Part 1

The Small Dancing Studio

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I hope you enjoy this little storylette. Please leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

Sophie :)


“Stop!” I screeched as Anya pulled me along the streets of London. The pavements were wet and slippery making them lethal, not helped by cracks and bumps that lay beneath our feet. We were heading to the new dance school Anya had found one day after school and being in our final year, we had enough free time to check it out. I wasn’t a huge fan of modern dance, this ‘street dance’ or whatever Anya called it but apparently they did ballet and so I was convinced to come along.

“Come on! You need to meet Sehun,” she shouted as she continued to drag down streets past houses and cars covered in the droplets of water from the night before. I shuddered slightly as the cold hit me, seeping through my coat to my leotard and the bare skin on my arms. I had to stop the chatter of my teeth as, finally, the building came into sight; a huge neon sign –‘Dancing Star’ - plastered on the front of an old white building with the paint flaking off. I took one deep breath before allowing Anya to drag me through the door and into the warmth.

“Hi and welcome to ‘Danci … oh hey Anya,” a good looking, silver haired boy stood in from of a wooden desk, pen in hand and headphones slung around his neck as he popped pink bubble gum between his just as pink lips. He wore a baggy, camouflage wife-beater and a snap-back cap on his head with a camouflage bandana tied around the rim. I glanced over to Anya, noticing she had a rosy glow hovering around her cheeks causing a smirk to make its way to my lips.

“Oh ..uh.. hi Sehun. This is my friend Jennifer,” she said, eyes not ripping away from the boy in front of her.

“Jen,” I cut in before reaching over the counter and offer to shake his hand. He looked at me oddly before taking my hand in his awkwardly and limply shaking it. I retracted my hand quickly, realising that shaking his hand probably wasn’t the proper thing to do; a peace sign better? Anya sent me a glare, confirming that I hadn’t done the right thing, causing me to just drop my hands to my side and decide to keep quiet.

“So, can we dance?” Anya said after clearing . Sehun seemed to just stare at her for a moment before humming and pulling what looked like a graph up on the computer.

“Uh … there’s one space in my class and two in the other,” Sehun read lazily off the screen. I looked at Anya, hoping we could go to the same class, only to be shot down with a dose of puppy dog eyes and a small whimper. I just sent her a small glare and rolled my eyes, turning around and walking to look at the posters that littered the room whilst Anya made up her mind.

My eyes flittered over the film posters, not interested in the hip, up to date, colourful films; only stopping on a black, plain poster with one, lone white ballerina in the middle. She was in the pose of a pirouette, facing away from the camera with one single feather falling next to her. I scanned it, intrigued as I tried to find a name or a website so I could look further into it, only to jump when a hand landed on my back. I turned around quickly surprised when my heart jumped out of my chest.

There, standing in front of me was Jongin Kim. He used to be in the year above Anya and me, the ‘hottie’ and mysterious player of the school. I had never understood why females flounced over him, finding out why in one duel lesson when I was in his group and subsequently fell for him. He was flawless. His tanned, chiselled face was adorned with two, sleepy brown eyes and a pair of plump, moist lips. He smelt citrusy, fruity almost and his body; one of a god.

“Swan Lake,” his voice was as smooth as velvet.

“Uh … sorry?” I tried not to squeak as his eyes flittered to the poster again.

“The ballet,” he pointed to the poster, “Swan Lake. It’s on in the Royal Albert Theatre in three weeks.” I nodded, facing the poster again and trying to hide my blush. I felt stupid for not realising he was talking about the poster sooner.

“Oh … um … thanks,” I murmured, hoping and praying that he would leave me alone. As much as I liked him, it was also lethal me being around him. My heart was already beating in double time and there was a healthy blush on my cheeks whilst a steam was beginning to appear under my coat.

“Jongin,” I turned to him again with my eyebrows raised. “My name is Jongin.” I looked at him with wide eyes, not believing that this exclusive being was telling me his name. I had expected him to walk away, back to what he was doing. What was he doing here?

“Jen,” I smiled as I reached my hand out to shake his, stopping halfway awkwardly, only to have him reach further and shake it with firm grip. I thought my heart was about to explode. With that, he just nodded and turned around, walking to the desk. I looked at the poster one more time, feeling my heart shift slightly in my chest.

“Ok, tickets,” Anya giggled in my ear as she a yellow piece of paper into my hand. I paid no attention to it, stuffing it in my pocket before rearranging my bag which was swung haphazardly over my shoulder.

“Thanks,” I muttered as she then proceeded to move to the mirror on the side and sort out her hair. “So … I’ve met the illusive Sehun?” I started as I plopped down onto one of the waiting sofas.

“Mmmm, isn’t he lovely, she asked, faking a swoon.

“Yup,” I nodded along, not really listening as I inspected my nails. My attention was soon turned, however, when the door opened and three girls walked in. I watched intently as they walked over to Sehun, twirling their hair on their manicured fingers as they stood in baggy sweat pants and sports bras. I shivered a little at their ministrations whilst they flirted obviously. I could tell Anya wasn’t amused when I turned to see her glaring not so subtly in their direction.

Suddenly a bell rang out causing us both to jump. Sehun then stood up waving his arms as though there was a large crowd, there being only fifteen or so people in the lobby.

“Uh … I’m in room A, the other group in B,” he announced before trailing through to a door marked with an A. Anya jumped from her seat, pulling me along before stopping just in front of the doors.

“You’re in B .. you know 'b'allet ... uh..bye,” she grinned cheekily before disappearing into the room. I groaned silently before looking at the large B and heading through the door, not believing that my so called best friend could leave me. I took a deep breath, stepping through the door only to have that pulled from my lungs just as quickly. There, warming up in the middle of the room was Jongin.

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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 8: Omg!!!' Why couldn't this be longer?!?!
Mlou13 #2
Chapter 8: Pretty kawaii if yu ask me and any other sane person
Chapter 8: Awwww, it ended! Its so funny how Kris and Chanyeol made a brief cameo! I felt Jongin's sweet lips hahaha. Both of our stories for each other was sweet in their own ways!
Chapter 7: I love the back story of Jen and Anya! The interaction between Jen and Jongin are very cute but at the same time makes my palms all sweaty hehe. Great writing, I am looking forward to the adventures of Jen!
Chapter 6: Awwwwww,Jen said NO! I am really enjoying the development of these characters!
Suho showed up too, he is always so generous!
I had elctrifying feeling coming down my spine whenever Jen and Lay are anywhere near Jongin!
Chapter 5: Oh wow this is taking a weird turn and I am loving every minute of it!
Lay's secret is kinda cute and his boyfriend even better! I can't wait till the next chapter to find out what kind of plan Lay and Jen have in mind! I just love your cliffhangers. The moment this chapter ended I was like.... "NO!"
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 5: You're story is really cute! Enjoyed reading it! Especially now that we learned about Lay's boyfriend xD ^^
Yay, it's lay, this is perfect. Lay has been rather high on my list lately, so it makes all the sense in the world. Perfect rivalry, I can't wait for more.
Chapter 3: Awww does Lay like her? So cute ><
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting. Alec,I wonder if he is gonna be a rival, I cant help but to think that although you might have a different intention with him. Anya is too busy with Sehun,lucky girl! Jongin on the other hand, he is a capricorn indeed, dont know whats really on his mind. Wow, I have a feeling this short story might go longer than expected. Cus I remember you were saying short like 3 chapters but the way its going I think its gonna go on longer....