Part 2

The Small Dancing Studio


I present to you the second part of this little story. Please comment and tell me what you think.

Sophie :)


I came up short, staring as he stretched in the middle of the pine wood floor. The mirrors along one wall allowed him to see I had entered, so I quickly scuttled to the side and dumped my bag and coat, revealing my leotard, tights and small t-shirt worn over the top. Quickly, I whipped my hair up into a bun, securing it before turning and feeling my heart drop slightly. There were the three blonde beauties; stripping off their trousers to reveal skin tight leotards with rather low busts. There was no way Jongin would look at me with those three and their flowing hair highlighting their radiating beauty.

“Ok, we’ll warm up now,” he said, catching my attention and the attention of the rest of the group. I crept to the back of the room, not wanting to be in the line of sight of most people. They were simple, easy steps that I normally used to warm up. However, I couldn’t help but notice the three girls in the front stuttering slightly. Not one of them could point their toes properly or lift their leg at the right angle; they were either too high or too low. I soon learnt though that this was their aim so that Jongin would be able to place his hands all over them. I spent the next half an hour of the lesson grumbling away with a permanent scowl on my face.

“Alright, please come again soon,” the breath caught in my throat as I looked up and was met with a dazzling smile. Swallowing, I gave a brief not before scrambling out the door, hurrying in front of the other students in the class. I was tempted to stay longer actually and speak to him, pausing in mid run, only to carry on when I realised how little chance there would be that he would actually want to speak to me. By now, confidence slightly knocked, I headed back into the lobby to meet Anya.

“Oh and you should have seen the way he moved!” Anya had been fantasising over Sehun for the past half an hour, non-stop, as we caught the bus to her house where I was staying the night. I was starting to regret making the decision to stay over as the comments on the dancer boy started to get into my head and make me go loopy. I glanced up from my phone where I was playing ‘Candy Crush’ to see her dreamily staring out of the window. I rolled my eyes before switching the phone off and plopping my fist onto the table. I caught Anya’s attention, met with glassy eyes, and then slunk off to the sitting room. She soon followed, placing a film in the player before curling up in the recliner and looking at me very pointedly.

“So, how was your dance lesson?” she smirked.

“Good,” No more, no less. I wasn’t going to let her find out that I was secretly infatuated with the teacher and spent the whole time staring at him through my hands when I could.

“Good? Even with Kai as your teacher?” I frowned at her, not knowing who this ‘Kai’ was.


“Mmmm .. Kim Jongin.”

“Oh! Yeah, even with him as the teacher,” I tried to play it off, internally groaning when she sat up straighter with eager eyes.

“Come on Jen! I know you like him. How was it really?” I felt the blush rising to my cheeks as she pried further. I did want her to know that I liked him but I knew I was also obvious about it and it was plain for the eyes to see.

“Annnd .... it was pretty amazing!” I finally caved with a giggle and red cheeks.

“What happened?” She asked, almost jumping on the couch.

“Well ... nothing really,” I pouted. Her face fell and she stilled for a moment, looking at me as a signal to carry on. “I ended up just going along with the class like everyone else whilst he placed all his attention on the three blonde beauties we saw in the lobby. They, fortunately, couldn’t dance and so he had his hands all over them,” I ended up sneering, looking at my hands as I turned the phone around in my hands.

“It’s ok. We can go back next week, go as regulars and get his attention. I’ve been going for, what, four weeks, and there are never any regular people. Only one girl in my class has been there for around three weeks,” Anya explained thoughtfully as she tapped her chin in a comical notion.

“Sounds good,” I nodded before heading to the kitchen and grabbing ice cream from the freezer, throwing a carton at Anya along with a spoon before lying on the sofa.

“Mmmm, that’s next week though,” Anya mumbled around a spoon of the dairy product.


“Every, every, everyday, I’ll be making history,” Anya sang as she skipped along the street. I watched her back as she acted like a young child; rolling my eyes when she turned around and motioned for me to join her.


“Come on Jen. Live a little, then maybe boy will like you,” she wiggled her eyebrows. Her words stung slightly and caused something to rouse in me. Letting out a feral growl I ran after her as she squealed and scurried off to hide. I stopped when she rounded a corner, laughing whilst trying to gain my breath.

However, I almost jumped out of my skin when two deeper laughs joined mine. Turning on the spot, I came face to face with both Jongin and Sehun. I stopped, like a deer caught in the headlights, causing them to laugh even more. I just stood there, as still as a statue in awe, just staring creepily as they snorted away. It wasn’t until Anya came back that I managed to snap out of it. A hand was planted on my shoulder and the curse was lifted as I sent her a look, getting a similar one right back.

“Hi Anya, Jen,” Sehun greeted us as soon as he and Jongin had finished with the laughing fits. I nodded back with a small smile, suddenly very conscious of the way Jongin was looking at us.

“Hello,” Anya said cutely. I looked at her incredulously, wondering where that came from.

“Uh .. Kai, Anya is a regular in my class where as Jen was in yours yesterday,” Sehun said, his smug expression rubbing in the fact that he thought he was clever, or that he wanted us to think he was. Anya seemed convinced though when her eyes lit up slightly and she clapped her hands.

“I know,” Jongin’s voice surprised me and I looked at him, shivering against his gaze.

“Well ... um ... we better go to the .... um ... studio,” Sehun stuttered as he gazed at Anya. We both just nodded, giving a little wave before watching the two figures heading off round the corner. As soon as they were gone Anya and I turned to each other and let out two little squeals, jumping on the spot before composing ourselves and heading off to the shops.

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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 8: Omg!!!' Why couldn't this be longer?!?!
Mlou13 #2
Chapter 8: Pretty kawaii if yu ask me and any other sane person
Chapter 8: Awwww, it ended! Its so funny how Kris and Chanyeol made a brief cameo! I felt Jongin's sweet lips hahaha. Both of our stories for each other was sweet in their own ways!
Chapter 7: I love the back story of Jen and Anya! The interaction between Jen and Jongin are very cute but at the same time makes my palms all sweaty hehe. Great writing, I am looking forward to the adventures of Jen!
Chapter 6: Awwwwww,Jen said NO! I am really enjoying the development of these characters!
Suho showed up too, he is always so generous!
I had elctrifying feeling coming down my spine whenever Jen and Lay are anywhere near Jongin!
Chapter 5: Oh wow this is taking a weird turn and I am loving every minute of it!
Lay's secret is kinda cute and his boyfriend even better! I can't wait till the next chapter to find out what kind of plan Lay and Jen have in mind! I just love your cliffhangers. The moment this chapter ended I was like.... "NO!"
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 5: You're story is really cute! Enjoyed reading it! Especially now that we learned about Lay's boyfriend xD ^^
Yay, it's lay, this is perfect. Lay has been rather high on my list lately, so it makes all the sense in the world. Perfect rivalry, I can't wait for more.
Chapter 3: Awww does Lay like her? So cute ><
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting. Alec,I wonder if he is gonna be a rival, I cant help but to think that although you might have a different intention with him. Anya is too busy with Sehun,lucky girl! Jongin on the other hand, he is a capricorn indeed, dont know whats really on his mind. Wow, I have a feeling this short story might go longer than expected. Cus I remember you were saying short like 3 chapters but the way its going I think its gonna go on longer....