Chapter 6

Hate Me
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''Yixing...I...'', Luhan stutters the first time for what feels like years. The younger chinese looks up to him, eyes wide open and his mouth also. But before anyone of them can react Yixing jumps up on his still unsteady legs and runs out of the room.

Sehun, Yifan and Luhan staring at him, comprehending what just happened. Sehun wanted to 'save' Yixing's life with mouth to mouth respiration but Luhan ended up pushing him away and pressing his lips againt Yixing's. 

''Are you alright?'', Yifan asks looking at the deerish boy, trying not to get angry with the other. Because he has to admit that he himself doesn't even understand the situation. 

''Yeah..pff I'm fine. Yixing seems to be overreacting again", Luhan says and grabs his bag, before he wants to leave the practice room.

''You didn't call him Yixing for a while'' Sehun says irritated and looks straight at his hyung. And then it it hits Luhan, Sehun was watching all of this. He, Luhan, pushed Sehun away. The one he wanted to protect with all his might. And all of it was Yix..Lay's fault. The name Yixing seemed heavy leaving his lips, but right now it felt just right. Luhan knew he did go to far once again. Kind of kissing Lay after everything must confuse the heck out of the other, he couldn't even explain why. He hopes Lay doesn't understand wrong, because that would just cause more problems. Sehun was the one he had his eyes on and Lay's innocent eyes couldn't change any of it, neither could his soft lips.

''Luhan you're really irresponsible'', Yifan complained and also took his bag. ''I'm going to find him. You guys should go ahead'', he sighed and threw his bag over one of his sqaure shoulders.

''I'm going with you'', Sehun says and stands up immediately. 

''This time let hyung do it alone. Go home and don't tell the others, say Yixing and I went to a doctor or something. I'm gonna find him'', Yifan explained and through his serious voice Sehun couldn't do anything but agree. Yifan texted their manager and as soon as he arrived he waved the others an annoyed goodbye before he went into the building searching for Yixing. 

Even though he didn't admit it in front of Luhan he was really worried. He was the only one who knew about the other's feelings for Luhan and the little crush he developed on Yixing didn't help at all. He walked into every little dance practice room, all his sunbaenims seemed confused but were to focused on practicing than asking what the chinese boy did. He only got mocked from Jonghyun: "Shouldn't you guys be practicing? Especially you and the Chensing Machine!'' After that he laughed his off, but Yifan had no time to care and left immediately, what left Kibum laughing at Jonghyun for being ignored like that from a dongsaeng. 

After checking every single room in the building, Yifan walked out of the main entrance spotted by some fangirls he immediately got in again. He walked out of one of the side entrances before looking everywhere possible. But it was like he was bewitched, Yixing no where to be found and it already got late. One thing was for sure, Luhan wouldn't survive the day if Yixing wouldn't be back until tonight. 

He called his manager hyung to pick him up. Their manager Hyunkyun was also getting concerned about Yixing's remain, but Yifan told him not to worry because Yixing probably just went for a walk. (He didn't tell him about the kiss because of obvious reasons) 

When they arrived at the dorm it was already 10pm and Yixing didn't arrive yet. When Kyungsoo asked Yifan if he wants to eat, he got ignored and the M-Leader went up to Luhan's room finding Luhan on his bed wat

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Working on chapter 8 rn! Hope you will like it ^-^


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Mae1413 #1
Chapter 9: I really like the story Please update as soon as possible, ^^
Pandaaelaine #2
Pls update author!!! I really miss this story :(
Chapter 9: Oh, yes (͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
I would love to be train by Yixing, uh (͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
Chapter 2: Yeap, a total idiot :B
kiiemii #5
Chapter 9: Hope you can update soon :(
Pandaaelaine #6
Author can u plz update this story?!?! I rlly enjoy reading the chapters u have so far pls don't drop this story ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: why new chapter isnt coming :(((
Chapter 1: Arggghh damn luhan's such a . I kinda hate you here. poor yixing-ah :((( my unicorn
parvitasari #9
Chapter 9: I'm proud of you sehun.. make someone you love happy is way to love someone right? And luhan has to prove his love to yixing, and pay back for the cruel thing he had done to yixing.. i want next chapter to be lovey dovey luhan with yixing to prove his love..
Chapter 9: Ohhh hats off for the Maknae Thehun...even he know it really hurts he still do what makes Yixing to be happy..and that's the true love means can give all the things that can make their love ones happy and sacrifies his own happinies..salute to u sir..