubbing my back. I cringed internally, trying to steady my heartbeat when the realisation hit.

“Ok, where does it hurt?” Sehun asked. I frowned before speaking.

“My shoulder,” I whispered, the pain becoming almost unbearable. I nearly screamed when Sehun prodded near it, quickly retracting his hand when a whimper broke through my lips.

“Ok, let’s sit you up and the-“ Sehun started.

“JEN!” Anya shouted as she burst into the room. A blush made its ways straight to Sehun’s cheeks and a flash of humour ran over me, followed by pain as she pretty much sprinted across the dance studio. “What happened?” She asked as she looked down at me with a worried gaze. Sehun immediately stepped in, explaining as though he was the resident doctor.

“I think she’s dislocated her shoulder so we need to go to the hospital,” Sehun said as Lay and Jongin helped to sit me up. Grabbing his hoodie, Lay held it against me to keep me stable before I was carefully carried out and strapped into what I could only guess was Jongin’s car.

The whole ride was painful, the car jostling a lot as it went over speed bumps. Lay kept a hold on me, much to Jongin’s distaste (apparently from Anya) but it didn’t really help. As soon as we made it to A&E, I was hurried to see a doctor, nerves fluttering through me.

“Jennifer,” the doctor called and my stomach dropped.

"You’ll do great,” Lay smiled at me as he squeezed my hand. I couldn’t help but feel sick as a nurse came to help me. I whimpered and grabbed onto Lay’s hand without thinking as they tried to take me away.

“Can you come in with me’?” I asked in a quiet voice; suddenly ashamed at how child-like I must have looked and sounded. Lay just smiled and nodded before following me through; not noticing the scowl Jongin sent his way as we disappeared around the corner.

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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 8: Omg!!!' Why couldn't this be longer?!?!
Mlou13 #2
Chapter 8: Pretty kawaii if yu ask me and any other sane person
Chapter 8: Awwww, it ended! Its so funny how Kris and Chanyeol made a brief cameo! I felt Jongin's sweet lips hahaha. Both of our stories for each other was sweet in their own ways!
Chapter 7: I love the back story of Jen and Anya! The interaction between Jen and Jongin are very cute but at the same time makes my palms all sweaty hehe. Great writing, I am looking forward to the adventures of Jen!
Chapter 6: Awwwwww,Jen said NO! I am really enjoying the development of these characters!
Suho showed up too, he is always so generous!
I had elctrifying feeling coming down my spine whenever Jen and Lay are anywhere near Jongin!
Chapter 5: Oh wow this is taking a weird turn and I am loving every minute of it!
Lay's secret is kinda cute and his boyfriend even better! I can't wait till the next chapter to find out what kind of plan Lay and Jen have in mind! I just love your cliffhangers. The moment this chapter ended I was like.... "NO!"
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 5: You're story is really cute! Enjoyed reading it! Especially now that we learned about Lay's boyfriend xD ^^
Yay, it's lay, this is perfect. Lay has been rather high on my list lately, so it makes all the sense in the world. Perfect rivalry, I can't wait for more.
Chapter 3: Awww does Lay like her? So cute ><
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting. Alec,I wonder if he is gonna be a rival, I cant help but to think that although you might have a different intention with him. Anya is too busy with Sehun,lucky girl! Jongin on the other hand, he is a capricorn indeed, dont know whats really on his mind. Wow, I have a feeling this short story might go longer than expected. Cus I remember you were saying short like 3 chapters but the way its going I think its gonna go on longer....