Just Jonghyun

Just Jonghyun

Minho visited the café every day, in the two weeks following his and Jonghyun's exchange of telephone numbers. It had become blazingly obvious to Kibum and Taemin that Jonghyun was harboring increasingly romantic feelings for their new regular customer, and Kibum teased Jonghyun about it, religiously.

"You were as red as a traffic light," Kibum kindly stated, after Minho's latest visit.

Taemin laughed as Jonghyun turned red enough to be able to stop all of downtown Seoul's roadway traffic.

"Your comments aren't helpful," Jonghyun ground out, irritated.

"Don't worry, hyung," Taemin put in. "I'm sure Minho likes you, too."

"Of course he does!" Kibum scoffed. "Why else would he keep coming back? Besides, I tested him."

Jonghyun and Taemin whipped around, looking at Kibum.

"You didn't tell him anything, did you?!" Jonghyun exclaimed, instantly panicking over the possible revelation of his private feelings.

"Of course not," Kibum sighed. "How could I? I'm in the back, making coffee all day. I figured that he was either here because our coffee is unusually good, or because he wanted to talk to you. So I started leaving some coarse coffee grounds in his drinks, on purpose, or sometimes I brew it too much or hardly at all. He's been drinking nothing but hot water with only a hint of arabica beans for the past week, and he's still coming back. So it must be you," Kibum explained lightly, as if he hadn't been charging a man full price for a cup of coffee who's quality wasn't even worth half.



Minho skillfully intercepted a pass, as he and his soccer team worked on some field drills, outside.

"If we keep playing like this, there's no way that we can lose the game next week," Kyuhyun shouted with enthusiasm as Shindong saved yet another goal.

"Don't say that so soon!" Heechul chided, playing with Kangin's hair, as the latter reclined on his lap.

"Aww, come on, Chullie. We're not that bad," Kangin smiled up at his boyfriend, reaching up to tug on the elder's ponytail.

"Hey...!" Heechul whined and protested with a pout, that was soon replaced with a smile as Kangin made an effort to hoist himself up and kiss his lover.

"Kangin's right, Chul," Ryeowook said, rather untactfully whacking his team mate on the back for emphasis- while the elder had his lips on Kangin's. "Lighten up!" The younger grinned, not realizing that his suggestion to do so had also bruised his friend's lips.

"Oww..." Heechul rubbed his lips with his index and middle fingers, waiting for Kangin to kiss him better.

"We practiced hard... but anything can happen," Siwon joined, striking a compromise between the two perspectives.  

They continued to watch the scrimage, that had Minho, Leeteuk, Henry, Shindong and Hangeng out on the field.

The entire team consisted of aspiring professionals, all greatly skilled, but Minho stood out from the group. He had been appointed team captain, despite his young age, and was always ready to offer his hyungs some advice.

Most importantly, however, was that the entire team were all friends with each other, and had endured many losses and celebrated just as many wins together.

"Well, I guess that about does it for today," Minho announced, fluidly kicking the football from the ground into his hands, just as the sun was beginning to set.

"Good! I feel so dirty and gross right now," Shindong remarked as he did a once-over of his grass and mud-stained trousers and less than fresh smelling shirt. 

He was speaking for the entire team as they eagerly made their way inside the training facility, wanting more than anything to shower and change into a fresh set of clothes.

"Hey guys," Minho began, as, after washing and changing, they exited the building. "I know this really nice café in town that we could try," He suggested, ignoring the fact that he'd noticed an obvious and significant decline in the quality of his usual order. The coffee had been delicious during the first week that he had gone to the small shop, and he was convinced that the staff was probably just having some problems with their appliances. Besides, there was the cute server, Jonghyun, that he had been making a point of visiting...

"Ooo! Let's go!" Leeteuk exclaimed, excitedly. He loved small coffee shops with a warm, cozy setting.

It was the "team-tradition" that, every time after a practice, they'd go out for a meal or a coffee together, so that they could take their minds off of an upcoming game and simply focus on being friends.


It was with quite a bit of shock that Kibum, Taemin and Jonghyun saw a group of nearly twenty people, headed right for the café, with Minho leading them.

"Oh wow..." Kibum stared. "You and I are goig to be very busy, Tae."

The small café easily served well over twenty people each day, but had never had nearly twenty people at once. It was a good thing that it was currently nearly vacant, or else the shop would not have been able to accomodate them.

The three boys tried not to stare, as Minho introduced each of his team mates. They thought that it was a shame that their boss wasn't in that day- he would have to think twice before yelling at them again, if he knew that they were capable of bringing in so many customers. 

As efficiently as possible, the three worked to prepare the lattes, teas and coffees, and serve up the cakes, muffins and sandwiches that the team had decided on. Luckily for them however, their customers viewed them as friends more than waiters, and were easy-going about the speed of the service. More than anything, they were just trying to make conversation, and the café's atmosphere became even more light and warm than usual.

They were just about to leave, when Minho had an idea.

"Hey guys... How would you like to come and watch our game next week?" He offered, sincerely hoping that the three boys would accept, especially Jonghyun. He had really come to like the older man, and was looking for any chance that he could get to spend more time with him.

Jonghyun, Taemin and Kibum looked at each other for a moment, then nodded.

"Why not?" Jonghyun smiled.

He didn't know much about soccer, and neither did Taemin. They were both surprised when, a few weeks ago at a little "soccer party" that Kibum had organized (Jonghyun and Taemin had been the only ones invited), it was Kibum that was the most knowledgeable about the sport. The get-together hadn't been very productive, in terms of actually watching the game, though-the majority of the time had been spent with them lowering the volume of the television so that Kibum could explain to the two non-athletes why certain players had received penalties, or scored a goal. 

But if Minho was playing, Jonghyun didn't think that it would be necessary for him to have a strong understanding of the game in order to enjoy himself.

"Great!" Minho flashed his hundred-watt smile. "And please bring anyone else you want to," he added, before leaving the café with his friends.

Jonghyun figured that he would invite Jinki to come, as well. He was quite an avid sports fan, although he preferred watching them more than he did playing them.

A smirk crept across Jonghyun's face as he noticed Kibum's lingering gaze that was fixed on Leeteuk's retreating back.

He was going to have something to about, now.



And so the plot continues with Super Junior making their entrance as Minho's soccer team ^_^' For some reason, I find this really funny, and I started laughing as I wrote about them playing soccer. It got so bad that I had to get up and leave for a few minutes before I could continue. The thought of Shindong playing goalie just makes me smile ^_^

Yes, there will be eventually more Leeteuk x Kibum, and I have someone in mind for Taemin, as well (but it's a surprise^^) However, I'm not sure who to pair Jinki with....

That's why I need your votes!!

I thought that it would be a good way to involve you guys in the story by setting up a poll to see who YOU want to see Jinki with!!

 Annnd............ The poll's not working. Wow. That's anti-climatical. And I was really excited about inserting a poll, too!! T_T

 I pasted the link, but it keeps giving me an "error" message, and something about my browser not supporting the link or something... shoot. Well, I guess we'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way: 

 Who Should Jinki be Paired With?

A) Eunhyuk

B) Kyuhyun

C) Ryeowook

D) Sungmin

Please just leave a comment telling me who you'd like to see Jinki with, and I'll tally it up by hand ^_^'  I apologize to any silent readers who don't have accounts-it's not really fair that you guys can't take part in the vote, (I think you would have been able to if the poll worked) but hopefully you'll like the selection made :)

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, guys :(  If anyone knows why the poll's not working for me, please share ^^' I don't know much about computers, but when it mentioned my browser, it sounds like it's something to do with my Internet server.. I don't know. But please take part in my "manual poll"- I'd really love to hear from you guys^^

Also, the question about the name of the café is up for grabs, too:)

Thanks for reading!! (It is highly probable that I will be updating again, today!!)

x Angela




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Chapter 20: Really nice story, I love it! ♥
Chapter 21: RIP Jonghyun.... as if my year couldn’t get worse, this just had to happen... I wish I could see him again, see him smile and tell him everything will be okay. I love how you’re so positive, I can’t see past tears. Suicide is awful, it takes a lot to one day give up your life, human instinct forces us to live until the last moment... poor jonghyunnie had gone past saving, he just wanted relief. I pray for him from the bottom of my heart, he was an angel... angels don’t survive in this cruel world.
oas2310 #3
Chapter 20: Awwww. This is really cuteeeeee. I'm Jongho shipper btw. Thanks for making this story. Well, i regret why i didn't read it before T_T
blozee #4
Chapter 20: awww what an amazing story i love it so much! thanks for writing this! ♥ i really like your writing style, it's great. i wish you will update another beautiful story about Jongho sometime. ;)
I just finished this story and it was so lovely! Thank you so much for writing it ^^ Your writing style is really beautiful and descriptive and I love the way you incorporated life lessons into this cute story~ You seem like such a friendly person too, it's so refreshing to see that! I'm not much of a crossover person but the pairings you created were too cute! ^^ Thank you for writing this, it was truly really adorable! <3
SpiritedAegyo #6
Just wanted to say "aaaaahw" and I love jongho!!!!! <3 thank you for writing Jongho <3 <3 <3