
Can we turn back time?

The meeting with Jokwon hovers over me all day. Playing and replaying every touch, every  inflection and every word spoken. I'm confused on whether or not Jokwon like me. I find it impossible in any way for him to like me. Serious time with Jea unnie is what I need. She knows me better than anyone else. I texted her after we left the restaurant that I'd met Jokwon and she flipped, but I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet. As far as I know, she's the only one who isn't completely eager on Seunggi. I can't get a stright answer on anything she doesn't like about him, only that she doesn't think he's the one for me.

And Seunggi...I have a half hour before he picks me up for our date, and all I can think about is Jokwon. I have to pull myself together. Seunggi is perfect. Really, he is. My parents say it all the time. He was the best looking guy I'd ever seen...until I saw Jokwon up close and personal.

"Gaaaiiiinnnnn-ahhh! Seungi's here!" My mom calls.

"I'll be right down," I yell back.

Seunggi looks handsome in his suit. I felt a little bit guilty as I think about how Jokwon would look in that suit.

The drive goes by quickly as we speed and sing along with the radio. The light-hearted mood changes a bit once we get to the restaurant. I've done fairly well not obsessing about Jokwon, but it is taking considerable effort. Seunggi seems more serious than usual as we're seated at a beautiful table, overlooking the ocean. There are roses at the table and when I look at them closer, I see a little card with my name on it.

"Seunggi-ah! You did this?!"

He grins and for a moment I think I've misjudged his seriousness. He kissed my cheek and tells me I'm pretty.

"The flowers are gorgeous! Thank you!"

I open the card and it says, "For an unforgettable night with an unforgettable girl. Yours forever, Seunggi."

I hug him and while waiting for our food, Seunggi suddenly clears his throat and startles me.

"So yesterday was interesting," he says.

"Yes, it was. Did you like Taecyeon? He's nice, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he really is. I lked him a lot. And Jokwon sure was into you."

My face goes hot. " He was just being friendly."

"Yes, Very friendly." He mutters.

I'm left speechless. After we finish our dinner, Seunggi suddenly called me with a very serious expression.

"Gain-ah? You know I'm in love with you, right? I have been since I first laid eyes on you a year ago. Being with you the last several months has been the best time of my life. I thought we would wait - But I can't wait. I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I've spoken to your parents, and they've given me their full approval." Seunggi reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box and sets it on the table.

I begin to choke. No, really, I lose all breath and cannot get it back. Seunggi's loving expression turns into fear as he realize that my choking isn't stopping. He stands up and pounds on my back. Luckily, I get back to my sense and heave a breath that finally works.

"Are you alright?" Seunggi stand besides me and grabs my water glass. He looks so concerned; I want to cry.

"What do you say, Gain-ah? Will you marry me?" He has guts; I'll give him that. Apparently, I was wrong about the patience. He opens the ring box, I stare at the gorgeous solitaire. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. I'm in shock.

After we sit there, looking at each other for an eternity, Seunggi finally says. "I've freaked you out, haven't I."

"I'm sorry. I don't think I can accept this, Seunggi. I'm going in just a few weeks. I like how we are now. We have fun. It's good. Simple. Let's just keep it like this," I plead.

"Why won't you tell me you love me?" He suddenly asks.

"You know how I feel about that." It's not something I can say lightly, not with boyfriends anyway. I don't plan to tell a guy I love him until I'm sure.

"Do you love me?" He demand once again.

"I love you, but...I'm not sure I'm in love with you." That stuns him.

"I know you haven't said it back, but I thought you were feeling it," he whispers.

He puts the box back in his pocket, loosen his tie and looks out the window for a long time. I feel terrible for hurting him. I try to think of a way to make the mood lighter but it's just not happening. Finally, he looks at me and tries to give me a reassuring smile.

"I can wait. We're going to be alright, aren't we? You don't want to marry me......yet. But someday?"

"I..........don't know." I answer.

But inside I'm afraid I really do know. And even thought I'm mortified with the direction of my thoughts have taken me, I am almost fully certain that I would have said the exact same thing even if I hadn't met Jokwon. But since I did meet him, the answer is suddenly becoming clearer.  I cannot marry Seunggi.

The next day Seunggi calls and says he's going to see his family in Gwangju for a week. He needs to think. A month ago, I would have been sad for him to go, especially this close to leaving for school, but I am so relieved.

Jea unnie calls after I get off the phone with Seunggi. "Is loverboy over there?"

"No, he's going home for the week. To think about his heartbreak." I snap.

"You're heartless," she laughs.

Jea unnie and I are both moving to Seoul to continue our studies. At night, Jea unnie come over my house to have a movie marathon.

We haven't made it through a single movie yet. It's still paused, and Jea unnie is asking question after question about Jokwon. I tell her the whole story at least three times before she is fully satisfied. Yes, she confirms. He's way into me.

"But you didn't give him your number, did you?" She wrinkles her nose.

"No! Seunggi was rght there!"

"psssshhhhhh, You would have given your number!" she scoffs.

"Can you imagine if i did end up with Jokwon some day? It's really impossible, but let's say I did. When people ask how we met, what would I say? 'Well,uh, I was at lunch with family friends and had my boyfriend on one side and Jokwon on the other. I was love at first sight.' Ahhhh!" I put my head in my hands.

"Or what about if I did marry Seunggi and everyone wanted to know about how he proposed? 'Well, let's see... He proposed right after I met the man of my dreams.' There is no tidy outcome to this situation."

"To be honest, I surprised he hasn't called you anyway. He sounds like he isn't afraid of being persistent. He could have gotten your number from Taecyeon." Jea unnie suddenly says.

"I think he was going to have a busy week. I wonder is this weekend is still happening.....I think I 'm supposed to go to Taecyeoon and Tiffany's on Saturday."

"You didn't tell me that part! How could you forget to tell me that?! Here, ask your mom....text her really quick and see," she excitedly throws my phone.

Within minutes my mom texts back that the plan is still on for the weekend and Jea unnie squeals. "Okay, what else did you leave out? Start again from the beginning AGAIN."


I know there's no adam couple moment in here but I have no choice. This chapter is quite important as it explain how gain-seunggi relationship will be in the future. There will be sweet adam couple moment in the next chapter so don't worry.....sorry if it disappoint you guys :( but I still hope you guys enjoy the story and comment :p

Merry Xmas everyone!!! xD

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Chapter 8: ❤2! Continue please... AC forever ^^
effiea #2
Chapter 8: #2 please continue this fic! Adam Couple is forever :)
cidutz #3
Chapter 8: 2 continue please n make happy ending:)
Chapter 8: 2. continue please~
Chapter 8: Please continue
angelkwon #6
Chapter 8: 2.Please continue this fic
aforeverbegfan #7
Chapter 7: Update soon~ LOL Choi Pilkang's appearrance
effiea #8
Chapter 6: Great chapter! such cute interactions between kwon and Gain! Good luck in school!!!!
SonGaInFan #9
Chapter 5: That is a great update. Man jo kwon is such a player! I'm Curious what Gain will do now.
She should dumb him now and go with somebody else mh. Maybe jinwoon for a change.XD

Please update super fast.keke
DeeanaRZ #10
Chapter 5: Keep updating ~~~~ anyway have a good year ahead!!! Ahhh u put pilkang in this fiction. Hehhhee. Fun. Any jea-pk moments.? That'll b cute.