TicToc - HoJi


-Eunji's POV-

Time was ticking slowly especially today . *TicTocTicToc* It's been 3 years since you left me , without a reason . You could've atleast see me one last time , or maybe not .Why did he left so suddenly ? I felt so betrayed.  I felt stabbed hre , in my heart .

"Howon Oppa , if you hadn't leave , it could be our 3rd year together . eung? I'll wait for you ," I dat at the balcony with our picture in my hands . 

The snow falling , reminds me of the day we start anew . Infact , a brand new start . 

-flashback- (Winter November)

It was winter and we were having our prom night . Lee Howon , Hoya , was my best friend since the start of high school . We were extremely close . People might think we were lovers .

"You look gorgeous !" Hoya stared in awe ."Oh , i have a gift for you ."

Hoya took out a small box and showing a necklace with the initial 'H' . 

"what's this?" I asked .

"My initial 'H' . I want to tell the others that you're mine . Eunji , will you mark this date and be mine ?" Hoya confessed .

He confessed , my bestfriend confessed . I felt like the happiest lady in this world . To be honest , i had feelings for him since the day we met . 

"ne , Howon-ah ," I smiled .

He smiled and helped me with the necklace.He invited me for a dance , slow-dancing . The guys that was with me throughout high school , the guy who was my bestfriend , was mine . 5 December 2009 .

-1 month later-

We were celebrating our one month together . We met at HongDae . I noticed Hoya's mood changed . What was troubling him ?

"Eunji-ya," Hoya spoke up ."I .. I will be leaving for London next week ."

"oh . I'll wait for you , i promise ," I tried hard to smile .

~It's almost time for him to leave . He didn't contact me or text me . I was so worried . *TicTocTicToc* He must've left . I sighed and stared at my phone . I was walking in the streets of MyeongDong when i bumped into his friends .

"Oh? Eunji-ida ," Sungyeol called out to me . 

"Annyeong ! Did you perhaps , contact with Howon ? " I asked 

"aniyo , he left for London yesterday night ," Woohyun answered .

"ah , ne , kamsahaeyo ," I bowed slightly and left .

Why did he left so suddenly? I felt so betrayed . Was he just playing with my heart ? I'm so confused , Howon Oppa.


I realized i was still standing at the balcony of the shop . I payed for my meal and went off . I was walking in the streets of MyeongDong , as usual . I bumped into someone tall with a lady beside him . 

"Mianha-," I was speechless . The guys standing infront of me. "Lee Howon?" 

"Jung EunJi?" 

He signaled the lady beside him to excuse us for awhile . He pulled me into a hug . He confused me . Should i be mad or should i accept this for awhile ? 

"Why did you left 3 years ago ? I asked straightforwardly ."I waited for you !I thought i was going to go crazy thinking about you ! and you're here ? with a lady ? Now i know the real you ! I hate you , I hate you ! "

"mianhae , Eunji-ya . I had no choice . My parents were threathening to hurt you . I wanted to protect you , and so i did as they say . I left for London and stayed with that lady ," Hoya took a breath . " After living with her for 2 years ,  I fell in love with her . I can't help it . She looks like you . Mianhae . She's ... She's my soon-too-be wife ."

It hurts . Indeed it hurts waiting for someone for 3 years and they returned so suddenly saying they're engaged or married . 

"You're so unbelieveable ... I wasted my 3 years for you , trying to contact you and there you were , having fun with a girl . You're such a hypocrite !" i backed away from Hoya . "Don't appear infront of  me , anymore . Just take it that ... that you're out of my life . Forever ." 

I couldn't hide my tears . I ran and ran bumping into people as i covered my vision . I'm such a fool thinking he would come back to me . 


I realized i was in the middle of the road . Just then , my visioned black out . Hearing only the sound of people crowding . *TiccTocTicToc* I guess it's the end of me ...


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Chapter 1: OMG PARK CHORONG DIED WHAT?!?!? omg update this chapter. i kust know what happens to Woohyun!
Chapter 2: 3 years? Its very long time
howon-ah how dare you T^T