And they meet again

When We Meet Again

Rein stared at the picture on the bulletin board. It was the picture that Heechul and Rein posted years ago. Rein could have opted for a higher paying job. But the picture was the reason why she chose to work there. It brings back memories and feelings. Heechul had been a successful model overseas. Even if Rein tries hard to admit it, she always checks for updates on Heechul’s fansites. Last night, when she checked the fansite she saw airport pictures of Heechul arriving at Incheon Airport.

“Will I be able to meet him?” Rein thought to herself.

“Hey Rein. Why are you dozing off? The new owner will arrive soon. I heard he’s young and good looking.” Rein’s workmate giggled.

The café is now going to be managed by a new boss. Rein is curious with the new boss too. Rumors say that he bought the café for a very high price. Rein shrugged her thoughts away and started to bake the cupcake orders.

When she heard the door open, Rein just ignored it thinking that it was just some customer. But she heard gasps coming from her co-workers.

“Is he our new boss?”

“He’s so handsome!”

“Isn’t he the model? Kim Heechul?”

The moment Rein heard Heechul’s name, she turned her head around. The person in front of her eyes seemed like a fantasy. But it is Heechul. He changed somehow. His physical features are sharper now. His milky white skin seemed even more flawless. But there are things that are still the same. His fashion sense is still quirky and his lips are still plump. Rein had been dying to be kissed by those lips.

Heechul stared at Rein. He was also astounded to see her there. But before Rein would melt by Heechul’s stares, she quickly looked away. After introducing himself as the new owner of the café, Heechul immediately left. He said he has a photo shoot today.

“Why is did Heechul bought this place?” Rein thought. “Is it because of our memories here? Does that mean that he still likes me?”

The day ended slowly and Rein has to go home from work already. “Rein, let’s go home.” Her workmates invited. “Go first. I still have to wait for Leeteuk oppa.” She smiled. Rein waited for Leeteuk at the counter. Then she heard the door open. When she looked, it was Heechul.

“Why are you working here?” He asked.

“Why did you buy this?” Rein asked back.

“Could it be that our reason is the same?” Heechul smirked, leaning his face towards the counter. Rein could feel her cheeks burning. “When had he become such a tease?” She thought. Rein moved backwards, trying her best not to meet Heechul’s fixated gaze.

“I’ve came back for you. Did you wait for me?” Heechul asked sincerely. But before Rein could answer, a car started honking in front of the café.

“I have to go. My boyfriend’s waiting for me.” Rein muttered and started running towards Leeteuk. Heechul could only muster a forced laugh when she saw the couple.

“Of course. She didn’t wait for me.” He sighed.

On their trip back to her apartment, Rein was silent. All she could think of was Heechul’s words. “I’ve came back for you. Did you wait for me?”

“That guy who was with you, was that Heechul?” Leeteuk asked.

Rein nodded in response. “He is the new owner of thecafe.”

Leeteuk stopped driving the car and held Rein’s hand tightly. “Should I be worried?” He asked. Rein pecked Heechul in the lips. “You are my namja chingu. There is no reason to be worried.” She assured.

That night, Rein unearthed a box from her closet. It was filled with memories from highschool; pictures, letters and the necklace that Heechul gave her before he left. Rein held it tightly. “I’m sorry if I didn’t wait for you Heechul. I have a boyfriend now and that’s Leeteuk.” She said to herself as tears flowed from her eyes.

And they meet again.

Will she hold onto what she has?

Or on what life is offering her?

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Chapter 11: Updateeeeee hahahaha
I loved this!
seungeunrang #3
we kissed!! we kissed!! lol!! :DD moooooreeee sis kissing scenes sis!! kekeke ^___^
I loved this! /hearts/
candiru #5
Chapter 9: Triple update!!!!!!!! THEY KISSED! You have no idea how ive been waiting for your updateeeeeeeeee! Update sooonnnn!!
candiru #6
Chapter 6: You update!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
seungeunrang #7
seungeunrang #8
candiru #9
Chapter 5: I really hope heechul and rein will end up together. Update soon!!!
candiru #10
Chapter 4: Poor heechul, this is getting better, pls update soon!