Page 7 - Shaping the Diamond

Lesson to Kiss

Okay, this case is not as simple as I thought. I really feel sorry for Hyesung, he can never fall for anybody else because he always stuck with that idiot. Yet the one he loves is too blind to see the one stands right infront of him.

So I come to a conclusion that we have two major problem here. One, Eric is as straight as lamp pole cassanova. Two, Hyesung is clumsy dorky living thing who apparently is too pretty to be a guy. And those humans will be forever loner if we don't get them together.

So, whats your plan M? Can you use that rusty brain of yours?

"Don't start it brat, I'm not in the mood."

Fine. I'm just so bored.

"Seriously... Whats off here?  I mean, they had been together for ages. Eric is quit possessive toward Hyesung and Hyesung shower him so much affection yet he never catch that romantic feeling?"

Correction, he had once a romantic feeling with that tiny tiny spark of desire for a second.

"Yes, that night when Hyesung was drunken. But that is not enough Ai. If we were to shoot in that situation, I need at least 10 good seconds to lauch an arrow and 10 seconds mean me need at least a 3 lux sparks. You tell me what condition will ignite 3 lux spark?"

Um... I don't know. You're the God of Love. Not me.

"Come on, you've been with Cupid for so long."

Well. As I remember, Cupid always shoot when the couple is kissing. That is when heart races and ignites the spark, scaled 1-5 lux. But then again a simple touch can ignite up to 3 lux depend on the human himself and make love definitely 9 lux.

"Okay okay I got it. Don’t go too scientific with me." Mupid waves his hand. "See, that! Congratulation small headed, you just found a way with that little brain of yours. Make them kiss, shoot the arrow and boom! A beautiful love story."

Use your glasses M. Heck that cupcake even never kiss before. And seriously, that cold hearted? Kiss a guy? He's damn straight M, even straighter than you.

"That’s not a big deal. I’ve made a monk married a nun. Twisting and bending is my major.”

But still, with that reputation of yours..

"Cut it off already. Are you in? or not?"

You're the boss M. Lead the way.

"Okay then, we need to give them a lesson to kiss."



We are now heading to Shinwa Publishing, using car of course. We have to act like normal human anyway. Correction, its only Mupid who have to act like human. Nobody can see me anyway.

“Yes you are right.”

So what is our mission today M?

“Well, I don't really a detailed one actually. I tend to improvise." which I roll my eyes on it. "Hey small headed, collect Hyesung’s data, now.”

Don’t call me small headed you .

I flick-open my sGDB, and start to collect the data. Other than he likes panda, he also like rose, cheese cake and vanilla latte. Adore ballads, romantic comedies, and have an extreme obsession of cooking.

“Aren’t you reading my mom’s profile?”

In the name of Zeus NO! That’s what written here!

“Muahaha! Why are you so worked up? I’m just kidding.”

Well will you stop? I’m being serious here.

“Go on. Sorry.”

He reads Shakespeare, Danielle Steel and Watase Yuu? Afraid of bee and dark room. Zero tolerate to alcohol, INFP personality? He does charities, visits orphanage, free school founder? Oh dear good mother Aphrodite this guy is a complete Princess.

“Soon to be Queen.”



As we arrive at our office. Yes we have an office now, which is located next to Hyesung's door. And the latter is the first person who greet us. Eric, he is nowhere to be seen. Or maybe If I have to guess he must have hangover from last night.

"Whats my schedule today Ai?"

Ah, you have fashion photoshoot this afternoon. The theme is 'embrace summer'. We already have the model and the photographer will be right here in minutes to have discussion with you.


Not long after, we hear knocking on the door. That must be the photographer we said earlier. He is so young, his name is Jung Yunho. I guess he is in late 20s and so fashionable to If I may add. He is way taller than Mupid and he have muscular body anygirl will drool over.

As he walked in, Mupid please him sit down and talk about the photoshoot details. Mupid explain what point he wanted and the photographer nodded, agree the ideas Mupid brought are excellent. Not that I surprised, as human he already tried countless job before so it must came from his experience.

"So, I guess we have mutual understanding here, Yunho?" Mupid put down some papers he'd been holding.

"Of course, hyung." the young photographer smiled. Yes, he get closer to Mupid in no time. He has good personalities and really a nice person.

"And I have one more request, If you don't mind."

"Its okay hyung, you're the boss, and we're using your concept here anyway."




"Hyesung-ssi please."

"Minwoo-ssi, I'm sorry but I can't." Hyesung cupping his own face "I don't think I can. Oh my God."

"I swear I will give you anything if you just agree to be my model."

"I... I... Seriously. I wish I can help you Minwoo-ssi. What about the other model? Don't you have enough with just one model?"

"No! I need one more model. I have two concept in this session. The first one is bold and hot, that I believe the other model can represent it. Second is subtle and warm and I believe you are the one who can represent the concept."

"But why meee...?" He started panicking.

"Because you are the most suitable person I think I can find. Please Hyesung-ssi, please..." Mupid now begging down on his knees. Sometimes he just smart enough to pull a dramatic scene.

"Gosh, allright allright. But please make sure this is the first and the last time of me being your model. Oh my God I don't even know how to pose. And I'm sure my face doesn't sell. Minwoo-ssi I hope you didn't make wrong decision."

"Yes! Thank you. No. I never took wrong decision."



With that, Hyesung following us to studio where everyone is getting ready to start the photo session. At the corner we saw the young photographer is talking to someone. The guy is beautiful indeed with his jetblack hair, he is bit shorter than Yunho and the way he giggle while covering his mouth oh-so-girly.

"Oh hyung!" Yunho realize our present there."Here is my model, Jaejoong. He's been working with me for years." The said latter nodd and smiles to us.

"Nice to meet you, and this is my model Hyesung." Mupid introduce him.

"Yes, I know you. You are Eric-ssi assistant. He did mention you couple times in our conversation." The young photographer blunt statement. Leaving Hyesung blushing all over again. "Nice to meet you in person, because Eric-ssi said you are the half soul of this company."

"E.. Eric did say that?" Hyesung's eyes widen. And oh my dear God Hades, I see something brighter red than your flame, it is Hyesung's cheek.

"Yes, shall we start now?" The young photographer nod to his model and the other take the sign.

"Hyesung-ssi please get yourself ready." Mupid drag him to makeup artist to change his appearance.

I can see Hyesung is really nervous. Its his first time being model afterall. The make up artist not wasting anytime, as Hyesung sit down the beauty corner, she works her magic hand on him. She start pinning his bangs and apply some liquid at first, and after that layers of cream and powder I don't know whats that called. Lastly she works on his eyes. She draws black liner framing his eyes and oh my dear God! Is that Hyesung or somebody else?

"Oh God! Is that me?" Hyesung the same with me surprised with his different look.

"Of course its you who else?" the make up artist shaking her head, a little bit annoyed with Hyesung's antics.

"Sorry." Hyesung mumbled. Its not his fault, he is just too plain to be true.

Mupid can't stop giggling either."Wait till you see him Eric-ah~." He pinch the bridge of his nose. "Speak of which, where is our prince now?"

I was about asking the same thing. I flick out my sGDB and search for Eric's position right now.

He is on the way here M.

And that I see once again, an evil smirk on Mupid lips. He goes to wardrobe and whispering something to the staff before taking his leave.

"Everything is set down here, shall we our prince then?"


Right to our calculation, Eric arrive not long after we leave the studio. He feels a bit weird to not finding that certain someone he used to seek firstly in the morning. And here we are, settled nicely on office couch.

"Minwoo, did you see Hyesung? He is not in his office."

"Of course. Oh I'm sorry not to tell you beforehand. He is helping me at the studio."

Eric just mouthing 'O'.

"Oh, I'm sure you don't want to miss his new-founded talent, Eric."

Nice turn M, you just giving curiosity to a cat.






Hi dear reader, I know I had been long abandoned this story ^^" I'm really sorry.

Well, I really really appreciate your love for this story thus I continue to write on, beside myself keep wondering how this story will end. Because like Mupid said, "I tend to improvise".

Again, I'm really sorry to make you waiting.

And oh yeah, lets cheer for Shinhwa's someback <3

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tomatogurl #1
Chapter 10: Wow thank you for the fast update authornim ^^ I wonder when will Eric realised he act like a creepy obsessive stalker to our Hyesungie >_<" he even knows all his daily routine and password code... that's not a normal friend do mr mun. Mupid does a splendid job~ And the author comment is really cute. I wish I can be the author XD have a nice weekend to you too authornim! Thank you for continue the story.
Leshin #2
Chapter 9: Arghhh u made my heart dugeun dugeun XD
When eric gave his coat to hyesung!
And yunjae is good too :D
Keep fightiiing !
Leshin #3
Chapter 8: Huaa!! Finally you continue this story, i think u already forget it ^^
Thanks to continue the story, i cant wait how eric will reacted when see model syung :D

Thank you very much authornim, fightiiing
Chapter 7: Please update soon author nim :D
feelgyo #5
Chapter 7: Hiiiyyyyy......a lil bit more!! >.< That was close unnie. :O
M, please do your trick sooner XDD

Thanks for your update unn ^^
Chapter 7: Aish so close. But erjic attract to syungie .
Thanks for the update