Page 9 - Waking Beast II

Lesson to Kiss

Sunday morning, he's already covered in sweat pants and windbreaker. Its one of Erics good habbit he go out for exercise on his free time. The sun shines rather brightly. He inhales a deep breath and start jogging along his usual track, and we already took note of it.

He don't know that today is going to be another day he going to remember along his life.

 In T minus 3 … 2 … 1!

I give them sign via my sGDB while keep monitoring Erics position on the screen. We are now all connected in a line. Oh, 'them' I mean Mupid's dream team.


Passing the park  he saw a couple sit down the bench under a dense tree. They’re male couple, holding hand giggling over nothing and soon claims each others lips.

Thats cute, but how can two guy can make out like that was what he thinking. He has nothing against gay, he just not familiar about it because he only has girls following him around, and Hyesung. But he doesn't counted right? Because he had been stuck with him since hundreds year before century.

Shaking the thought out of his head, he continues jogging, leaving the couple alone.


“Gah!” he push the man away. “What the Horus? It was supposed to be a peck! Just a peck! But you french kissed me! You ing french kissed me you !”

“Sorry, I’m a bit carried out.” The other god shrug.

"Carried out my ." Hermes won't let the other slip off his anger.

"But I'm good right?"

" you Horus."

Guys! Guys! Stop fighting. Café. Now!

 “Fine. Copied.” Hermes answered.


“Horus! Blow the wind! Blow the wind!” Mupid on the line.



Eric has no idea why suddenly the weather turns chill. Keep moving on, he hug himself and pull up his jacket.  Wasn't the weather is just so right back then?

As Eric pass by the usual café he hang out together with Hyesung, Its another male couple he see, their back on the window but he knows it judging by their figure. One wearing beanie leaning to the other bright haired male, caressing his hair.

“Please don’t tousle my hair so much.”

“Shut up, he's still watching us.”

“Shall we kiss again?”

“NO! Just stay still idiot.” Seems Hermes still have his temper high. Thanks to Horus.


What with today? Why he saw love blooming everywhere? Not to mention they are all male couples. Just why on earth he have this situation? He wants to tell Hyesung about what he saw today and laughed it away while devouring nice pancake and orange juice he usually had prepared for breakfast. But wait. Why did he think of Hyesung again?

Again he shakes the thought away and continue to walk.


"Good job gentlemens. Thank you very much." Mupid again dismissing Horus and Hermes. "Oh, Horus, I'll shoot Hermes for you one day."

"I'm so done with you guys." Hermes on the other line. Receiving laughters on the other ends.


So he continues walking. He’s around Minwoo’s apartment now. As the wind keep blowing and the weather seems went chilly, he think of dropping by one of his friend's apartment nearby which is happened to be Mupids. Visiting a friend won’t hurt right?

Plan C! Plan C! Where’s Cupid?

“I’m on my way!”

“Get your here quick!” Mupid yells on the other line.


Cupid appears from nowhere, like always.

“Quick! He’s near.” he hugs his twinnie like they never hug before.

Eric take another turn to the apartment entrance just to find his said friend is hugging other male romantically in the hallway. Which the explanation for the scene is Cupid gently caress Mupid's cheek with his fingers.

“Twinnie, you don’t shave today?” he whispers.

“Don’t have time C.”

Poor Eric to witness such scene.

“Ah, Eric. What a surprise to see you here." Mupid acts like he is surprised by Erics sudden appearance while he is the one who sets the whole scene. "Sorry, this is my boyfriend.” He act clumsy, like a deer caught in headlamp. Oh what a great actor you are.

"Oh, I'm... I'm just jogging nearby." Eric is rather awkward.

"Oh, Wannie this is my boss. I've told you about him before, you remember?"

Heck. Whose name is that?

“Yes, of course. Nice to meet you, I’m Dongwan. You are Eric, right?” Cupid rises bring up his hand to shake Erics

“Hi, nice to meet you to." giving Cupid a nice handshake. "I'm very sorry to disturb you two." his cheek blushing for such weird atmosphere. "Ah, I better leave you guys. I’m sorry.”

“No no its ok. I was going to leave anyway.” Cupid fake a sweet smile, eyes piercing to Mupid’s eyes romantically. "Thanks for the breakfast. You're so amazing." Again, a peck on Mupids lips.

Grrr. I’m going to puke guys. It’s the worst twincest scene ever. Argghh… just kill me already!

And I can hear Horus and Hermes laugh on the other line.

“Right, bye Wannie. See you tomorrow. I love you.” Mupid bid his twin goodbye.

“Have a great time, you two.” He wink and walk to his car on the other side of the street. So he has car now?

“Hey, Eric. Come in.” and thats how Eric falls in Mupid trap this time.

"Well, I'm.. quit surprised dude, I never thought that you.. that you.." They walk in Mupid's unit and the latter please him to sit on the comfort couch.

"Have a boyfriend instead of girlfriend? "

"Em.. well yes."

"See, for me, love is not about gender. Its all about one right person who cheer you up when you sad, who will lend their shoulder if you cry, who accept your flaws and will always there for you unconditionally."

Eric seems trying to absorb Mupids words. He tries to understand.

"Do you have a lover Eric? Real lover."

He saw a lot bad things happened back then. His father loves his mother and it brings him nothing but pain to death. His mother loves another guy that made her leave everyone who loves her. Since, he swear not to love.

"You know I'm not into romance and all." Eric smirk, thinking love is all bull.

"Then open your heart my dear friend. You can't hide forever."




"I don't care if you have to sell door to door!"

Their sells keep dropping in couple months that make Eric unleash his tantrums in the meeting. And thats the main reason Hyesung staying with him, to pull his sleeve down.

Its already late night after they finally wrap up with marketing division.


3.. 2.. 1 Cut!


"Oh my God! Eric, what happened?" Hyesung starts panicking when suddenly the lift they were in stopped and everything blackout.

"I don't know, seems power failure." Eric shrug eventhough he knows Hyesung can't see him. "Don't worry, they will fix it." Referring to the building technician. He fish out his phone and turn the flashlight mode so they can see each other.


If you ask whether it is our plan or not. Yes it is our wicked plan. We know Hyesung is afraid of dark and we also know Eric care enough to do something about it. 

"You sound like we're doing wrong."

But we are.


"Cupcake, you okay?" His phone battery already dropped off. He can't see Hyesung neither his present near him, but he can hear his uneven breathing. "Cupcake?" He moves around and find him crouching at the corner.

Without any order, Eric sit beside him and pull him closer to his embrace. "I thought you had grown up."

"I had." His voice shaking of scare. He holds the other arms tightly as if his life depend on it. He can feel Hyesung's thundering pulse in his vein when he support his hand to the others neck. Dark has always been his enemy.

"Sleep." He caress Hyesung's soft lock as if he wanted to soothe him and make him sure theres nothing can hurt him because Eric will always there to protect him. The other slowly drifted into slumber as he feel his all energy vapour into darkness.

The blindness must have working up all his other four sense, so Eric thought  the only explanation, because he swear he can smell Hyesung's sweet scent, he can hear Hyesung's soft breathing, he can feel Hyesung's warmth creeping under his very skin. And the worst part is he notice his own heart goes a bit over reacting of those common little things.

He feels silly.

We feel happy.



Minutes pass by, he don't know how long they had been trapped in the lift when finally the lights come back and the door opened.

"What the taking you so long?" He keeps his voice low even he is mad, not wanting to disturb the other guy whose in his arms.

"Sorry sir, we have trouble finding the failure." Knowing their boss temper the middle aged head security quickly give the reason.

 "Are you okay, sir?" The other man is their technician, waiting outside the lift asking because he see their boss flat on the floor, embracing his precious assistant.

"What happened to Hyesung-ssi? Shall we call ambulance?" the worried security again.

"No,no. Just get my car." He take out his car key and throw it to the security.



Collecting Hyesung's body on his arms once again, he decide just to lay him on his bed. Its not he don't know his pass code, but he don't plan to let the other knows that he actually knows every little thing about him.

The scent he smelled earlier, it came from his vanilla raspberry shower gel, the dark phobia he was suffering  is caused by his trauma back then when the bully of his elementary school locked him in the locker for hours before finally found by the teacher.

He knows exactly Hyesung wake up at 6 everyday  and do groceries every Friday night. He knows Hyesung love to watch drama and sing along Snowflower.

Laying himself down beside his sleeping assistant, he starts questioning himself. Is the tall wall he had built breaking down? And he had no clue why his writer friends words keep playing on his head like a broken record.



 That is a long update from me. ( considering I posses snail writing. )

Have a nice weekend all :)

Sorry for any grammatical error. Will check it later (if I remember). LoL

Again and again. Thank you for your subs, votes and comments <3

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tomatogurl #1
Chapter 10: Wow thank you for the fast update authornim ^^ I wonder when will Eric realised he act like a creepy obsessive stalker to our Hyesungie >_<" he even knows all his daily routine and password code... that's not a normal friend do mr mun. Mupid does a splendid job~ And the author comment is really cute. I wish I can be the author XD have a nice weekend to you too authornim! Thank you for continue the story.
Leshin #2
Chapter 9: Arghhh u made my heart dugeun dugeun XD
When eric gave his coat to hyesung!
And yunjae is good too :D
Keep fightiiing !
Leshin #3
Chapter 8: Huaa!! Finally you continue this story, i think u already forget it ^^
Thanks to continue the story, i cant wait how eric will reacted when see model syung :D

Thank you very much authornim, fightiiing
Chapter 7: Please update soon author nim :D
feelgyo #5
Chapter 7: Hiiiyyyyy......a lil bit more!! >.< That was close unnie. :O
M, please do your trick sooner XDD

Thanks for your update unn ^^
Chapter 7: Aish so close. But erjic attract to syungie .
Thanks for the update