Old Friend

Dark Fate
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"Night Wookie"Jongwoon smiled. He watched as Ryeowook got onto the bus and sat in the front seat, he waved out the window at the older before the bus left. Shrugging off the nerves of worried thoughts about Kyuhyun and Heechul, he slowly made his way back to his own house. Surely his family was there waiting for him.


After Jongwoon saw his boyfriend off, he took his time walking home. It was a peaceful kind of evening, the soft breeze blowing and the stars are becoming more clear as the sun continued to set. It was already getting dark. He sighed, taking in the fresh air but stopped when he noticed there were many people walking about the same sidewalk. His mood faltered a little but he continued on his way.

"I'm home"Jongwoon said as he reached his house fifteen minutes later.

"Hyung, can you help us?"Jongjin asked as he peeked out from the kitchen.

"With what?"Jongwoon asked. He walked toward the kitchen and stopped. There were three strangers in the kitchen, all not even remotely familiar but one who looked oddly like someone he use to know.

"Who's this?"a young man, perhaps a little younger than Jongwoon, asked. He was a little shorter than Jongjin with a bright smile and a simple style. Somehow Jongwoon felt odd just looking at him.

"This is my older brother"Jongjin chirped to the three guests and the guy smiled.

"Nice to meet you"He murmured and bowed. Jongwoon lost interest quickly and with a cold face he walked out of the kitchen leaving the guests shocked. They weren't expecting that behavior...it was different than what Jongjin mentioned for the past hour.


Jongwoon ignored his brother, for the first time, and isolated himself in his room. Wanting to occupy himself so he didn't have to go downstairs, he decided to get the new song's lyrics ready and call Ryeowook.

"Hyung why are you being like this?"Jongjin asked as he casually walked into his brother's room.

"Don't I tell you to knock first before entering someone else's room?"Jongwoon asked as he shuffled some papers and laid them on his desk.

"I'm sorry hyung...but they're our new neighbors and grandpa said we should greet them. He already left for work..."Jongjin explained. He sat on the edge of his brother's bed.

"you know I'm not use to meeting new people"Jongwoon murmured uncomfortably. He isn't use to meeting new people since he's been with the same people since Jongjin was brought into the family.

"I know hyung...but the neighbor's son said he knew a Jongwoon when he was younger...don't you think it could be Donghae?"Jongjin asked. It made plenty of sense to him since the neighbors and their son talked about their past house and neighborhoods. They moved around a lot, and apparently the guy's mom is only his step mom. His real mother passed away a few years back.

"Donghae?"Jongwoon asked quietly"why should I care about him? It's been over ten years since I've last seen him"

"Come on hyung, at least go and say hi...please? For grandpa's sake"Jongjin pouted and his brother sighed. He nodded"yay! Lets go then, we might seem rude if we stay here longer"

With a hesitation from the older and excitement from the younger, the two brothers ended up downstairs in the dining room. The guests had located there since they didn't want to wonder around by themselves. Jongwoon eyed the neighbors cautiously, it looked more like glaring from their aspect.

"Sorry, he gets uncomfortable meeting new people"Jongjin laughed and the neighbors nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Um..for starters I'm Lee Eunji, this is my husband Lee Seung Yeon"the woman said a little too cheerfully"and this is his son Lee Donghae"

Jongwoon stiffened a little but didn't say anything. His mouth went dry at he thought of that guy being his best friend whom he was forcefully separated from many years back.

"Nice to meet you"Jongwoon murmured.

"Introduce yourself"Jongjin whispered elbowing his brother.

"Kim Jongwoon"

Donghae's reaction came rather quickly, as if he never forgot Jongwoon for a second since they departed. He stared at the older in shock, Jongwoon wasn't the bright shining boy he knew anymore. Instead Jongwoon had a tender face yet his eyes seemed rather cold and empty...what happened to him?

"Do you want to visit grandpa's garden out back? The lamps out there light up at night, it's very pretty"Jongjin smiled at the older neighbors. He chose to give the two old friends some time to talk while he keeps Mr. and Mrs. Lee company.

The two adults chuckled and followed the enthusiastic young man out the room and to the backyard. Donghae was scared to say something since its been awhile and Jongwoon might be uncomfortable meeting like this.

"so...it's been awhile"Donghae mumbled awkwardly and looked at his old friend. Cold eyes stared back with an empty expression"hyung...Jongwoon are you o-okay?"


"I know you're very uncomfortable but please say something"Donghae pleaded, the silence was unbearably awkward"how have you been?"

"Fine"Jongwoon murmured looking away. Donghae sighed in relief.

"um...what happened since you moved away? Me, I've been traveling a lot with my dad"Donghae smiled"since my mom...uh went elsewhere my dad and I just hang out more often. We don't like to stay home much"

Jongwoon only nodded and got up front he table"want some tea?"

"S-sure"Donghae nodded. He thought Jongwoon was leaving the room since he might feel Donghae was annoying. Donghae watched as Jongwoon moved about the kitchen next door, looking peaceful and at ease.

"Green, Earl Grey, Chai, Camomile, Non-caffeine..?"Jongwoon asked lifelessly, holding out different boxes of tea.

"Green tea is fine"Donghae smiled. The older nodded and continued making the tea, he set

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I finally have time with my tests over and work done. I have a latop to work on now but please continue to be patient with me thnx guys


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402 streak #1
Chapter 8: AAAAAND~ You're not here anymore T^T I need next chapter button T^T
402 streak #2
Chapter 5: grim reaper (?) wah, I know you have warned us, but stil... T^T
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 8: New reader, like the story so far
Chapter 7: Like the story !! Just more Sichul plz
Chapter 6: Lol I love this story, everyone is funny. Waiting for the next update :)
shane9 #6
Chapter 5: Nice update!It's good yesung is getting more friends.I'm really curious about the conversation at the end..
shane9 #7
Chapter 4: I like this story very much.please update soon!
Candy64 #8
Chapter 4: Wow love this story!! Can't wait for the new updated thank you!!
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 4: Nice update, I'm glad you're back to update this story^^