
When We Meet Again

Rein stared at the fireworks that are decorating the night sky. A new year has entered. Before, the New Year was just a simple celebration for her. But someone taught her that when a new year comes, it is an opportunity to dump away all the negative feelings you have.

                “Happy New Year Rein.” Leeteuk greeted as he hug her from behind. Rein smiled as she felt her boyfriend’s touch.

                “I promise that this year I’ll be a more loving namja chingu.” He chuckled. But Rein’s thoughts were at somewhere else.

                Will she able to finally see him again this year?

                He, who always took away her pain.

                He, who taught her how to rebound.


                It has been a week since Heechul and Rein went to the amusement park and he hasn’t heard from Rein since then. All he could remember was, Rein was crying hard when they were leaving. He didn’t even bother to ask her what happened. But he couldn’t bear Rein’s silence anymore so he decided to go to her house and check what is going on.

                “I’m glad you came here Heechul. Rein is acting weird these past few days. She is refusing to neither eat nor go out of her room. I’m worried. Please talk some sense into her.” Rein’s mom said the moment Heechul arrived.

                “I will.” Heechul replied as he went to Rein’s room.

                “Rein? Open up. It’s Heechul. What’s happening to you?!” He yelled. But to no avail, Rein wasn’t opening her room.

                “If you won’t open this door, I’ll destroy this!”

                Still, no answer.

                Heechul took a deep breath and threw himself into the door until it burst open.  He found Rein lying on the floor. The floor of her room is filled with pieces of torn paper and pictures, her hair is as messy and her eyes are swollen from crying.

                “Rein? What happened?” Heechul asked. But she was only responded with a sob. Heechul’s eyebrows furrowed. He grabbed Rein by the arm and pulled her from the bed.

                “I will bring you back to the Rein that I once knew.” He said while dragging her out of her room. Rein’s eyes were wandering around when they entered the KTX. Several stations have passed and yet they haven’t alighted.

                “Where are we going?” Rein asked.

                “You’ll see.” Heechul smirked.

                The usual tall buildings and urban infrastructures have now been replaced by the picturesque scene of the sea and the feel of being back to the past.

                “We’re going now.” Heechul said while taking Rein’s hand and leading her out of the train.

                “Wait. We are in Busan?!” Rein’s eyes widened. Not being able to process the thing that’s happening as of the moment. They kept walking and walking until they reached Gojura village. It is near by the sea and most of the houses’ walls are adorned by beautiful paintings.

                “Just sit there okay?” Heechul smiled and entered the bare walled convenience store. Rein sat on the bench in front. He returned bringing buckets of paint.

                “I’ll paint you okay?”

                Rein just nodded. She felt really grateful with Heechul for bringing her all the way to Busan. But her heart is just so broken. She can’t even bring herself to smile. Heechul concentrated on painting Rein while she stared at the sea, collecting her thoughts. After one hour…

                “I’m done!” He exclaimed and showed the finished painting. It looks exactly like Rein; her hair, her body, her face. But one thing is different, the Rein in the painting is smiling but the Rein in front of Heechul is full of burden.

                “It’s the Rein that I want to see right now.” Heechul said. Rein stood up and walked towards the painting. She touched the painting’s smile.

                “It’s beautiful.” She said.

                The two of them then went to a restaurant. They feasted themselves with kimchi, kimbap and yougurt drinks.

                “Yogurt ladies please give me a yogurt~” Rein suddenly sung. (The yogurt lady song is from a popular yogurt drink CF. Gojura village is known as the yogurt village.)

                Suddenly, Heechul got an idea. He ran out of the restaurant he is now wearing a yogurt lady costume. (The brown ones that you can see from Yakult commercials) He gave Rein plenty bottles of yogurt drink.

                “Yah. Kim Heechul you are suited to be a yogurt lady. And for the first time that day, Heechul heard Rein laugh.

                After eating, the two of them walked towards the beach. Rein threw away her slippers and started running barefoot.

                “If I catch you, I’ll throw you into the water.” Heechul yelled. Rein let out a loud shriek and Heechul began chasing her. When he already caught up to Rein, he wrapped his arms around Rein’s waist and he threw her into the water. Rein grabbed Heechul’s arm and pulled him with her. They both ended up soaking wet.

                Aside from the birds’ tweet and the sound of waves, Heechul and Rein’s laughter could clearly be heard. They played and played until they were both tired. Rein jumped on Heechul’s back and they walked around the shore together.

                “I never thought you draw so well.” Rein said.

                “It’s because Leeteuk is the only whom you give your attention.” Heechul replied.

                “Yah. Shut up. I don’t want to hear his name ever again.”

                “Wow. What made Leeteuk’s number one fangirl change her mind?”

                “He has a girlfriend.”

                An awkward silence enveloped them. They both stared as the blue sky turned into orange when the sun set.

                “We spent the first day of January together.” Rein smiled.

                “And since it’s the new year already you should leave everything that happened last year, all thepain.” Heechul remarked.

                “I will.”

                Will the pain be really gone?

                Because if she fall in love again,

                Pain would definitely be there.

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Chapter 11: Updateeeeee hahahaha
I loved this!
seungeunrang #3
we kissed!! we kissed!! lol!! :DD moooooreeee sis kissing scenes sis!! kekeke ^___^
I loved this! /hearts/
candiru #5
Chapter 9: Triple update!!!!!!!! THEY KISSED! You have no idea how ive been waiting for your updateeeeeeeeee! Update sooonnnn!!
candiru #6
Chapter 6: You update!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
seungeunrang #7
seungeunrang #8
candiru #9
Chapter 5: I really hope heechul and rein will end up together. Update soon!!!
candiru #10
Chapter 4: Poor heechul, this is getting better, pls update soon!