Christmas Ball

When We Meet Again

“Merry Christmas!” Leeteuk greeted.

                Ever since Rein and Leeteuk had been a couple, they would always spend the Christmas with Rein’s family. Leeteuk has pretty much become part of Rein’s family now. He sat beside her and handed Rein a small box.

                “Open it. That’s my gift for you.” He smiled.

                Rein began to tear off the gift wrapper slowly revealing a small box. As she open the box, a prince and princess figurine popped out of it and began twirling to a slow song.

                “Beautiful.” Rein chimed.

                “It reminded me of our first dance. Do you remember?” Leeteuk asked.

                “Yes. I can still remember.”

                Everything that happened to her that night was still clear to her.

                But her feelings at that time weren’t.

                When she danced with her prince.



                “What are your plans this Christmas?” Rein asked as she took some fries from Heechul.

                “I dunno. Mom is always abroad during the holidays. I just always lock myself up inside our apartment.” Heechul replied.

                “You can spend the Christmas eve at our place. Then you can sleep there and we could go to the amusement park on the 25th.” She suggested which made Heechul’s eyes glimmer.

                “I like that.” He smiled.

                As they were walking back to the classroom, they noticed that a lot of students are crowding at the bulletin board.

                “What’s happening?” Rein asked as she tiptoed but due to her lack of height, she saw nothing.

                “There will be a Christmas ball on the evening of December 24. Going there with a partner is a must.” Heechul read.

                “Partner?!” Rein gasped. Now, all she could think of is being able to dance with Leeteuk.

                “Do you think is it possible that I could be partners with Leeteuk oppa?” Rein asked.

                “Maybe? You can talk to him freely now.” Heechul replied.

                “I really hope so. I want to dance with Teukie oppa.” Rein giggled as Heechul rolled his eyes in disgust.

                Inside the classroom, Rein was trying to find her timing in asking Leeteuk out for the ball. But it seems like most of the girls in their class are in the same situation. When suddenly, a brave girl stood up and walked towards Leetuek.

                “Oppa, do you have a partner for the ball already?” She asked.

                “I don’t. But I can’t have a partner either. I’m the overall in charge for the ball.” Leeteuk smiled.

                The girls who were hoping groaned in unison.

                “Yah Kim Heechul be my partner.” Rein said while poking Heechul’s soft cheek.

                “Ne. I know this is going to happen anyways.” He chuckled, earning a soft hit on his head.

                It’s only two days left before the Christmas Ball. The school is now fully decorated and the students are busy preparing themselves.

                “Rein let’s eat tteokbokki later.” Heechul invited.

                “I can’t. I have to get my dress for the ball later.” Rein replied.

                “Can I come with you?”

                “I’m sorry Heechul. I want it to be a surprise for you.” Rein winked and skipped out of the classroom.

                And so, the day of the Christmas Ball came. Heechul stared at his reflection in the mirror as he fixed his shiny silver bowtie that gives accent to his black suit. He has been very nervous since last night. It is his first time going to a school ball. During the past few years, he would always stay at home because he finds balls as a waste of time. But now, he is really looking forward to it.

                “Heechul? Are you ready?” His mom called.

                “Ne eomma!” Heechul replied.

                It’s a miracle that his mom is at home today and she was very excited when she found out that Heechul is going to a social gathering so she volunteered to bring Heechul and Rein to school.

                “I can’t wait to see your girlfriend.” His mom giggled as she entered her neon pink Volkswagen.

                “She’s just my friend.” Heechul whined. His mom let out a loud giggle again before driving off to Rein’s house.

                When they arrived at Rein’s house, Heechul’s heart was skipping very fast for a reason he doesn’t even know. Maybe because this is his first time? He took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell. The door was opened by Rein’s mom.

                “Hello Heechul. I’ll just call Rein.” She smiled while guiding Heechul inside the house.

                “Rein! Heechul is here already!”

                “Tell him to wait.” Rein shouted from her room.

                “She never changes.” Heechul thought as he smile to himself. Soon, he heard footsteps going down the stairs. He stood up, waiting for Rein to arrive. And what Heechul saw in front of his eyes is a very different Rein.

                Heechul stared at Rein from head to toe. Her usual sleek straight hair is now styled and curled and her face and lips are tinted. Rein is wearing a silver dress with matching silver stilettos. She is simply stunning.

                “Are you really my friend?” Heechul suddenly blurted out which made Rein laugh.

                “Of course I am. You look splendid Heechul.” She smiled.

                As they arrived at the school, the surroundings were already blasting with loud music.

                “Eomma we’ll go now. Thanks for driving us.” Heechul spoke.

                “No problemo kiddos. Rein, please make sure that Heechul doesn’t turn out a dork during the party.” Heechul’s mom joked.

                “I’m surethe ladies will fall for him.” Rein giggled as she went out of the car. Heechul offered his arm and Rein wrapped hers around Heechul’s. They walk towards the school gymnasium which was already bustling with people. Rein scanned the place for Leeteuk and she sighted him busy with the preparations.

                “Maybe I won’t be able to be with Teukie oppa tonight.” Rein sighed.

                “He’s really busy. Cheer up. Do you want me to get you something to drink?” Heechul asked.

                Rein shook her head as a respond. Soon, the partners were already in the dance floor and all Rein was thinking of was being with Leeteuk. But suddenly, Heechul walked towards her, helding his hands.

                “Can we dance? I’m your partner after all.” He requested. Rein smiled, stood up while taking Heechul’s hand. Heechul wrapped his arms around her waist and while Rein wrapped hers around Heechul’s neck. Slowly, they started swaying to a foreign ballad.

When there is no one beside you, I will be there to guide you….

Heechul looked intensely into Rein’s eyes as if he was being devoured by it.

Catch you each time you fall, I’ll be there…

“I’ll be there.” Heechul muttered with all his heart. But Rein wasn’t listening. Her eyes are following Leeteuk who was going out of the gymnasium.

“I have to go and fellow Leeteuk oppa. This is my chance.” Rein spoke, pushing Heechul away and running towards Leeteuk’s direction while Heechul just watched her leave.

“Leeteuk oppa!” Rein called, panting as she finally caught up with Leeteuk.

                “Rein? Why aren’t you inside the gym and enjoying the party?” He asked.

                “I went to get some fresh air. It was suffocating inside and besides parties is not my thing. How about you? Why is the main coordinator of the party not inside?” Rein asked back.

                “I feel the same way as you.” Leeteuk smiled at her. “You look really dashing tonight Rein just like one of those angels in our house.”

                Rein definitely felt her cheeks turned beet red. She then felt Leeteuk’s hand hold hers and was pushed closer towards him. Her heart was doing somersaults as of the moment.

                “Will you dance with me Rein?”

                “I’d love to.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around Leeteuk’s neck. They swayed under the starry night sky. Though there were no melodies but Rein felt everything is complete. So complete…

                “Leeteuk oppa…” Rein uttered.


                “I like you Leeteuk oppa. A lot. I don’t care if you think I am one of those crazy fangirls of yours because I am. But my heart really thumps so fast just by the sight of you and I just can’t seem to get you out of my head. And this moment with you? It feels so ethereal.”

                Rein was completely blabbing all her feelings now.  Leeteuk simply responded with a sweet smile. While behind them a completely broken Kim Heechul saw everything.

                The joy of youth.

                All the mixed emotions crashing.

                And not knowing what to do.

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Chapter 11: Updateeeeee hahahaha
I loved this!
seungeunrang #3
we kissed!! we kissed!! lol!! :DD moooooreeee sis kissing scenes sis!! kekeke ^___^
I loved this! /hearts/
candiru #5
Chapter 9: Triple update!!!!!!!! THEY KISSED! You have no idea how ive been waiting for your updateeeeeeeeee! Update sooonnnn!!
candiru #6
Chapter 6: You update!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
seungeunrang #7
seungeunrang #8
candiru #9
Chapter 5: I really hope heechul and rein will end up together. Update soon!!!
candiru #10
Chapter 4: Poor heechul, this is getting better, pls update soon!