Just Jonghyun

Just Jonghyun


It was nearly four o'clock in the late afternoon and Jonghyun was studying for a mid-term coming up in a week and a half, when there was a sudden knock at the door.

Sighing at having been disturbed, Jonghyun got up and opened the door, only to reveal his landlord on the other side.

"Mr. Kim, I need your monthly rent, please."

Jonghyun paled. He had been so caught up in trying to get his school-marks up, that he had completely forgotten about paying rent. He had been so sure that he still had another week left before his payment was due!

"M-Mr. Park," he began, starting to panic. "Would I b-be able to get an extension?"

Jonghyun knew what the answer would be, even before the older man spoke.

"I'm afraid I can't give you an extension," Mr. Park said, truly regretting the fact that he couldn't.

"B-But if you just give m-me a week, I can get you the money!" Jonghyun floundered, knowing that he needn't bother trying to bargain.

Mr. Park sighed, putting a hand on Jonghyun's shoulder.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Kim, but I just can't afford to wait. If you can't pay the rent... I'm afraid that I'll have to evict you. There's a young family looking for an apartment, who are ready to pay full price and...well, I really can't wait for you to get the money."

Jonghyun felt so numb that he couldn't cry, scream or protest. Although he really wanted to blame and accuse Mr. Park of being heartless, he just couldn't. The man wasn't really at fault. As a landlord, he had to be tough, or else everyone else would start skipping their payments. And Jonghyun knew that Mr. Park was only somewhat better off than he was. Around the part of town in which they lived, no one had more than enough money to get by and it was easy for things to turn into a situation where every man was for himself.

"I'll start packing my things," Jonghyun said, monotonously.

"Well, I don't see why you can't stay for tonight," Mr. Park said, feeling bad for the boy.

Jonghyun shook his head. He had no where to go and staying in the flat that was no longer his for one more night wasn't going to change a thing.

What really drove the nail through his heart were Mr. Park's parting words.

"There's a shelter just down the block that you could try for help."


Without a backward glance at his former home, Jonghyun headed out onto the streets with his school bag full of books and a small duffel bag containing the clothes and few possessions that he owned. He had packed a couple of water bottles, one from which to drink, and the other as wash water so that he could make at least a half-decent appearance in public, the following day.

Fortunately, he had some loose change in his pocket, and he figured that he was at least going to take a bus to a safer part of town. Even if there was a homeless shelter nearby, he was pretty sure that none of the public places in this area were very safe, especially during the appraoching night.   

On the bus, Jonghyun could only watch the other passengers, unable to stop himself from feeling envious of them.

In the seat across from him, a young woman was reading a book, seeming totally absorbed in the plot. Jonghyun couldn't remember the last time that he had had the time for leisure reading.

A bit further down was seated a business man, talking rapidly on his cell phone. He probably had a well-paying job and didn't have to worry about not having a home to return to that night.

Jonghyun got off of the bus at the next stop. Coincidentally, he was at the soccer field where Minho's game had been, only a few weeks before.

Slinging his bags over his shoulders, Jonghyun walked toward the bleachers, seating himself in th second row.

He let out a loud sigh. The sun was already setting, and it was becoming clear to him that he might spend the night in the bleachers. Heck, he might spend the next few days sleeping in the bleachers. But even a park bench in this part of town made for a safer refuge than the little district that he had just left.

He had just been evicted. With exams coming up, too. What would he do?

He knew that Kibum, Taemin and Jinki wouldn't hesitate to let him stay with them if he asked. But that was exactly it. If he asked. Regardless of how obviously in need of help he was, Jonghyun still couldn't bring himself to reach out to them, even if they were his friends. He felt extremely protective of what little pride he had left, and he just couldn't bear to "degrade" himself further by telling them that he had no home anymore. He also didn't want to be a burden. Kibum and Jinki were living in a flat that had been partially provided for them by their parents, while Taemin still lived with his. It just didn't feel right to intrude in another person's home.

Jonghyun closed his eyes, letting the frustration, fear and sadness that he had been trying to ignore, over-take him entirely.

What had he done to deserve this?

Things had been going so well for him, up until this point. Well, not exactly, but he had made it to university, and, even though he still had another six or seven years of medical school up ahead, he was closer than he had ever been to fulfilling his dreams.

Mentally, he began to rage at Buddha, God, or whichever divinity he could think of. He felt that it was so cruel, to have been given a chance at his dreams, to have been led on to believe that he actually had a chance at accomplishing them, and then to have them forcefully ripped away. It would have been easier to deal with, had he not even made it to university in the first place, and not have known the feeling of satisfaction of having made good grades and completing each year successfully, making him one year closer to opening his own practice, and living a life that he had always dreamed of.

At least he didn't have work, the following day nor did he have school-it was a statuary holiday.

Possessed by a feeling of cynicism and morbid pessismism, Jonghyun silenced the little optimistic voice in his mind, throwing his head back and laughing almost maniacally at the sky. How deep in the shadows did he have to be to actually be looking toward no work (he could have been making some money) and no school (he would at least be able to live in the warmth and shelter of the building for a few hours) as silver linings.

Having had enough of trying to pull his own weight, and having had enough the situation, Jonghyun hid his face in his hands and started to cry.


Hey everyone,

I just want to mention a few things about this chapter when I was writing it:

1) There is a significance about the fact that Jonghyun's break down is taking place at sunset- remember what Key said about not having to hide at "under the sunset sky" ? Jonghyun is finally being honest with himself and sees how much he actually needs help, even if he's not willing to accept it.

2) Jonghyun's feelings of despair are kind of mirroring my own right now... I really love singing and, at some point, I wanted to become a singer (I changed my mind, though- I think that would be too stressful ^^'). I was supposed to take singing lessons this summer, but I had to skip so far four out of a six week program because I've lost my voice. This doesn't happen often, but it does sometimes (even when I'm not sick) and I had it checked out with a specialist a couple of years ago. According to an endoscope they took (that's when they stick a camera down your nose and look at your throat/vocal cords etc. It 's really uncomfortable ^^') there's nothing wrong with my vocal cords. It just happens some times, and my voice usually resolves itself on it's own. But this time, I've lost my voice for over three weeks, and it's still not coming back. I'm just really frustrated about it, especially because I was so excited about taking singing lessons!!! U_U My singing teacher took this week and half of next week off because she's getting married and I kind of feel like Jonghyun- it feels like some "higher power" or "divine force", "karma", "just plain old life" is "playing" with me because it feels like I have a bit more than half a week for my voice to get better (my teacher and I arranged all the makeup lessons) but it doesn't seem like it will get better. I kind of feel like it's a "so close yet so far" situation, and I just feel kind of distressed about not being able to do the things I want to do because of something that I have no control over.

Anyway... sorry for putting all my worries on you guys ^^' it just really helps me to deal with the situation by writing it down. 

I also hope that the Jonghyun that I've portrayed in this chapter is someone that anyone who's dealing with a tough or frustrating situation can relate to, whether it's something personal, or with friends/family/boyfriends/girlfriends or school...anything. I hope that this chapter can reach out to you as an outlet for frustration as it has for me

Thanks for reading, commenting, subscribing!! And on a less morbid note, I'm think of writing a Kangin x Heechul oneshot or drabble either today or tomorrow. Just can't get enough of that pairing ^^

Once again, thanks for sticking with this story, and for being patient with me ^^

x Angela

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Chapter 20: Really nice story, I love it! ♥
Chapter 21: RIP Jonghyun.... as if my year couldn’t get worse, this just had to happen... I wish I could see him again, see him smile and tell him everything will be okay. I love how you’re so positive, I can’t see past tears. Suicide is awful, it takes a lot to one day give up your life, human instinct forces us to live until the last moment... poor jonghyunnie had gone past saving, he just wanted relief. I pray for him from the bottom of my heart, he was an angel... angels don’t survive in this cruel world.
oas2310 #3
Chapter 20: Awwww. This is really cuteeeeee. I'm Jongho shipper btw. Thanks for making this story. Well, i regret why i didn't read it before T_T
blozee #4
Chapter 20: awww what an amazing story i love it so much! thanks for writing this! ♥ i really like your writing style, it's great. i wish you will update another beautiful story about Jongho sometime. ;)
I just finished this story and it was so lovely! Thank you so much for writing it ^^ Your writing style is really beautiful and descriptive and I love the way you incorporated life lessons into this cute story~ You seem like such a friendly person too, it's so refreshing to see that! I'm not much of a crossover person but the pairings you created were too cute! ^^ Thank you for writing this, it was truly really adorable! <3
SpiritedAegyo #6
Just wanted to say "aaaaahw" and I love jongho!!!!! <3 thank you for writing Jongho <3 <3 <3