Chapter 8 -END-

Can U... Be Mine?
After three days later, Woohyun and Seojin went hangout as they used to do during high school after working. One day, Woohyun went to Seojin’s workplace to fetch her and drive her somewhere.

“Where are we going?” she asked as she looked at the surroundings.

“You’ll know soon,” he replied and smiled. She just nodded at him, not wanting to ask more.

After about fifteen minutes drive, they finally arrived at their destination.

“Amusement park? What are we doing here?” she asked and looked at him.

“What else? Come on!” he said and holds her hand while walking to the amusement park. As soon as they entered the park, something seems to attract Seojin’s attention.

“Woohyun! Can we ride that?” she asked Woohyun while pointing at the roller coaster. His eyes widen and gulp when he saw the roller coaster.

“What’s the matter? Are you okay?” she asked him when she realized Woohyun’s reaction suddenly changed.

“I- Are you sure you want to ride that?” he asked and pointed at the roller coaster.

“Yup! Pretty please~~ Let’s ride that first,” she pleaded with her puppy eyes and made Woohyun blushing.

“O- Okay. As long as you’re happy,” he said and looked away.

“Is that why you took me here? Thank you, Nam Woohyun! That’s why I love you more!” she blurted out. When she realized what she’s saying, she immediately looked at other place, trying to avoid Woohyun’s gaze.

“What did you just said?” he asked.

“Not- Nothing. I- Just- Aish~ Come on! Let’s just go to the roller coaster!” she said, trying to change the topic. Woohyun just smiled at her and followed her.

I heard what you’re saying; and with that, they went to ride the roller coaster. After the ride, Seojin couldn’t stop laughing at Woohyun that was scared during the ride and his face turned pale. Even though it was too embracing moment for him, he managed to smile at her, seeing her laugh like that. Yes, that’s what he wants. He wanted to see her laughing, smiles like she used to be before. After he calms himself from the ‘traumatic’ ride, Seojin asked him to go to the haunted house. Hearing that, Woohyun just looked at her in disbelief.

“Why? Are you scared of ghost?” she asked, sarcastically.

“Who- Who said that? I’m not scared! Come on!” he said and started to walk.

“Fine!” she said and followed behind. As soon as they arrived in front of the haunted house, they made a challenge.

“Who screams the most will buy an ice-cream for us!” Woohyun challenged.

“Okay! Challenge accepted! Let’s go!” Seojin accepted and walked into the place.

After a few minutes in the haunted house, they finally exited.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s buy ice-cream and you’ll pay as promised,” Seojin said and Woohyun just sighed. They’ve been in the amusement park for about two hours and had a dinner together at their favorite restaurant.

                                               **                                            **                                            **

 “Seojin…” someone called and smile as Seojin turned to the voice.

“Su- Suga… What are you- I mean, why…” she couldn’t continued her words and cried as she hugged him.

“I’m sorry for making you cried... I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry that I left you,” he apologized and hugged her tightly.

“No, there’s nothing you should be sorry. I’m the one who supposed to say that. I’m sorry for saying that I hate you. I love you, Suga. I still love you! Please come back to me!” she said and cried even more.

“Seojin…” he said as he broke the hug and wiped off her tears.

“I’m sorry to say this but, we… We can’t be together again. I’m sorry… I have to go now…” he said and disappeared.

“I love you…” his words echoed in her ears after he disappeared from her sight.

“No! You can’t leave me!” she said and tried to look for him.

“Suga!!!” she called and woke up.

“It’s just a dream…” she said and shook her head.

“Why… Suga… Why?!” she cried out and tears started to flow down to her cheeks when Jiyeon entered her room.

“What happened? Are you okay?” she asked and pulled Seojin to her embrace.

“Suga… He came to my dream again…” she told her.

“What? How come- Gosh~ Please don’t cry, okay? If Jin or Woohyun know that you’re crying like this again, they’ll be sad too,” she convinced her.


“It’s okay. Just don’t think about it too much, okay?” Jiyeon told her and wiped off her tears. She just nodded at her.

“Good. Now, go freshen up before Jin’s coming,” she said and Seojin just obeyed her. Jiyeon just looked at her as she went towards her bathroom with weak steps. She was worried that Seojin would lock herself again since her wedding was two days more. She let out a sigh before leaving Seojin’s room.

That afternoon, Woohyun came to fetch Seojin and they went to the park together as it was weekend. As they about to enter the park, Seojin saw someone familiar at the flower shop and they went towards the person.

“Jimin!” she called and the person turned when he heard his name being called.

“Oh, hey guys!” he greeted.

“What are you doing here?” Seojin asked.

“Come on, Jimin. I’m done,” a girl said when she came out from the shop.

“Aren’t you…” Seojin said.

“Seojin…” the girl said.

“Uh… Seojin, this is Naeun. I guess you’ve already met her with brother,” Jimin interrupted.

“Hi, Seojin…” Naeun greeted with a weak smile.

“Hi… What are you guys doing here? Where’s Suga?” Seojin asked.

“We’re buying flowers before visiting him,” Jimin said, weakly.

“Uh… Wait. White carnation flower? Isn’t that symbolized remembrance? For someone who had… Died?” Woohyun asked.

“Yes. Seojin, there’s something we want to tell you about brother and you too, Woohyun,” Jimin said.

“What do you mean?” they asked in unison. Before he told them about Suga, he gave Seojin a letter and she took it immediately. Her eyes widen when she saw Suga’s handwriting and read it.

‘For my love, Seojin,

                How are you, lovely? Kekeke… I miss calling you that. I’m sorry that I had to break up with you. Actually Naeun is not my new girlfriend but, my cousin. I’m the one who asked her to pretend to be my fake girlfriend so that it will be easy for us to break up. >,< I know it’s ridiculous, right? But, it’s for your best. Seojin, when you read this letter now, I’m sorry that I had gone forever and never come back. Actually, I had been diagnosed with a brain cancer and it became worst day by day. I’m sorry that I hide it from you and Woohyun… Please go on with your life and smile always like you used to be. Oh! And if there’s a breeze around you, please believe that it is me… I LOVE YOU…

From your lovely guy, Suga…'

After reading the letter, she remembered her dream last night.

“I’m sorry for making you cried... I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry that I left you,” he apologized and hugged her tightly.

“I’m sorry to say this but, we… We can’t be together again. I’m sorry… I have to go now…” he said and disappeared.

“I love you…” his words echoed in her ears after he disappeared from her sight.

Then, Seojin’s tears flowing unstoppably as Woohyun hugged her. Without realizing, his tears also flow down to his cheeks as well as Naeun’s and Jimin’s.

“I was about to tell you about it during the day that we met but, seeing you cried that day, I decided not to tell you right away. I’m sorry…” Jimin told her. After the two had calmed themselves, they went to Suga’s grave to pay a visit.

“Suga… Is that what you mean in my dream? Saying that you’re gone forever?” Seojin said as she kneeled down in front of his grave.

Suga… I promise, I’ll take care of her and protect her; Woohyun promised.

After visiting Suga’s resting place, Woohyun drive Seojin to home.

When they arrived there, Jin was already there with Jiyeon. Seeing both of their eyes were red, Jin asked them what had happen and they told them about Suga. Hearing that, Jin decided to visit his friend’s resting place along with Jiyeon and Woohyun came with them to show them where the plac is.

                                               **                                            **                                            **

The day that everyone had waited finally come. Many people came to Jin’s wedding ceremony; family members, friends, colleagues and parents’ friends were all coming there. As soon as they guests arrived, the ceremony begins and everyone were so amazed by Jiyeon’s beauty when she’s wearing the wedding dress. After the event scabbard rings, everyone was invited to eat.

“Hey, Jin!” Sungyeol greeted followed by his other cousins.

“Hey, guys! Glad you’re coming,” Jin said to them.

“Congratulations, my friend,” Woohyun congratulated him and gave him a handshake.

“Thanks. Uhmm… I think someone’s missing here. Where’s Sunggyu?” Jin asked.

“He’s said he wanted to go to the washroom for a while. Uh… By the way, where’s Seojin?” he asked.

“She went to meet Jiyeon just then. So, how was it? Are you guys ready?” Jin asked them. The others just nodded while Woohyun looked worried.

“What’s wrong? It’s your idea and how come you look worried,” Hoya asked him.

“It’s not like that. What if she-” before he could continue, Jin cut off.

“Just be positive,” he said and Woohyun just nodded at him.

                                               **                                            **                                            **

After going to the washroom, Sunggyu met Seojin on his way to his cousins.

“Hey, it’s been a while,” he greeted and smiled.

“Hey. Thank you for coming,” she said as they walked towards the others.

“Seojin, you want to know something?” Sunggyu asked.

“What is it?” she looked bewildered with Sunggyu’s question which made him scoffed.

“Woohyun’s crush is here,” he told her.

“Eh??? Really? Where? Who?” she asked as she search for ‘her’.

“You’ll know soon when he confesses to her,” he said.

“Really? How lucky,” she said tried to hold her tears.

“Yeah… I’m jealous of him,” he said.

“Hey, Gyu! What took you so long?” Dongwoo asked.

“Having a little chat with Seojin,” Sunggyu told him.

“Hey, you look so… Pretty today,” Woohyun said to Seojin.

“Th- Thanks,” she said and blushed.

“Ahem… We better get ready now, Woohyun,” Sunggyu said.

“O- Okay, Gyu. See you later,” Woohyun said to Seojin. His heart suddenly beating so fast than usual.

“Hey, guys!” Jiyeon greeted as she walked towards Jin after changing her dress.

“Hey, Jiyeon! Congratulations for the wedding!” they congratulated.

“Thanks. Uh… Are you guys getting ready for the performance?” she asked.

“Yeah… Please anticipate it~” Sungjong said to them and they went to the dressing room to change their outfits.

“They’re going to perform?” Seojin asked.

“Yes and you’re going to like it,” Jin said and winked.

“Oh…” was all she could answer. After a few minutes, her father, who was the MC along with Jiyeon’s father makes an announcement to everyone.

“Alright, ladies and gentlemen, as everyone knows, a ceremony without performance or song will not be fun, isn’t it?” Jin’s father said.

“You’re right! So, we’ve prepared a special performance for everyone here. Now, we introduce you to Infinite!” Jiyeon’s father continued as the Infinite boys entered the stage and Woohyun’s took the microphone from Jin’s father.

“Hi, everyone! We are Infinite! Uh… Now, we’re going to perform our song entitled, ‘Request’ and ‘Be Mine’. Actually, these songs are dedicated to someone special for me. I wrote this song just for her. And that special person is the one who’s standing on the left side of my best friend. Her name is Seojin…” Woohyun said and everyone looked at Seojin. Her face turned as red as a tomato. After giving the microphone back to Jin’s father, they started their performance.

-Request-> (you can listen to it while reading the lyrics)

You tell me he confessed to you,

Asking for my congratulations,

With a happy smile I saw for the first time,

Chanting excitedly that it was a difficult start and that it will last forever,

Even so, even if you’re another guy’s girl, I still like you,

Even if I can’t have you, even if we can never be,

It’s alright I’ll be love, I believe,

A selfish greed and a clinging obsession,

I shout for this damn love,

Sadly, sadly, I want you,

I am always looking at you anxiously,

But now you are forbidden,

Sadly, sadly, I want you,

If only I took courage like a man, would we have been different?

I thought you would realize if I protected you by your side, without a word but I was a fool,

Even so, even though I’m a fool, my heart is hot with passion,

Even if I can’t tell you, even if I lost my chance,

It’s alright I’ll be love, I believe,

A selfish greed and a clinging obsession,

I shout for this damn love,

Sadly, sadly, I want you I am always looking at you anxiously,

But now you are forbidden,

Sadly, sadly, I want you,

The atmosphere that leads you all my passion,

It will be hard to escape future-oriented world,

It may all look the same but I am different,

I am the innovation like a mirage,

My heart won’t stop,

I want to go as I am led,

Although I’m not the one, although I shouldn’t,

But I have my heart that only knows you, the times we spent together,

I’m revealing this damn love,

And I sadly, sadly, call out,

A selfish greed,

I hate myself for being like this,

A clinging obsession,

I really hate it,

I shout for this damn love,

Crazily, sadly, sadly, I want you,


After ‘Request’ performance they proceeded to ‘Be Mine’ performance.


-Be Mine--> (you can listen to it while reading the lyrics)

I watched over it, you love, the long farewell,
Rather than always getting hurt, this is better,
Look at me carefully. It’s because i don’t like you crying,
Being hurt is tiring, yeah~ everytime i see you like that,

Be mine, i love you, okay?
I worry about you, okay?
I’ll take care of you till the end,
Be mine, you know me, right?
You saw me right?
I’ll protect you till the end,

Do you hear me…? Do you hear me…?

The end of your wet eyes full of memories, i hope it dies in my embrace,
I try to at least protect you, who quietly heard the falling tears being swallowed by ripped hearts,

I think it’s over flowing, you were always like that to me,
My heart expands as your hurt grows,
Come to me, it’s because i like when you smile,
I’ll make comfortable dor you, yeah.. at least i can for you..

Be mine, i love you, okay?
I worry about you, okay?
I’ll take care of you till the end,

Let’s go together, don’t walk onto the harder path, okay?
It wasn’t easy, right?
I don’t want to see you like that ever again,
Be mine, i love you, okay?
I worry about you, okay?
I’ll take care of you till the end,

Will you fight, will you hurt again. In an endless ring of hurt, it’s always a quiet war. That’s to much to you. With a shield of worry, i stand in front of you and..
I revolve around you like a moon. The light are turn off in your love, so leave it and look at me. I’ll cover your deep scars, and make you laugh. And make you mine..

After the performance Woohyun walked towards Seojin who was still stunned by the performance.

“Seojin…” Woohyun called.

“You- The person that Sunggyu mean is-” before she could continue, Woohyun cut off.

“YOU… You’re the one that I love for all this time. Even though how much I tried to tell you that I love you, I just can't say it. But now… Can you… Be mine?” he confessed and gave her a rose.

“I- I will,” she said as she took the rose from Woohyun and hugged him. At the stage, she could see Sunggyu smiling broadly at them.

“I love you…” Woohyun whispered to her and broke the hug.

“Me too,” she said and at that time, the breeze started to blow.

“He’s here…” she said and smiled.

“I know… He must be happy,” Woohyun said and hold her hand.

                                                                              -THE END-

author's notes
Final chapter~! TT^TT How was it? Do you like it? Please let me know~ I know, it's kinda rush, isn't it? By the way, hope you enjoy the last chapter!~Bye~
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A few more chapters and it'll end~ ><


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Chapter 9: sure I will read it too =)
Chapter 8: Aigo, Suga was dead, poor him! Wow, congrate for Woohyun! Finally you can tell her what ur feeling and Seojin has the same feeling with him,
Helendo1999 #3
Awe poor Suga! I feel bad for him. This story is so good! I love it!
woo_bella #4
Chapter 8: this story is pretty amazing!!!!!!!! love it from the bottom of my heart <3<3
Chapter 8: omg love the ending,but sugo whyy T^T
Chapter 8: The way you ending it is so beautiful, i love it ^^ ahhh i'm gonna miss this story. Thank you for the beautiful story author-nim, hugyouuuuu
nekkohaja1224 #7
Chapter 8: wàaaaaahhhhh......NAMU!! So sweet!! Although it's short i still like it!!! ^_^
Chapter 8: Cute ~~ ^.^
Chapter 7: Please Woohyun and Seojin, please realize each other's feelings. For Woohyun, just tell her that you love her and Seojin, please move on and open your heart to Woohyun >.<
Chapter 6: what does seojin have? :O poor she T^T