Part 5

The Small Dancing Studio

Part 5 up!

Sophie :)


“So, lay off the dancing for a few weeks, just rest,” Dr Lim commanded as she finished wrapping some temporary bandage around my shoulder. It had indeed been dislocated and it was the right thing to do coming to the hospital. They had, painfully I may add, popped it back into place and I was soon bandaged up.

“Let me just go get a sling.” As soon as she was out the room, I turned and glared at Lay who was there sitting with his iPhone on his lap, smiling like an idiot.

“Hey! You were supposed to be here to help me, not act like a teenage girl!” I protested; almost like a little child. Immediately Lay’s head snapped in my direction, a look of guilt on his features.

“Sorry, I just ... uh,” he stuttered; a light blush dusting his cheeks. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was looking at. Maybe it was his girlfriend?

“Who’s it?” I asked, curiosity growing in my core.

“Uh ... just ... here,” he sighed and the phone into my good hand. Slowly, I turned it over and looked at the screen, only to find a male. He had a smile that reminded me of an angel and he was holding a small, white dog in his arms. Something sad jerked within me as I passed the phone back and looked at lay with a confused face.

“My ..uh ... boyfriend.” I stopped for a moment; staring at Lay. He was gay?

“He’s ... cute,” I managed to get out, sending Lay a smile. I felt stupid for thinking that he could like me. How could he? He was gay. I sat there pondering for a moment only to jump when Dr Lim came back in. She quickly strapped the sling around my arm and shoulder, securing it tightly before turning to look at lay. I noticed he had been watching closely now after my little whine earlier.

“Are you Jennifer’s relation?” She asked Lay who shook his head as he continued to watch what she was doing with care.

“Well, you know how to bandage her up, please pass on the information,” she asked as she turned to the paperwork and began to fill it out.

“Sure,” Lay said awkwardly as we both sat there quiet, the only noise was the doctor’s pen scratching against the surface through the paper.

“Well, that’s all. Please don’t hesitate to come back if you feel as though anything is wrong,” she smiled widely before standing and motioning for us to exit. We both stood, thanking her and then slowly making our way through to the others in the waiting room. The atmosphere between us was awkward as we walked soundlessly through the halls. I was determined now to speak to Lay and find out more about him.

“Jen, are you ok?” I didn’t even have time to breathe before Anya flung herself at me. I stepped backwards, wobbling slightly only for Lay to catch me before I went flying.

“Fine,” I sent her a smile as both Sehun and Jongin rose to their feet. “How are you getting home?” Anya asked; continuing to faff over me. I ‘tsch’ed loudly before turning and smiling to Lay. I couldn’t help but feel a little self conscious around Jongin with this sling and bandaged shoulder, a blush making a permanent appearance on my cheeks.

“Uh, Lay said he would take me,” I tried to sound sure, nudging Lay with my good arm to which he just nodded with a small smile. I felt bad, springing that on Lay so suddenly, but I wanted to speak to him and I wanted to get away from Jongin, just this once.

“I’ll go with you,” I jumped when Jongin’s voice came in. I died on the inside; his voice heavenly but then I’d have to turn him down.

“Uh ... well,” I stuttered. “There’s no need for that. Jen and I were going to meet up after dance anyway,” Lay explained before carefully manoeuvring me out to his car and leaving a slightly miffed Jongin behind.


“I think it’s cute,” I giggled as Lay and I lounged across his sofas, I was propped up slightly on the cushions. He was showing me pictures of his boyfriend, Suho, as he was called.

“I didn’t want to tell you straight away. I didn’t know how you would react,” he said shyly as he took another handful of chips out of the bowl and snacked on them.

“Who do you think I am?” I scoffed, joking as he laughed along.

“No, no ... I didn’t,” he stuttered in a panic. I just laughed at his flustered state before sticking my tongue out at him. Lay seemed to relax after this. It was if we had been friends for the longest of times, laughing and joking away like nobody’s business.

“Would you help me with something?” I asked suddenly. We were in the middle of a film when Lay paused it and went to the kitchen to get more food. I had worked up the courage to ask him to help with the plan I had formulated in my mind during the beginning of the film.

“Sure, what is it?” He asked around a mouthful of food causing me to let out a giggle.

“Well ... I like someone and I don’t know how to get them to notice me,” I spoke hesitantly.

“You want me to become your ‘boyfriend’?” he snorted.

“Uh ... well maybe not ‘boyfriend’ as such. Just a little closer than before,” I managed to squeak out. Lay laughed a little before speaking again.

“And I’m guessing this someone is Jongin, right?” Lay asked and the blood immediately ran to my face. I could only nod, my voice lost for a moment as I cringed internally, was I that obvious?

“Ok, yes, I’ll help you.”

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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 8: Omg!!!' Why couldn't this be longer?!?!
Mlou13 #2
Chapter 8: Pretty kawaii if yu ask me and any other sane person
Chapter 8: Awwww, it ended! Its so funny how Kris and Chanyeol made a brief cameo! I felt Jongin's sweet lips hahaha. Both of our stories for each other was sweet in their own ways!
Chapter 7: I love the back story of Jen and Anya! The interaction between Jen and Jongin are very cute but at the same time makes my palms all sweaty hehe. Great writing, I am looking forward to the adventures of Jen!
Chapter 6: Awwwwww,Jen said NO! I am really enjoying the development of these characters!
Suho showed up too, he is always so generous!
I had elctrifying feeling coming down my spine whenever Jen and Lay are anywhere near Jongin!
Chapter 5: Oh wow this is taking a weird turn and I am loving every minute of it!
Lay's secret is kinda cute and his boyfriend even better! I can't wait till the next chapter to find out what kind of plan Lay and Jen have in mind! I just love your cliffhangers. The moment this chapter ended I was like.... "NO!"
midnight-writer97 #7
Chapter 5: You're story is really cute! Enjoyed reading it! Especially now that we learned about Lay's boyfriend xD ^^
Yay, it's lay, this is perfect. Lay has been rather high on my list lately, so it makes all the sense in the world. Perfect rivalry, I can't wait for more.
Chapter 3: Awww does Lay like her? So cute ><
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting. Alec,I wonder if he is gonna be a rival, I cant help but to think that although you might have a different intention with him. Anya is too busy with Sehun,lucky girl! Jongin on the other hand, he is a capricorn indeed, dont know whats really on his mind. Wow, I have a feeling this short story might go longer than expected. Cus I remember you were saying short like 3 chapters but the way its going I think its gonna go on longer....