Twisted Love

Sera stared out of the window of Hyuna's apartment and sighed sadly. Hyuna was sat on the couch watching TV.

"Come sit down Sera." Said Hyuna. "You'll get stiff legs if you stay stood up there all day."

"..I want to go out." Sera said quietly.

"We can later. Please sit down." Hyuna realised Sera would not sit down, so she went over to her and backhugged her. "Sera.. What's wrong?"

"It was them.. They kidnapped me.." Sera whispered.

"Who?" Hyuna asked.

"Kyungri.. Sungah.. Hyemi.. Minha.. Sam didn't do it.. Sam didn't want me.." Sera sighed. "I don't know why I live in this country, I want to go back to Canada."

"Canada? You're from Canada?" Hyuna asked, blinking.

Sera nodded. "When I came here, they called me the Goddess from Canada.. I don't know why.."

"Because you're so y." Hyuna said with a smirk.

"No I'm not." Sera mumbled.

"But you are." Hyuna spun Sera around, then pressed her against the window and started to kiss her.

"Hyuna.. Stop.." Sera moaned as Hyuna's hand slid into her pants.

"You don't want to?" Hyuna asked, pouting.

"I do.. Just.. Not here.." Sera mumbled.

Hyuna picked Sera up quickly, turned the TV off and ran into her room, jumping on top of Sera.


"You've really messed up now." Sam said, spinning around on the chair.

"It wasn't me!" Minha screeched whilst Hyemi patted her back, trying to comfort her.

"Wasn't exactly talking to you, moody, but oh well." Sam shrugged.

Kyungri stopped Sam from spinning on the chair. "Help us."

"What do you want me to do now? Hyuna's already strangled me twice." Sam groaned.

"Don't you have any lesbian friends?" Sungah asked.

Sam shook her head. "Nope. I don't see why you care about them being together, let them do what they want, it's not illegal and so far all your attempts of seperating them have failed. Maybe you're just jealous."

Hyemi snorted. "Jealous? Anything but that."

Minha let out a small sob. "I am jealous!"

"..You want a boyfriend though." Hyemi said, frowning.

"No! I want you Hyemi unnie!" Minha looked up at Hyemi with huge innocent eyes.

"MINHA IS ONE OF US!" Sam squeaked happily.

"Be quiet." Kyungri put her hand over Sam's mouth whilst Sungah looked like all her dreams were coming true.

"I.. I've always liked you Hyemi unnie.. Since the moment you asked if I was going to eat that orange.." Minha said quietly.

"Oh Minha.. I don't know what to say.." Hyemi sighed, looking away from the younger girl.

"Say you love me too unnie! I know you do!" Minha pleaded.

Hyemi let out a small gasp as Minha pressed her lips against hers. Sungah let out a triumphant squeal whilst Kyungri looked down at the floor. Meanwhile, Sam had got up off the chair.

"Do we have any other lesbians in the room then?" Sam asked.

"Me! Pick me!" Sungah yelled, raising her hand.

"For gods sake.." Kyungri mumbled, storming out.

"..Kyungri! Come back!" Sungah got up and chased her with Sam following closely behind.

Back in the other room, Hyemi and Minha were now kissing properly.

"You do love me, right unnie?" Minha asked.

Hyemi nodded. "Yes.. Ever since I asked you if you were going to eat that orange.."

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Chapter 10: oh this is just to cute ^^ please write more hyuna and Sera five I love them.
Chapter 10: a simple yet cute and exciting story. i don't know what to say but kudos to you author! you totally depicted my perspection of everyone's personality in real life. Except sam though haha, she is kinda creepy...
Chapter 10: ahh it's already end ~ butit's so nice ending! thanks for the story!
eeetech #5
Chapter 10: awws that was sweet c: now that you've done a good job, go rest ;)
Sad it's already over T.T
I think I need a sequel or a new story HAHAHA xD
shimmie_park #7
Chapter 10: D'awwwww it's over :(((
Chapter 10: kind of cute ending >.<
and yay Kyungri finally accepted Sungah ~