Bringing Feelings Back

When We Meet Again

It’s a Sunday  afternoon and it’s Rein’s day off. Usually she would go on a date with Leeteuk on weekends but today, he went to Busan for some company trip. So she was all alone.  Rein decided to go on a walk. As she walks, Rein could feel the cool breeze against her skin. The streets were quite and it feels like her own feet are bringing her towards somewhere. As she looks at the place, she realizes she’s at her high school. Rein mustered a gentle smile and started walking around. She sat on the swing and began playing by herself.

“Coincidence isn’t it?’ Heechul smirked as he walked towards Rein. “The school hasn’t changed.” He said, sitting down on the swing.

“Yeah.” Rein responded.

“Just like my feelings for you.”

“Cut it out Kim Heechul!”

“Okay. Okay.” Heechul laughed. “Do you still live with your parents?”

“I’m alone in my apartment. My parents live in Jeju now.” Rein replied.

“Hey. Do you want to go to my house? It hasn’t changed too. Let’s eat some jajjang and drink soju. I know you’ve got nothing else to do today so you don’t have the right to decline.” Heechul winked.

“F-Fine.” Rein said with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

Heechul was right. His house haven’t changed one bit. The quirky furniture is still there. Somehow, it comforts Rein. Heechul brought out bottles of soju and loads of food. They began drinking and soon words came out.

“Do you still remember when you first came here?” Heechul asked.

“Yeah. It was for a book report.”

“You were so crazy in love with Leeteuk that time.” Heechul snickered.

Rein nodded in respond.

“And look now, you’re together.” Heechul muttered while gulping a bottle of soju. “I really liked you too back then. But you never had your eyes for me. I came back hoping that I could have a chance. I guess that would never even happen.”

Heechul was crying now. Rein felt a pinch in her heart. She has never seen Heechul act like this. Why does he have to make himself suffer for her? Rein stood up and turned her back on Heechul. “I have to go.” She said, walking towards the door.

“Rein! I love you! And even if you have a boyfriend now I will never give up on you!” Heechul shouted as Rein completely went out of the house.

A smile formed on Rein’s lips. Her heart actually feels happy. “I will be expecting from you Kim Heechul.” Rein said to herself.

He loves her.

Does she?

Will the feelings ever be the same?

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Chapter 11: Updateeeeee hahahaha
I loved this!
seungeunrang #3
we kissed!! we kissed!! lol!! :DD moooooreeee sis kissing scenes sis!! kekeke ^___^
I loved this! /hearts/
candiru #5
Chapter 9: Triple update!!!!!!!! THEY KISSED! You have no idea how ive been waiting for your updateeeeeeeeee! Update sooonnnn!!
candiru #6
Chapter 6: You update!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
seungeunrang #7
seungeunrang #8
candiru #9
Chapter 5: I really hope heechul and rein will end up together. Update soon!!!
candiru #10
Chapter 4: Poor heechul, this is getting better, pls update soon!