Salt and sparks

When We Meet Again

Rein and Leeteuk was lining up for movie snacks. It’s a Friday night and it had been a ritual for them to watch a movie together during the weekends. Leeteuk bought soda and butter flavored popcorn.

                “Can you give us extra salt please?”  Rein asked the lady on the counter. It might be bizarre but Rein loves her popcorn to be really salty.

                It reminds her of something important

                Or maybe someone important                         

                The saltiness and the sparks



                It was a Friday night and Rein is all alone in her house. Her parents went some theater play. Rein lied by saying she has home works to do. Now, she is bored to death. Suddenly, an idea sprung to her mind. Rein ran out of the house and hailed a cab to Heechul’s house.

                When Rein arrived, she pressed her ear to the door. She could hear some rumblings from the television. Rein began to giggle as she pulled out the spare key under the floor mat. Heechul told her before that he always keeps a spare key there just in case his mother or sister arrives. Rein never knew that it would come in handy to her.

                As Rein enters the house, she peeked if Heechul is in the living room. Good thing, it’s deserted. “Must be in his room.” She thought and crept towards thekitchen. Rein grabbed a bag of popcorn from the kitchen cabinet and placed it carefully on a bowl as Rein waited for the popcorn to be cooked, her eyes wandered around the kitchen. She had been there for so many times it felt like it’s her home as well. Rein had never been more comfortable than any other place in the world.

                Rein’s reverie was cut off when the microwave rung. She took cans of root beer from the fridge and dashed towards Heechul’s room. Rein opened the room slowly and found Heechul lying down on the bed only with his boxers on. No abs. Tch. But what made Rein’s eyes linger on Heechul’s body was his milky white skin. It’s so flawless that she wanted to run her hand through his tummy.

                She shook her head to bring her back to reality. Why is she fantasizing her best friend? Rein entered the room and flopped herself on Heechul’s bed. Heechul stared at her dumbfoundedly.

                “Let’s watch a movie.” Rein grinned and started to rummage Heechul’s DVDs. She saw a couple of DVDs with ladies on the cover but she decided to just ignore it. Rein then saw a DVD cover of a beautiful lady wearing a black dress and pearls.

                “Breakfast at Tiffany’s?” Rein read.

                “A Hollywood film. That’s my sister’s.” Heechul replied.

                “Let’s watch it.” Rein quickly placed the Breakfast at Tiffany’s DVD into the DVD player. Rein stared at Holly Golightly. She is so beautiful and sophisticated.

                “I want to be like her.” She sighed.

                “You don’t have to. You’re beautiful already.” Heechul muttered.

                Rein’s heart started to race as she heard. Why is Heechul saying this all of a sudden? She doesn’t know how to react by her best friend’s statement so she just plunged her hand into the popcorn bowl and started eating. Rein could feel Heechul’s stare. She could melt any moment now.

                When Rein placed her hand once again into the popcorn bowl, her hand touched Heechul’s. It was so soft. She glanced into Heechul and realized that he was staring straight into her eyes.

                “You are really beautiful Rein.” He said and touched her chin. It sent chills down her spine, a feeling that she never experienced before. Heechul leaned his face closer and soon, their lips touched. She could taste the saltiness of the popcorn but beyond that, it actually felt good. But she knew that this isn’t right. Rein pushed Heechul away and quickly stood up.

                “I-I have to go.” She stuttered and quickly ran out of the house.

                Why did Heechul kissed her? And why is she feeling sparks inside her? When Rein got home, she still couldn’t get Heechul out of her head. It was her first kiss. And to be honest, she actually feel safe that she gave it to Heechul.

                When their lips met,

                She felt sparks in her,

                Could it be love?

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Chapter 11: Updateeeeee hahahaha
I loved this!
seungeunrang #3
we kissed!! we kissed!! lol!! :DD moooooreeee sis kissing scenes sis!! kekeke ^___^
I loved this! /hearts/
candiru #5
Chapter 9: Triple update!!!!!!!! THEY KISSED! You have no idea how ive been waiting for your updateeeeeeeeee! Update sooonnnn!!
candiru #6
Chapter 6: You update!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
seungeunrang #7
seungeunrang #8
candiru #9
Chapter 5: I really hope heechul and rein will end up together. Update soon!!!
candiru #10
Chapter 4: Poor heechul, this is getting better, pls update soon!