Chapter 6: Wish list

One Christmas Day
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Almost a year had passed, its December again, Christmas. Every Elf in the Santa Factory is busy making toys that will be delivered on Christmas Eve. Secretary Yunho is separating all the letters, from naughty to nice and those which have to be checked first by Santa Claus. Santa Claus has to read every letter that has to be checked, among those letter, one came from Natalie.


“Dear Santa Claus,

            Merry Christmas!

            First of all, thank you for your gift last year. I am Natalie, the girl who is almost a lady when she received her gift that supposed to be delivered when I was just eight. This year I became as nice as possible. I don't wish for any gifts this year, but I hope the handler will stop by in our house.





“Yunho, what's the problem with this letter? Didn't I told you that if it did not indicate anything particular, you can give anything.” said Santa Claus.

“Mr. Claus, the problem is the writer of the letter is about to become a lady on Christmas Day and I think she's the girl that Sehun met last year.” Yunho replied.

Santa didn't say anything and ordered Secretary Yunho to call Sehun.


It was almost Christmas Eve; Natalie was sitting in front of the Christmas tree. She is waiting for the handler who’s going to deliver the gifts, hoping it will be Sehun.

The clock strikes twelve but no handler came.

“Maybe they are just late. I hope it will be Sehun.” She told herself.

An hour had passed but still no handler came.

“I think it was Sehun who will deliver the gift and he had some problems.” she said smiling.

Another hour had passed, and still no one has come.

“I believe you'll come, Sehun. Another hour waiting is not hard, just come.” she said, almost losing her hope that they'll meet again.

After an hour, no gift or handler arrived. The maid who was up to get some water saw Natalie.

“Miss, you have to sleep now. You have a party tomorrow, remember?” the maid remind her.

“Ok. I'll go to my room now.” she replied.

On her way to her room she thought, “Maybe, he is in my room waiting. Why didn't I thought about that?” and she hurried to her room, excited to see him there. When she opened the door, she found no one then she looked on her balcony and the roof but not a trace of a sleigh could be found. She lied on her bed crying while saying, “I thought if I became a nice girl you'll come.”


It was already morning of the Christmas day; someone was knocking on the door. She woke up to look who's knocking. As she opened the door, it was the maid.

“Good morning Miss Natalie. Your parents had arrived.” said the maid.

“I see. I'll go down

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