
Can we turn back time?

Even after we get off the lift, he has his arm wound around me, holding me tight against his side. He leans his head down and kisses my hair. I smile up at him and his eyes are shining brigther than they have yet. He takes my breath away.

We end up in front of my door. He leans down and whispers, “I don’t want to let you go.” I can’t even speak. Jokwon and I look at each other and neither of us wanted to leave.

“Goodnight, nuna. Are we still good for breakfast in the morning before your flight?” I nod. “Thank you for a wonderful night,” Jokwon finally says, kissing my hand.

When I walk into the restaurant the next morning, I immediately see Jokwon. He is sitting in front of massive windows with the white mountains behind him. He could be on a movie set, only he’s better looking than any actor I’ve seen. His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes this morning,  and my heart drops in my stomach. Maybe he’s just tired.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Yeah...” He smiles, but I’m not buying it.

He doesn’t say anything for a while, and I just look out the window trying to figure out what he was thinking.

Finally, he says: “So... do you have a full semester coming up?”

“Yes, pretty full.”

He nods. This is painful.

“What about you – do you have a busy winter touring?”

“Yeah, I’ll be all over the place for the next few months.”

I sit awkwardly while we wait for the food. I can’t believe how this feels. Wht does it end like this every time I’m with him? I wish I had the nerve to ask him, but I’m afraid if I do, I’ll end up crying.

“Nuna – “

I look up from my plate and wait.

“I’ve really enjoyed being with you this week. Just being near you, getting to know you...it’s...been one of the best weeks I can even remember.” He looks shy as he’s saying this. “You are ..... the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen....”

When it’s time to go, we stand up and he gives me a long, sweet hug.

On my return flight to Seoul, I found myself sitting next to Choi Pilkang. We get to know each other more and he invited me to a new year eve party hosted by JYP. I’m a big fan of JYP since I was young. He is a famous music producer and a singer himself . Pilkang and I exchanged phone number and we promised to contact each other soon.

Back in Seoul, I finally reunited with Jea unnie. And she is introgating me as soon as I stepped into the apartment. I tell her the whole story and decided to invite her to the new year’s eve’s party. Turns out that she has no plans that day and she agreed to go with me.


The party is already going strong when Jea unnie and I get there. The party was held in a really big place. Luckily, I’m wearing my killer heels and can spot Pilkang right away. I grab Jea unnie’s arm and we make our way to him. I introduced both of them and they seem to like each other. We talk for a few minutes and Jea unnie decided to have a dance with Choi Pilkang. I decide to grab a drink and on my way to the bar I see JYP. He’s taller than I expected and even better looking. The person next to JYP gave me a small heart-attack. Guess who did I see? Yes, It was Jokwon.

I decided to give a small surprise the moment I saw him. I walk pass through the crowd, getting nearer and nearer to Jokwon but making sure that he won’t spot me. As I am getting closer to him, I went towards his back and gave him a back hug. He was shocked of course but he looked very happy and his smile takes my breath away. He turn his body around to give a proper hug.

“Nuna – How did you get here?! I was planning to give you a surprise tomorrow by showing up in front of your apartment.”

“Really?! Pilkang-ssi invited me here.”

He gave me that sheep-ish smile and takes my hand. He leads me to a quiter place so we can talk.

“How are you nuna?! It has been so long!”

“I’m fine. How about you? Yah – Do you know JYP? Are you close with him?”

His smile suddenly faded. “Why are so curious about my relationship with JYP? Aren’t you suppose to be more curious about me?” He said, showing his jealousy.

“Are you being jealous right now?! I’m just a big fan of JYP. Why are you getting jealous over something like that?!” I said with a big smile on my face.

“Why? Can’t I be jealous? You’re mine, nuna. I have the right to be jealous! JYP is one of my close hyung. He is lke a mentor to me. He’s inviting me to be the opening guest for his upcoming concert. I think it is around next week. Do you want to come?”


“I’m not inviting you to watch JYP’s performance but to see MY performance.” He said showing some jealousy again.

“Okay, I get it. Don’t get jealous! I’m just a fan.”

We finall stop our conversation when the countdown to midnight begins. We’re all yelling, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Happy New Year!” Fireworks and confetti go flying and while I’m still looking up at all the flying colors, Jokwon pulls me in and kisses me.


A/N: Hey guys!!! I'm back with a short(?) update!! This was suppose to be a longer chapter and was planned to be updated yesterday.....but then i fell sick. So sorry for any typo as I told you before, I'm not feeling really well so please understand hehehehe....

ANYWAY, have guys heard Adam couple's new duet?!!!!! it's called Q&A a song produced by JYP! It's a ballad song and its about breaking up! I'm so excited hearing they will be doing a duet!!! I really hope they could perform it on broadcast tho....AND Gain said in an interview that he's relationship with Jokwon is above dating. I'm so happy these days because of them xD

Thanks to everyone who is reading my fic and patiently wait for an update xD you guys are the best!!!

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Chapter 8: ❤2! Continue please... AC forever ^^
effiea #2
Chapter 8: #2 please continue this fic! Adam Couple is forever :)
cidutz #3
Chapter 8: 2 continue please n make happy ending:)
Chapter 8: 2. continue please~
Chapter 8: Please continue
angelkwon #6
Chapter 8: 2.Please continue this fic
aforeverbegfan #7
Chapter 7: Update soon~ LOL Choi Pilkang's appearrance
effiea #8
Chapter 6: Great chapter! such cute interactions between kwon and Gain! Good luck in school!!!!
SonGaInFan #9
Chapter 5: That is a great update. Man jo kwon is such a player! I'm Curious what Gain will do now.
She should dumb him now and go with somebody else mh. Maybe jinwoon for a change.XD

Please update super fast.keke
DeeanaRZ #10
Chapter 5: Keep updating ~~~~ anyway have a good year ahead!!! Ahhh u put pilkang in this fiction. Hehhhee. Fun. Any jea-pk moments.? That'll b cute.