New Recruits

Dark Fate
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Yesung woke early the next morning to make a small breakfast for himself before leaving the house to meet up with Leeteuk to meet about recruiting new members before heading to school.

"I'm not late"Yesung gasped when he got to the small cafe Leeteuk texted him last minute"why'd you change the location last minute?"

"Siwon is here too"Leeteuk smiled cheerfully, completely ignoring Yesung's earlier question"he's completely pumped up for next week's concert"

Yesung sat down beside Siwon opposite of Leeteuk"which reminds me, I need to reserve a ticket for that day"

"Why?"Leeteuk asked"we already acknowledged that family gets in for free, there's no need to reserve a ticket for your little brother"

"No it's not that, it's for a friend who wants to go"Yesung shrugged"a childhood friend I haven't seen in...awhile"

"So you were reunited recently?"Siwon asked, his expression a warm curious expression as he rested his chin on his hands.

"Yesterday when I got home"Yesung sighed"I didn't sleep too well but you guys should come over to my place. Grandmother got us a new game system, I plan on inviting Kyuhyun and my friend over too"

"Ooh sounds fun"Siwon nodded.

"Sure, I'll tell Kangin and Ryeowook when I get to school"Leeteuk nodded then smiled"so who's the friend? Is he nice?"

"Still the same I guess"Yesung shrugged but cringed as he remembered something"but I feel like I made the wrong impression yesterday, I kinda gave his family the cold shoulder right when I saw them..."

"Yesung!"Leeteuk frowned.

"I didn't know it was his family until we introduced ourselves. After that Jongjin showed his parents the garden while I was left with my friend. It was completely awkward but in the end we agreed to meet up today"Yesung murmured.

"Oh thank goodness you didn't continue being mean"Leeteuk sighed.

"How would you explain yourself being gay?"Yesung asked and Leeteuk suddenly gasped in shock and Siwon began choking on the coffee he had just started drinking.

"W-what?"Leeteuk asked, his eyes wide.

"You're going to tell your friend right?"Siwon asked and Yesung nodded"why not just be truthful? I mean, you're happy and he probably wouldn't care all that much, after all you just reunited. He wouldn't want to do anything to make you upset"

"Thanks Siwon"Yesung smiled then glared at Leeteuk"thanks for nothing hyung. Come on Siwon-ah, get your coffee we have to go or we'll be late for school"

"Ne hyung. Bye Leeteuk hyung, we'll see you after school"Siwon said quickly and hurried after Yesung who was already walking out the door.

"We're meeting at Yesung-Ah's house alright Siwon?"Leeteuk called and Siwon gave him a nod before he disappeared out of sight"aish those kids should hurry and graduate...making me feel old graduating by myself this year..."

Yesung squinted at the sunlight and Siwon held one of his books over the older's head offering shade. The older smiled at him but it faded when Siwon smirked.

"You should buy sunglasses hyung"Siwon teased and Yesung rolled his eyes.

"Like I have time"Yesung snorted"since we don't have the last class of the day together, mind waiting at the gates for me? Well that's if you want to come with us to my house"

"Sure I'll go"Siwon nodded"sounds fun"

"You can put down your book now, doesn't your arm hurt?"Yesung asked as he looked up at the taller younger male who stood there looking stoic.

"I don't mind at all hyung"Siwon smile and Yesung thanked him. They waited a few minutes then took the public bus to the school, it was a good thing there was no traffic otherwise they'd have missed their small chance of not being late.

Yesung and Siwon took their seats at the back of the room near the windows in the far left hand corner of the classroom. There wasn't many people in the class since it was a small history class but the other students who were in the same class usually didn't talk to Yesung unless they need a pencil or paper or help studying before a quiz. Same people from last year.

"Alright my small class"the teacher said once the final bell rang"today we have a new student who recently transferred here, be nice and if you see him lost somewhere in the school please help him"

Yesung stiffened a little in surprise as the rest of the class stared as Donghae shyly walked into the room. When Yesung met Donghae's eyes, the younger immediately smiled and Yesung gave a small wave.

"Um hi I'm Lee Donghae...please take care of me"he murmured and bowed slightly. The only two girls in the class whispered to each other, most likely about another handsome boy being added into their class and how lucky they were.

"Take a seat anywhere you'd like Mr. Lee"the teacher said and Donghae nodded hurrying over to take the seat beside Siwon.

"Yesung"Donghae grinned"you go here too?"

"My grandma wanted me to. Say hi Hae, this is my new friend Siwon"Yesung said pointing to the tall male beside him"he's also the new drummer I told you about"

"Nice to meet you Siwon, I'm Donghae. Yesung's childhoo- well best friend"Donghae smiled and shook Siwon's outstretched hand"nice to meet you"

"Choi Siwon, new friend and bandmate of Yesung hyung's. Nice to meet you too"Siwon said giving his million own smile.

"Mr. Choi and Mr. Lee, save the friendly introductions until after class please"teacher said and Yesung frowned, what a way to ruin the moment..."thank you"

Donghae, Siwon and Yesung didn't pay attention to most of the lesson like the rest of the class. The teacher noticed and made them do individual work without instruction. The trio in the back helped each other out and earned half an hour worth of free time before their next class. The teacher was impressed and he couldn't deny them the reward.

"We pretty much have the same classes all day except our last classes of the day"Donghae said with a smile"what do you guys have then? I'm taking up a sport this year; baseball"

"I have piano that whole hour"Yesung said with a small smile"composing on the piano and the history of piano comes along with it though, it's a bummer but I'll live as long as I can learn to play with a more professional feel"

"I don't really have anything fancy like those, but I have bible study then. It's a study hall sort of class but I'm using it to study the bible. I'm falling behind in my bible group"Siwon said with a small frown and Yesung nodded knowing Siwon would do something like that.

"Uh well if you guys are still up for it we can meet at the main gates when the last class bell rings. Then we can take the bus to my house, Teukie and everyone else should be there when we get back since they don't need to take a bus to school"Yesung said and Donghae smiled.

"Just curious again, how many friends do you have?"he asked.

"Uh well there's Teukie, Heechul, Kangin, Ryeowook, Siwon and Kyuhyun. The last two are friends I made recently, as in the past two to four days"Yesung smiled"then I met again yesterday so I'll include you"

"We have about fifteen minutes until the next class, want to tell me your story about how you guys are friends?"Siwon asked and Yesung hesitated"what?"

"It's sort of sad and painful..."Donghae said looking at the pencil that was just lying on it's side on the desk"it's a hard topic to bring up"

"Oh...y-you don't have to tell me then"Siwon said quickly but Yesung smiled.

"No it's okay, it was years ago. You should know, after all we're all friends right?"Yesung said and Siwon smiled and patted the older's back comfortingly.


"I can't believe you told the whole thing in fifteen minutes"Donghae chuckled.

"I left out a few things because it's a bit sensitive still"Yesung shrugged as they walked down the halls"you know...uh family deaths and whatnot"

"Ah I see, no need to explain further I understand"Siwon nodded.

"It's going to be a long morning since the rest of the classes we don't get free time. Just focus on your work okay?"Yesung warned Donghae and he nodded.

After three more excruciatingly boring classes it was lunch time and Yesung gave a brief tour as they walked to the cafeteria. Siwon quietly gave a few comments about what he knew though he listened most of the time since Yesung was already a year ahead of them.

"Ne sunbaenim"Donghae saluted Yesung mockingly"I mean ne hyung, thank you for showing me the cool spots to hide from the bullies and athletes"

Yesung laughed"no problem"

*buzz buzz*

Yesung's phone suddenly vibrated with an incoming call as they were waiting in line. Donghae and Siwon talked to each other quietly about plans after school to give their hyung some privacy.

"Oh Wookie-ah"Yesung smiled, his mood spiraling up at the voice of the caller.

"Teukie got the new rapper to join us! He seemed really happy when Teukie asked him to join us"Ryeowook said happily"isn't that awesome?"

"It's sounds really awesome"Yesung chuckled,

"So what are you doing right now? Lunch right?"Ryeowook asked.

"Yeah, I'm actually in line with Siwon and Donghae for lunch"

"I'll text you in a few, you get your food first okay?"Ryeowook said”I have something else to tell you, it’s not really important so I’ll wait until after school okay?”

Yesung smiled"okay, talk to you after

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I finally have time with my tests over and work done. I have a latop to work on now but please continue to be patient with me thnx guys


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402 streak #1
Chapter 8: AAAAAND~ You're not here anymore T^T I need next chapter button T^T
402 streak #2
Chapter 5: grim reaper (?) wah, I know you have warned us, but stil... T^T
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 8: New reader, like the story so far
Chapter 7: Like the story !! Just more Sichul plz
Chapter 6: Lol I love this story, everyone is funny. Waiting for the next update :)
shane9 #6
Chapter 5: Nice update!It's good yesung is getting more friends.I'm really curious about the conversation at the end..
shane9 #7
Chapter 4: I like this story very much.please update soon!
Candy64 #8
Chapter 4: Wow love this story!! Can't wait for the new updated thank you!!
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 4: Nice update, I'm glad you're back to update this story^^