
De Novo

Short short short update, because number 1: I finished my homework, number 2: My brain is not being very inspirational, thus this chapter is just to introduce a new character, and keep this story alive. I'm sure you guys realised. 

Sweat streamed down the side of his face, expression contorted badly in pain, as Lay struggled to move forward. It’s been half an hour, and he was still at the same spot. It really was not his fault, at the condition he was in now was impossible to move.  Lay knew, but he still wanted to try, just maybe a miracle would happen. 

“You should probably stop soon, or you would exert yourself and make your condition worse. You still have a long way to recover, when you get better, I’m sure you can walk again.” The physiotherapist consoled.

Lay sank back tiredly into his wheelchair with a sigh; he was beginning to lose a tinge of faith in him. What if he really could never walk, unlike what JaeIn and the others had encouraged him.  But he was not someone who give up easily, he took years to prove to the world that he had the talent and passion for basketball. A few years to try and recover felt the same to him.  

He dismissed the nurse with a wave of his hand and pushed himself to the recreation room.

“Hi guys.” Lay said tentatively towards Woohyun, Luhan and another guy lazing on the huge sofa, unsure to whether they welcome him. A huge weight suddenly landed on Lay, as Woohyun pounced and hugged him tightly, “Chingu- ah, I miss you so much! Your accompaniment was the best. ” Woohyun beamed greasily.

Luhan could only laughed loudly at Lay’s astonished face at Woohyun’s greasy action, “ He’s like that, expressing his love to everyone he likes.”

“Hi, my name is Kim MyungSoo, but people call my L. I’m WooHyun’s best friend, and JaeIn’s older brother.” The other guy introduced himself with a tiny smile, and explained when he saw Lay’s puzzled look, “JaeIn’s my foster sister, that’s why the different surname.”

Realizing that JaeIn was not around, Lay could not help but felt a slight disappointment, “Where’s Jaein?”

“Shopping with my mother, she didn’t want to go but my mum insisted so she had too. She much rather be spending her time at the nursery and tend to all her beloved  plants.” L replied, with a roll of his eyes.

Lay had really wanted to talk to her about today, but he knew that JaeIn has her own life too. But Luhan, L and WooHyun were great company to him. As they shared stories about their lives, laughing at each other, Lay forgot about his misery for that little while.

From what he found out, L was a really cold guy when he was young, until JaeIn  entered their family. She was shy at first, but soon warmed up to the whole family. L could not keep up his cold personality around the bundle of joy, and soon learned to communicate more with other people. Lay could sense L was really proud of JaeIn and loved her with his soul.

At the moment, Lay wanted to find out more about JaeIn. He knew the chances of recovering were slim, but he wanted to try his best for JaeIn. It doesn't matter whether he could not play basketball anymore, he just wanted to do something.

What he didn’t knew was, JaeIn was impacting his life bit by bit, soon to be irreplaceable.


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SilentBliss #1
Chapter 4: Sure, I'll wait ^^ Good luck on learning for the exams ;)
SilentBliss #2
This seems interesting ^^ I hope you'll update soon :)